The party spends several days in the lizardfolk village. One morning, a Zothian Elder named Inzi-uax introduces them to a new companion, Lor Si'Kink. Lor is a savage halfling who rides upon a large lizard named Xhotl. Intrigued by the heroes' tales of adventures in the chaotic city, Lor joins them. Tossing aside their previous quests, the part decides to focus on avenging the death of Eovan (though Elaryan claims the half-elf follows them in spirit). They travel through the fields south of the village, where they are attacked by a sinister lizard creature named Destrachan. A short battle ensues, and the party is victorious! But Elaryan has been slain. The party returns to the lizardfolk, where the elders raise the elf from the dead. The next morning, the party sets out again; this time they reach the city without incident. Making their way through the mists, they come across a chaotic palace. Malak is convinced that Fezghul, the fiery being that slew Eovan, must be here. Inside, the party does not find Fezghul; but they do encounter many strange phenomena, including a mad lich named Yithdul who begs for death. The heroes grant Yithdul his wish, slaying him and his Chaos Beast minions. Tired from their exertions, however, they decide to set up camp in Yithdul's chambers. Everyone who played gains 2,500 XP. ⇚­­­­­­­ Struck Down By Chaos The Return of Eovan ⇛