Elaryan Enroam awakes in the night, to find that Malak has failed as sentry, and is being feasted on by a gibbering mouther. Worse, Arthas has somehow disappeared! Elaryan, Eovan. Lor, and Xhotl rouse themselves and defeat the foul creature, but as they are regrouping, Malak also disappears Dauntless, the remaining heroes decide to venture on. The party manages to wrest the Staff of Rightful Rule from its receptacle. Only Lor is able to wield it, because the other party members are too chaotic. He exerts his force of will over the staff, and learns of its various powers. Thus armed, the party decides to find the library where Keeper Crove was last seen. On the way to the library, they encounter Ssik'Silith, the animated remains of a huge green dragon. "I know you," Ssik'Silith says, pointing to Lor, "You murdered me." Most of the party draws back in fear, but Elaryan approaches. Ssik'Silith places one bony claw on the sorcerer's head, then looks at Lor. "Everything has been cloudy for so long," it says, "but now, all is clear. Thank you for that clarity." As the party watches, dumbfounded, the dragon flies away. A long argument ensues, in which Lor accuses Elaryan of having some sort of connection to the dragon, Elaryan accuses Lor of being paranoid, and the Staff accuses everyone of being too chaotic. Finally, the group decides to enter the library. Inside, they meet Banderak, the final Sorcerer-prince. Applying subtle diplomacy, the heroes learn some important information about the princes, and about the Shoggoth that they summoned. Lor devises a plan: to summon one of the winged ape guardians (using the bell that Malak found in the spider eater nest), to use the ape as a distraction, and then to use the Staff of Rightful Rule to destroy the Shoggoth Stone. To that end, the companions take to the streets of Ulidvai, searching for their lost companions... Lor and Elaryan each gain 2,000 XP. ⇚­­­­­­­ The Return of Eovan Ape House ⇛