Malak, Artahs, and Yolotomassi join the heroes at the abandoned townhouse, only to find that Lor and Xhotl have disappeared. The party explores the upper floor of the house, defeating various abominations, destroying cocoons, and rescuing victims. They also discover something odd; two cultists have killed a third. A note on the dead cultists bodies reveals that he is from the Ebon Hand, while his betrayers are Brothers of Venom. Eventually, the party descends into the sewers below the townhouse, dragging the bodies of two comatose townsfolk with them. There, they discover a passage to a strange complex, where they are beset upon by an army of ratmen. The evil creatures wield are manner of strange weapons: pistols which belch fire, bombs which create great clouds of smoke, and massive explosives. Nonetheless, the heroes are victorious. There is one last detail about the great chamber where the battle takes place, however. Along one wall hangs banners representing several chaos cults: the spiral of the Cult of the Crimson Coil, the serpent of the Brothers of Venom, the mark of the Ebon Hand... and a fourth one, a cracked bell. Along another wall hangs a huge banner displaying the war banner of Talism! Everyone who plays gains 3000 XP ⇚ Thralls Well That Ends Well The Buried Tower ⇛