Hi, I would like to see a lot more support added towards music on roll20, I personally think it could be doing so much more than it is doing right now with not that much effort.
So, what would I like to see?
So, what would I like to see?
- Importing Soundcloud playlists into the Roll20 game as a playlist in Roll20. Or, at least, have a set of approved Soundcloud playlists. I'd love to just import some of the playlists on Soundcloud straight into the game with no time whatsoever, instead of having to search for each song individually.
- Global volume meter for playlists. Typically, if something's in a playlist, I want everything in it to be playing in the same volume. Instead of correcting the volume of each individual track, a global volume slider for the whole playlist would be very useful.
- Sharing playlists between games, ex. I have put in tracks in game x and I want to put them into game y, I should just be able to instantly do that rather than just searching for all of the tracks again.
- Hell, while we're at it, sharing tracks/playlists between Roll20 users, categorized by tags, maybe? (Ex. fantasy, fight, battle, etc.).
- Hotkeys to play certain sounds when pressed?
- Some way to give various degrees of jukebox access to other players (Would be useful for bards, for example)