With the SW FFG character sheet being under new management this will be the official thread for it now. Update 12/21/2016: I have not been updating this post or the sheet in quite a while. Currently, the sheet is being awesomely maintained by Tim P . To access the latest stable version of the sheet you can get it by going to your settings then the character sheet and select it from the drop-down of available sheets. This sheet requires the use of the Javascript API in order to function. This is a Pro subscriber only feature. Only the author of the campaign needs to be a Pro subscriber. If the author and the GM of the game differ the author creates the campaign and then the actual GM is then promoted to be a Co-GM by the campaign author and then each session the campaign author goes to the cogwheel and clicks the "rejoin as player" button in order to just be a player. In order to access the script portion of the sheet, you must go to the API section of the campaign settings and select it from the drop-down options. Thank you, everyone, for your continued use and support of this sheet and know that the maintainers old and current wouldn't be able to do without your support.