Samuel T. said: Samuel T. said: <snip> <snip> BBEG, complex nemesis, or Inquisitors should probably still use the full character sheet because of the information that is needed to be recorded allowing the NPC sheet or better yet the Quick NPC sheet to streamline down to only what is needed for very simple 1-dimensional npc characters. What about an "edit" view and a "play" view for the NPCs? As I've mentioned before, I am a big fan of the 5E SRD NPC display: This is a straight-up 5E stat block. The stuff in the official books is pretty much identical. And in Roll20, the name is a "hyperlink" that rolls for initiative. The attribute titles can be clicked to make attribute tests and the Actions can be clicked to roll the appropriate attacks. Comparing, now to a Nemesis stat block from F&D (Chiss Mercenary, p. 418; property of FFG - no claims to it, just using it for educational/informational purposes): What I think would be awesome would be if you could somehow parse all of the data on a fuller sheet and create a view of the sheet that condenses it down to this. The only things you need to add are: a condensed dice pool interface at the top, and "Current" fields for Wounds and Strain. Click the name, roll for initiative. Click a Skill, roll the skill. Click an attribute, roll an attribute or test for a skill with no ranks. Click the Blaster Rifle item and roll an attack. The corresponding "edit" screen can be large, multi-screened and multi-tabbed. No problems with that. But when I am in "play" mode, everything I need is condensed and quickly accessible. I realize this is probably asking a lot, and I'm just speaking for myself obviously, but thought I'd point to it as my ideal.