If anyone is interested, here are the macros I've been using. If you'd like to use them too just copy the garbally-gook in the blocks below. Create a "New Ability" on your character sheet and paste. Basic Combat Macro &{template:default} {{name= @{selected|token_name} attacks @{Target|token_name}}} {{Roll: = Effect [[2d6 +?{Rounds aiming?|none,0 [aiming]|1 minor action,1 [1 Minor action]|2 minor actions,2 [2 minor actions aiming]|3 minor actions,3 [3 minor actions aiming]|4 minor actions,4 [4 minor actions aiming]|5 minor actions,5[5 minor actions aiming]|6 minor actions,6 [6 minor actions aiming]|} +?{Is the target behind cover?|NO , 0|1/2 (-1), -1|3/4 (-2), -2 |Full (-4), -4} [Cover] +?{Did the target react?|NO , 0|Dodged (-1), -1|Ducked behind cover (-2), -2 |} [Dodge] +?{Ability|DEXTERITY (Melee or ranged), @{Dexterity} [DEX]|STRENGTH (Melee only), @{Strength} [STR]|} +?{Skill Level?|NO SKILL, -3 [No skill] |0,0 [skill]|1,1[skill]|2,2 [skill]|3,3 [skill]|4,4 [skill]|5,5 [skill]|6,6 [skill]|} +?{Other Modifiers|0}[DMs] -8 [to find effect] ]]}} I've tried hard to strictly follow all the Mongoose rules and modifiers. The idea behind it is that everyone can see why you keep missing, or why you keep getting an effect of 12. Anything not covered can be added in the "Other Modifiers" option when it pops up. When putting a positive modifier into this field, make sure you just type the number with no " + " sign. If you do it will create a "++" in the formula and the effect will equal 0. If you're applying a negative modifier you can type in the " - " sign without worrying about messing it up. You can also include reasons for the DM in the "Other Modifiers" field. So when it pops up you could type in "1 [computer help]". This will appear when folks mouse hover over the effect total. If you want to add multiple die modifiers in the "Other Modifiers" field just remember to leave out the " + " on the first modifier. So if you have a HUD and Intelligent weapon you could type in "2 [HUD] +1 [Intelligent wpn]". Both modifiers would appear when mouse hovering over the effect score. You could fiddle with this macro and make it weapon specific. I've got a laser pistol version of this macro that saves a bit of time by not asking me if it's a melee attack or what my skill level is. Auto Fire Macro &{template:default} {{name= @{selected|token_name} attacks @{Target|token_name}}} {{ROLL = ?{Autofire|2,[[1d6]][[1d6]]|4,[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]|6,[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]|8,[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]|} (Sort into pairs)}} {{DM: = [[?{Is the target behind cover?|NO , 0|1/2 (-1), -1|3/4 (-2), -2 |Full (-4), 0} [Cover] +?{Did the target react?|NO , 0|Dodged (-1), -1|Ducked behind cover (-2), -2 |} [Dodge] +@{Dexterity} [DEX] +?{Skill Level?|NO SKILL, -3 [No skill] |0,0 [skill]|1,1|} +?{Other Modifiers|0}[DMs] ]] (added to each roll)}} I avoid using this one, but here it is. I just find full auto fire a bit time consuming because you have to pair up the dice. This macro just rolls the dice for you and gives you the modifier you'd add to each pair of dice. It stops you from adding a skill level more than 1 as per the rules. You still need to pair up the dice yourself if you use this macro. Combat Damage &{template:default} {{name= @{selected|token_name} Damages @{Target|token_name}}} {{ ROLL = [[?{Number of dice|1,1d6|2,2d6|3,3d6|4,4d6|5,5d6|5,5d6|6,6d6|7,7d6|8,8d6|9,9d6|10,10d6|11,11d6|12,12d6|13,13d6|14,14d6|}+?{Bonus|0}+?{Effect|0}[Effect]+?{Melee or ranged?|Melee,@{Strength} [STR]|Ranged,0}+?{Autofire burst damage bonus|0}[Burst]]] ?{Damage type?|Standard, Standard|Stun, Stun|Laser,Laser|Flame,Flame|Plasma,Plasma|} damage.}} {{Penetration=?{Penetration|Standard,Standard - Subtract target's full armour value from damage.|Soft Target,Soft Target - Subtract double target's armour from damage|Semi AP, Subtract 1/2 number of damage dice from target's armour value before subtracting it from damage.|AP,Subtract number of damage dice from target's armour value before subtracting it from damage.|Super AP, Subtract 2x number of damage dice from target's armour value before subtracting it from damage.|Ultra AP, Subtract 3x number of damage dice from target's armour value before subtracting it form damage.|Mega AP, Subtract 4x number of damage dice from target's armour value before subtracting it from damage.|Ultimate AP, Subtract 5x number of damage dice from target's armour value before subtracting it from damage.|} }} This macro asks you for the number of dice, then the "bonus". So if your weapon does 3d6+3 damage then the "bonus damage" is +3. It also asks you a bunch of other damage related questions but I've made the most common answers the first option so you can quickly skip through it if you've got a regular looking attack. If you choose "Melee" then it will add your character's STR to the damage. Skill Check &{template:default} {{name= @{selected|token_name}'s SKILL CHECK}} {{Roll: = Effect [[2d6 +?{Task difficulty?|MODERATE (+0), 0 [Moderate task]|Simple (+6), 6 [Simple task]|Easy (+4), 4 [Easy task]|Routine (+2), 2 [Routine task] |Difficult (-2), -2 [Difficult task] |Very Difficult (-4), -4 [V Difficult task]|Formidable (-6), -6 [Formidable task]} +?{Ability|STRENGTH, @{Strength} [STR]|DEXTERITY, @{Dexterity} [DEX]|ENDURANCE, @{Endurance} [END]|INTELLIGENCE, @{Intelligence} [INT]|EDUCATION, @{Education} [EDU]|SOCIAL, @{Social} [SOC]|} +?{Skill Level?|NO SKILL, -3 [No skill] |0,0 [skill]|1,1[skill]|2,2 [skill]|3,3 [skill]|4,4 [skill]|5,5 [skill]|6,6 [skill]|} ?{Other Modifiers|0}[DMs] -8 [to find effect] ]]}} Pretty basic. Asks for the Task Difficulty, your Skill Level and other DMs.