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Is it possible to nest repeating sections?

Sheet Author
I am really, really hoping this is possible. If not then some of my sections will potentially have 11 rows to account for user choice. If nested repeating sections aren't a thing does anyone have any ideas on how to nicely deal with tables with a bunch of user input?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
A search of the forums reveals; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Samuel T. said: If nested repeating sections aren't a thing does anyone have any ideas on how to nicely deal with tables with a bunch of user input? Liberal use of&nbsp; Hide Areas , in the Css Wizardry thread, keeps things as tidy as you need them.
I really hope for this feature as well as it would make "nested things" easier to represent. I have not found a workaround for representation of multilevel nested elements with a variable count myself. However, I can see a lot of troubles implementing it, and as it looks not many people really require such a feature (the suggestion of mine has a total of 3 upvotes including my own ^^)
Sheet Author
Will you link me to your suggestion please? I'd be happy to support it.
Samuel T. said: Will you link me to your suggestion please? I'd be happy to support it. Here you go! Nested Repeating Sections
Sheet Author
Thanks Silvyre, apparently I was already one of the 4 to have backed the idea