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UK GM looking for 4 mature players for possible Friday evening game.

Hi, Im currently running a group through a 13th Age adventure on Roll20, and it's going pretty well. It's my first time at Roll20 but I think i have the hang of it now. I am looking for 4 reliable UK players to do the same adventure. You MUST have a mic and preferably a cam too to use Google Hangouts. You MUST NOT be a rules lawyer. You MUST be able to make Friday evenings UK time (8/9pm) every couple or three weeks..  I would expect players to be available for sessions before the start in the evening or weekends in order to discuss characters and familiarise yourselves with the basics of the system (i previously ran a minishot encounter to do this). I cannot guarantee this will actually take place, but my intention is to make it happen. From the responses on this post I will select the four, please do not be offended if you are not chosen, as you know, people drop out and RL/family comes first. It will not be a first come first served situation. Unlike alot of games advertised on here, you can expect a response either way. Thanks. Ade
If you are open to new players I would be interested. I have a decent mic/headset and I'm sure I could be persuaded to get hold of a cam. I'm UK based so the times are perfect for me.
Thanks for your interest, early days yet.
I'd be interested too. i live in the UK. so the times are great for me. mic and cam ready to go. only one problem. i don't know the game system. but I'm an experienced player/GM (15 years+) and i learn pretty quicky. if the group takes off though, i'd probebly just pic up a copy of the game and add it to the collection.
It's OGL D20 pretty much with a few quircky bits. Basicallly if youve played any d20 game you will pick it up very quickly. Some classes are harder to learn than others though, dont owrry about it.
This campaign has now been dropped folks, sorry, life comes first. PLease do not post.