forgive me if any of this is already addressed, I tried to do a search for previous topics but fumbled.
Ive been having alot of issues with the Fog Of War, im not sure if its like an eraser tool, or if its layer based...but its been laggin. I made a small scale large graveyard kinda maze and was revealing it in small 10 and 20ft at a time sections all the way down and all the way back up the map. Less then half the map later suddenly the tokens are taking more and more full seconds to move or even rotate. I switched the players away and turned off the fog of war to see if it was the issue and it was remedied. So I wonder if its the fog of war on the scale (unmodified grid/size) we played at, or the many sections of the fog that was removed crowding the eraser layer data. I think a button to reset fog of war to full next to the check box in the map settings will allow this to be tested...
I see no other way to bring the fog back in full other then to hide areas manually?
ive attached the map I crafted, we set zoom to 70% and did 1 square 5ft with our characters.
I also think adding a 3rd layer to the editor called something like "Environment" or "Interact" would help many DMs with issues map crafting. I keep having problems with the ground level and trees an such im moving around, blood spots with bodies, ect. Sending to Back or Front would be soooo much easier not loosing environment tokens or player tokens among a ton of other tokens not on the map layer. - EDITIED,
Environment Layer Has its own topic now: <a href="http://community.roll20.net/discussion/3422/environmental-3rd-map-layer-transparency-too" rel="nofollow">http://community.roll20.net/discussion/3422/environmental-3rd-map-layer-transparency-too</a>
lastly im sure we are not the only group having issues with video/voice failing on 1 or all players, but I discovered switching back and forth between only names and any other size seems to rebuffer them 90% of the time. My group likes just voices cuz we encounter less lag issues.