Kayleb is an arsehole. I wanted to write this bit about Kayleb for two reasons: I really want to make sure that folks here know that the way I play Kayleb in game is mostly a polar opposite of who I am in real life. I'm sure people here fully understand the difference between being "In Character" and "Out of Character" but even so I thought it'd be good to make it clear. Any offense caused by my character in game is primarily motivated by a hope to increase the fun here, not to annoy or frustrate or to put anyone down. I thought it'd be cool for people playing characters with Psychology or sophontology skills to know about the things ticking around in this character's head. Knowing why he does what he does and says what he says may help your character push or pull him in certain directions. The primary characteristics that motivate Kayleb's actions: Intense guilt. Kayleb escaped the poverty of his home world and "made it" among the stars ... sort of. He left behind his community, sibling and maybe some offspring ( He may have some little bastards running about, he's not sure ). The further out of poverty he rises, the more guilt he feels concerning those he left behind. He also suffers intense survivor's guilt - a symptom of his post traumatic stress disorder (outlined bellow). " I'm not a better guy that I should be alive and they be dead. It just feels like K'Tok shite sometimes. " - Quote from the couch. Militaristic Patriotism. Vargr have a strong pack instinct, and for a long time his pack was the Imperial Marine corps. Kayleb holds onto Imperial Ideals such as freedom of thought, Imperial Duty and the Rule of Law with an almost religious fanaticism ... sort of. He interprets Imperial "high law" a little selectively at times. He has a standard Imperial contempt for psionics, robotics, and slavery however. " What are you ladies here for? The pay? Consider our Imperium lads! Bastion of order and freedom in a sea of bloody chaos and tyrrany. Stood for more than a thousand years 'nd it'll stand for thousands more because dumb bastards like you love it enough to put your flesh and blood in between it and the farkers who want to tear it apart. Imperium's more important than our lives are... especially your life Jones you filthy prick. That's why we consider it pure bloody joy to be put into the fark'n grinder to keep her alive! HAIL STREPHON! " - quote from his marine command days. Kayleb's patriotism and sense of belonging suffered a severe blow when he was discharged. The military dogma is still a deep part of who he is, but it's tainted by feelings of betrayal, guilt, and failure. (( While serving in the Australian Army I was working with a couple of guys who I've pretty much molded Kaleb off. Both of them were very sharp and professional when on the job. Off base they were totally dysfunctional however. Good blokes, but borderline alcoholic, sexist, racist bastards. )) Post Traumatic Stress Term 2 - lone survivor of a failed op. Trapped alone behind enemy lines. Term 3 - You are on the front lines of a planetary assault and occupation. Term 4 - Severely injured in action. Discharged. Term 5 - Drafted back into the Marines. Barely makes survival roll (in Classic Trav that's a purple heart) Term 6 - Almost killed in action. Once put back together he was discharged a second time. Kayleb's military career has been characterized by tragedy, front line combat and near death. I'd imagine that he has seen plenty of friends die and that he has few surviving friends from his Marine days ( never rolled up an ally or a contact from Marine service ). After looking at his prior career I found it hard to think of anyone going through that and remaining psychologically intact. So I'm trying to play out some symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Here's a list of some of the actual symptoms of PTS. The bold ones I'm currently bringing into the game. Regular text will probably see some play at some point. The stuff in italics I may leave out. Negative feelings about yourself or other people I nability to experience positive emotions Feeling emotionally numb Lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed Hopelessness about the future Memory problems, including not remembering important aspects of the traumatic event Difficulty maintaining close relationships irritability, angry outbursts or aggressive behavior Always being on guard for danger Overwhelming guilt or shame Self-destructive behavior, such as drinking too much or driving too fast Trouble concentrating Trouble sleeping Being easily startled or frightened