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Voice Changer Software

Does anyone know of a program that will work with the Tokbox Roll 20 voice chat.
MorphVox should do it.  There's a paid version as well.  I just started using it with Teamspeak.  It should integrate with any set up but I haven't specifically tried it with TokBox yet.
Thanks, I had trouble with that on my old PC, new computer should be able to handle it.
Looks awesome.  My group also uses teamspeak, this could be a great our games.  Anyone else have experience with MorphVox, or a comparable program?  
Morphvox was awful, any other suggestions?
While this question is being asked, what voice programs work well with Roll20 and Google hangouts.

Edited 1464555013
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The way I do it works with anything. Its a bit complex and more than you are looking to do, but it is an option. And the results is FAR better than any 'out of the box' voice software I've used as they all sound weird/cheap/etc. How I do it: Installed VoiceMeter (a free virtual audio cable). Have FL Studio installed. Set FL Studio input on channel one to your mic, the output to VoiceMeter. Set Teamspeak's (or whatever you are using) input to VoiceMeter. Assign all the vst plugins to your hearts desire to channel one and alter your voice. This way I can use all of its vst plugins, and such for echo, pitch, reverb, tone, distortion, auto tune, stretch..well anything you can think of you can find a VST plugin for. If you want to get complex, you can assign up to 99 different channels and pick the one you want. All with different vst filters for different voices with a click. For example I have one that is a distorted, pitched down, tinny sounding 'evil radio chatter' voice for the bad guys talking out of their power armor to people (sounds a bit like half-life 2 combine voice), and one that has that early echo with reverb 'dream scene' ghost/ethereal voice..etc.

Edited 1465144200
I have been using morphvox on teamspeak in my main campaign and it works pretty good :)