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Lag - Any way to troubleshoot this?

API Scripter
Is anyone experiencing lag in roll20? My party and I are all having a hard time with token movement, and working in the character sheets. The sheets take forever to load, and the tokens stutter after moving them.. Anyway to troubleshoot this?
I'm no expert but I wanted you to know I have found this problem before as well. I used to have a crappy computer that slowed things down but I get the feeling it's not your computer. Do you have a lot of tokens and or images on the map? That really slows Roll20 down sometimes. Sorry I'm not any help since I'm just an average Joe.
Phil B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Lord G., you may have been on one of the servers that was having some issues a couple of days ago, so this is hopefully just a one-off issue and will have fixed itself by the time you play again. If you are still experiencing lag next time you play it might be related to the size of your game. Is your game especially large? The leading cause of lag is having a larger than average number of character attributes.
API Scripter
Hey Phil - i should have closed the thread off.  It did resolve itself after a few hours - i want to say it was around 12:30-1am.  Thanks for the reply.