Firstly, we are Mercenaries ; it’s legal for us to carry bigger and badder weapons than the usual run-of-the-mill Traveller. Whether this applies to nukes in particular has yet to be determined. As for PGMPs and FGMPs, I would guess “yes”, but I’m not sure. Once the ship is fixed, we need to be on a dead run to that Black Hole. Avoiding complications in the meantime is pretty critical. Beyond hiding the Artifact in a fish tank, I myself have no ideas. I don’t have enough context to evaluate Artificial Intelligences and the general case of Psions... In the case of Zenobia and Bob specifically , Bob is criminally insane ; he is clearly a threat to himself and others; but he has intel we can’t afford to get out. Zenobia is a much more nebulous case... What she has done clearly falls into the case of “Involuntary Manslaughter”; she behaved irresponsibly, even though she was obligated not to, and people died, even though she didn’t intend them to. Even if it could be said that she was “just following orders”, which we have her on record as saying she wasn’t , the military still expects its soldiers to defy strategically reckless orders, and they would likely be forced to send her to a military prison, while documentation of her crimes exists. But, if we give her to the wrong people, and the evidence gets swept under the rug, she either gets away with it, or some scumbag uses it as blackmail over her for the rest of her life to force her to do the worst of the worst psionic black-ops stuff; possibly as bad or worse than letting them get the Artifact itself. The best we can do there is to keep her under wraps until we can find someone trustworthy to give her to. There may be a case to be made of allowing her to stay on board under “House Arrest” so she can make up for what she’s done, since we generally are a bunch of good guys doing good guy things.