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[5e Shaped] 4.3.0


Edited 1466078004
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jakob said: I use an attacher on dexterity saving throws to remind me of shield master goodies (they would totally be forgotten otherwise), and an attacher on all saving throws for my paladin due to aura of courage. I could just add the bonus to the saves directly, but this way, it also serves as a convenient reminder that everyone within 10 feet also gets to add the bonus to their saving throw. These are good examples. Shield master is a great example of conditional items that only apply sometimes (this is attacher's niche imo). For Paladin Aura of Courage I would recommend you always adding the saves on your paladin via "Bonuses & Penalties" and put the attacher on allies saves. "Add [[@{OTHERGUY|charisma_mod}]] if within 10 feet of @{OTHERGUY|character_name}" with all the saves toggled.
Im sorry guys, I don't know if this forum is related to the 5e shaped companion script. If it is not, please, direct me if possible, because I tried to find it and had no success. Im kind of new to roll20 and im no native in english, so sometimes I get loss. Sorry for this. All things considered, Im having an error after the update of the 4.3.2, wich are: the "!shaped-config" options does not seems to work for new character sheets anymore. Eveytime I create a new char sheet, it does not comes with the premade config that I set on "!shaped-config" command, like "auto use ammo", or "show target's AC" for example. the option "Procces HD automatically" does not work, whatever I try to do. When the character uses the HD, it doesnt add to the current HP automatically nor decreases the use of HD. when I turn the "houserules" "Long Rest: No HP, full HD" on, the script crashes, and it needs to be restarted because of the following error: Error: Firebase.update failed: First argument contains NaN in property 'current' I tried the following solutions that didn't work: Create new character sheets setting manualy the character sheet version 3.4.1 updating manualy the character sheet version 3.4.2 reinstalling the API script version 3.0.0 reinstalling manualy the API script version 3.0.0 creating a whole new campaing with everything fresh. None the above helped me and the problem persists. I would appreciate some help, because I run a campaign with many players and it would help a lot to use the "Proccess HD automatically" feat. Thanks in advance!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hi Bakunin, You likely can't find it because roll20's overall forum view does not show threads older than a week. You have to go to the API forum specifically to see those threads. I've quoted your post there:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hopefully Lucian will be along within a few days to resolve the issue.
Thanks a lot.
My paladin's Divine Smite damage keeps on adding his strength modifier. When I edit the field to remove the modifier, it automatically flips back. It never used to do this as far as I could tell. We are using 4.3.1 sheet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Doug E. said: My paladin's Divine Smite damage keeps on adding his strength modifier. When I edit the field to remove the modifier, it automatically flips back. It never used to do this as far as I could tell. We are using 4.3.1 sheet. Change the "Type" to "Other". I will fix this on my end so it only does it once, but that will also fix it now.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Seems to be a bug with checking 'higher level' for cantrips by accident and then removing it.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I will add a fix for this in the next version.

Edited 1466177234
KS Backer
I've got an odd one. On an existing character sheet, which has been updated again and again from the early days of shapedv2, special effects don't work. That is, if I choose, say "beam - fire - Source/Target", it'll ask me for the target, but not show the animation. On a new character sheet in the same campaign, it works. Where should I start looking to find root cause?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Can you paste the output of the macro here? (in a code block) Special effects are handled via the API from the information sent via the macro.
Kryx, I was looking to move to the latest version, 4.3.2, but I found that the repeating traits section seems to have a bug for the PC sheet. It created a random number of duplicate traits from the existing list of traits my players already had on their sheets. It didn't repeat them in order (i.e. 1,2,3,1,2,3), nor when I removed one of them via "modify" did all of a type get removed (i.e. 1,2,3,3,2,2,1,3... then delete the 3 at the bottom just becomes&nbsp;1,2,3,3,2,2,1) so it doesn't seem to be referencing one database entry multiple times and displaying it. (I'm not entirely sure how it's set up to work, but I took a guess. It did do this for all of my PCs, so it's not relegated to just one character. I'm sure you'll figure this out much faster than I ever will. Thanks for all you do with the sheet. It's pretty epic!

Edited 1466188332
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Pfft I have no idea what would cause that. I have seen nothing like it on any of my PCs. I can only think that old class features were ported to traits again? But that happened a long time ago and wouldn't happen again unless you somehow removed the version. If you have it figured out and I hear no other reports then hopefully it was just some weird case. You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoy it!
Okay, here's the one that doesn't work: @{Thalu Ixaghath|output_option} &{template:5e-shaped} {{character_name=@{Thalu Ixaghath|character_name}}} @{Thalu Ixaghath|show_character_name} {{title=Produce Flame}} {{spell=1}} @{Thalu Ixaghath|attacher_spell} {{friendly_level=Cantrip}} {{school=Conjuration}} {{casting_time=1 action}} &nbsp;{{range=Self (30 ft)}} {{components=V S }} {{materials=}} {{concentration=}} {{duration=10 minutes}} {{target=}} {{content=A flickering flame appears in your hand. The flame remains there for the duration and harms neither you nor your equipment. The flame sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The spell ends if you dismiss it as an action or if you cast it again. You can also attack with the flame, although doing so ends the spell. When you cast this spell, or as an action on a later turn, you can hurl the flame at a creature within 30 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 fire damage. This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).}} {{vs_ac=1}} @{Thalu Ixaghath|roll_info} {{roll1=[[@{Thalu Ixaghath|shaped_d20}cs&gt;20 + 3[proficient] + 3[wis]]]}} @{Thalu Ixaghath|roll_setting}cs&gt;20 + 3[proficient] + 3[wis]]]}} {{targetAC=@{Thalu Ixaghath|attacks_vs_target_ac}}} {{targetName=@{Thalu Ixaghath|attacks_vs_target_name}}} 0 {{damage=[[((@{Thalu Ixaghath|level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)d8[damage]]]}} {{damage_type=fire}} {{crit_damage=[[0d0 + ((@{Thalu Ixaghath|level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)d8[crit damage] ]]}} 0 0 0 @{Thalu Ixaghath|hide_gm_info} {{fx=beam-fire sourceToTarget @{target|token_id}}} {{emote=reaches forth and a tongue of flame bursts forth toward his target.}} {{freetext=}}&nbsp; And here it is in a new sheet when it does work: @{Deva|output_option} &{template:5e-shaped} {{character_name=@{Deva|character_name}}} @{Deva|show_character_name} {{title=Produce Flame}} {{spell=1}} @{Deva|attacher_spell} {{friendly_level=Cantrip}} {{school=Conjuration}} {{casting_time=1 action}} &nbsp;{{range=Self (30 ft)}} {{components=V S }} {{materials=}} {{concentration=}} {{duration=10 minutes}} {{target=}} {{content=A flickering flame appears in your hand. The flame remains there for the duration and harms neither you nor your equipment. The flame sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The spell ends if you dismiss it as an action or if you cast it again. You can also attack with the flame, although doing so ends the spell. When you cast this spell, or as an action on a later turn, you can hurl the flame at a creature within 30 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 fire damage. This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).}} {{vs_ac=1}} @{Deva|roll_info} {{roll1=[[@{Deva|shaped_d20}cs&gt;20 + 4[proficient]]]}} @{Deva|roll_setting}cs&gt;20 + 4[proficient]]]}} {{targetAC=@{Deva|attacks_vs_target_ac}}} {{targetName=@{Deva|attacks_vs_target_name}}} 0 {{damage=[[((@{Deva|level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)d8[damage]]]}} {{damage_type=fire}} {{crit_damage=[[0d0 + ((@{Deva|level} + 1) / 6 + 0.5)d8[crit damage] ]]}} 0 0 0 @{Deva|hide_gm_info} {{fx=Beam-fire sourceToTarget @{target|token_id}}} 0
Sheet Author
API Scripter
{{fx=beam-fire sourceToTarget @{target|token_id}}} vs&nbsp; {{fx=Beam-fire sourceToTarget @{target|token_id}}} The first one works, the second doesn't. Type in the fx again and hopefully it'll work. :)
The typo aside, it's the first one (beam-fire) that doesn't work, and the second one that does (though it's not a beam because of typo). I was thinking maybe it was a space in the character name, but if I rename the "Deva" to "Deva Shmeva" it still works. I'll hunt a bit more later. Right now I'm stumped as to where the difference is.
I've resolved this, though I don't understand why it worked. I tested the fx, it didn't work. I&nbsp;renamed the character "Thalu Ixagath" to "Thalu", tested the fx, it worked. I renamed the character back to "Thalu Ixagath", tested the fx, it worked.
Will a future version allow macros to update teh Bonuses&Penalties fields? i'd like to make macros for things like Bless and Shield of Faith, or whatever else would need to update those fields

Edited 1466237550
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Macros can never update fields. Only API can. Lucian and I have put in some hacky ways to make the sheet communicate with the API though. If a bonus toggle system existed it would likely be on the sheet. Making it editable via API would be rather difficult.
Just fyi... you can use \n in the roll value of a button to trigger a line break. So this works... using the default template as an example. &{template:default} {{name=@{character_name} makes a Dexterity Save.}} \n/w GM &{template:default} {{name=Saving Throw}} {{Results=[[1d20 + @{DexSave}]] | [[1d20 + @{DexSave}]]}}
First off I would like to thank you for an incredibly awe inspiring sheet. To this point my gaming group has been using the community contributed sheet and no api or dynamic lighting. Over the past few days I have switched to the shaped sheet, dynamic lighting, and using some of the api scripts for traps and such. ..... completely different game experience. Using the statblock to import monsters cuts prep time down to nearly nothing. And being able to set up macros for the spells and abilities nearly automatically- icing on the cake. Thank you for the work you have done.&nbsp; Could somebody give me and example of what Magic Missile should look like completely filled out? The spell is capable of sending 3 separate missiles at three different targets for 1d4+1 each. I assume you would just enter that as 3d4+3 and split the roll up as needed if sending them to separate targets. But how &nbsp;do you get the higher levels to add 1d4+1. It seems like they just allow for adding an additional die? Just for coolness I would also like to add the effect. I changed the default to missile and entered the magic and set it for source --&gt; target. But all that shows is a fiery explosion on the caster when used.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Great to hear that you like it! Magic missile actually uses the same damage for all bolts as per sage advice. Not sure about effects. I can check tomorrow.
Gary W. said: First off I would like to thank you for an incredibly awe inspiring sheet. To this point my gaming group has been using the community contributed sheet and no api or dynamic lighting. Over the past few days I have switched to the shaped sheet, dynamic lighting, and using some of the api scripts for traps and such. ..... completely different game experience. Using the statblock to import monsters cuts prep time down to nearly nothing. And being able to set up macros for the spells and abilities nearly automatically- icing on the cake. Thank you for the work you have done.&nbsp; Could somebody give me and example of what Magic Missile should look like completely filled out? The spell is capable of sending 3 separate missiles at three different targets for 1d4+1 each. I assume you would just enter that as 3d4+3 and split the roll up as needed if sending them to separate targets. But how &nbsp;do you get the higher levels to add 1d4+1. It seems like they just allow for adding an additional die? Just for coolness I would also like to add the effect. I changed the default to missile and entered the magic and set it for source --&gt; target. But all that shows is a fiery explosion on the caster when used.&nbsp; In regards to the roll for Magic Missile, it does generate 3+ darts. When you roll the damage, you only roll damage once. Each dart has the same amount of damage. So at higher levels, you only get more darts. &nbsp;You do not have to roll damage for each dart, so only a single 1d4+1 needs to be rolled.
Kryx said: Great to hear that you like it! Magic missile actually uses the same damage for all bolts as per sage advice. Not sure about effects. I can check tomorrow. Damn, took too long while replying. You beat me to it. Cheers! Walked away for too long, LOL.
Thanks for the quick response- and don't worry about the effects. I noticed in an earlier post that capitalization counts. &nbsp;put everything lower case and it worked as intended.&nbsp;
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Great. Enjoy the sheet!