Requested in another thread, here is the specs drafted by Gevaudan Cannagrrh of his Sixth Horizon, a 200dT Far Scout variant. For comparison to the original design, reference Merchants and Cruisers, pg 57. Sixth Horizon, TL 14 Far Scout variant Specs Effects Tons Price (MCr) Hull 200dT Hull 4, Structure 4 - 8 Streamlined, Scoops 0.8 Armour Crystaliron+ Reflec 4/7v.lasers 10 21.6 Jump Drive D, Fast Cycle , 80t per J-4 25 44 Manoeuvre Drive F, Thrust 6 11 24 Power Plant F, Solar Panels (~8 weeks ops) 19 68 12 tons fuel per 2 weeks Bridge Compact (-1DM on Bridge) 7.5 1 Hardened - 0.25 Holographic Controls (+2 Initiative) - 0.25 Computer Model/3 bis,fib, Rating 15/20 jump - 4 Electronics Basic Military (+0DM), Radar, Lidar, 2 1 Jammers Weapons Hardpoint #1 Triple Turret (Pb,P,P) 1 6 Hardpoint #2 Triple Turret (Pb,P,P) 1 6 Fuel 96 tons, one J-4, 2+wks ops 96 - Cargo 4.5 tons 4.5 - Crew Pilot-Astrogator, Engineer 4 Staterooms, double-occupancy 16 2 Extras Fuel Scoops, included - - Fuel Processor, 40 tons/day 2 0.1 10 Low Berths 5 5 Servitor Robots Sensors/Gunnery - 0.25 Steward/Gunnery - 0.25 SIN Sensor - 0.15 Software Library/0 - - Manoeuvre/0 - - Jump Control/4, Rating 20 - 0.4 Intellect - 1 Maintenance monthly 16,146Cr Life Support monthly 13,000Cr Totals 200 193.75 Standard Design discount 10% 174.375 Architect Fee 1.74375 Down Payment 30% 35,223,750Cr Architect Fee can be waived since Gevaudan took extra time bands and successful Trade (Space Construction) skill roll. Gevaudan already owns Software: Jump Control/3 and can wait on Jump Control/4 if need to reduce costs.