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Sixth Horizon, Far Scout 200dT Variant

Requested in another thread, here is the specs drafted by Gevaudan Cannagrrh of his Sixth Horizon, a 200dT Far Scout variant.  For comparison to the original design, reference Merchants and Cruisers, pg 57. Sixth Horizon,   TL 14 Far Scout variant Specs                   Effects                                            Tons      Price (MCr) Hull                      200dT  Hull 4, Structure 4                 -         8                            Streamlined, Scoops                                   0.8 Armour                 Crystaliron+ Reflec 4/7v.lasers         10       21.6 Jump Drive         D, Fast Cycle , 80t per J-4                25      44 Manoeuvre Drive  F, Thrust 6                                        11      24 Power Plant         F, Solar Panels (~8 weeks ops)       19      68                             12 tons fuel per 2 weeks Bridge                   Compact (-1DM on Bridge)                7.5     1                              Hardened                                            -        0.25                              Holographic Controls  (+2 Initiative)    -        0.25 Computer             Model/3 bis,fib, Rating 15/20 jump     -        4 Electronics          Basic Military (+0DM), Radar, Lidar,   2        1                            Jammers Weapons             Hardpoint #1 Triple Turret (Pb,P,P)     1        6                            Hardpoint #2 Triple Turret (Pb,P,P)     1        6 Fuel                    96 tons, one J-4, 2+wks ops               96       - Cargo                 4.5 tons                                                4.5     - Crew                    Pilot-Astrogator, Engineer                           4 Staterooms, double-occupancy        16       2 Extras                Fuel Scoops, included                          -         -                           Fuel Processor, 40 tons/day                 2        0.1                           10 Low Berths                                       5        5                           Servitor Robots Sensors/Gunnery        -         0.25                                                    Steward/Gunnery        -         0.25                           SIN Sensor                                           -        0.15 Software            Library/0                                                -          -                           Manoeuvre/0                                         -         -                           Jump Control/4, Rating 20                    -         0.4                           Intellect                                                 -          1 Maintenance      monthly                                                         16,146Cr Life Support       monthly                                                         13,000Cr Totals                                                                             200     193.75                         Standard Design discount 10%                       174.375                         Architect Fee                                                       1.74375                         Down Payment 30%                                        35,223,750Cr Architect Fee can be waived since Gevaudan took extra time bands and successful Trade (Space Construction) skill roll. Gevaudan already owns Software: Jump Control/3 and can wait on Jump Control/4 if need to reduce costs.                          
On 350-1109, Senior Scout Gevaudan Cannagrrh secretly, (to most and through proxy(s)), transmits his construction requisition to Lunion/Lunion.  Ling Standard Products in conjunction with Hortelez et Cie financing to construct the Sixth Horizon .  At the A-Starport shipyards, with adjacent Naval Base and Scout Base assets at hand coupled with High-Population and Industrial world trade codes, construction time on a pre-existing hull design, the Far Scout , the vessel will be ready in roughly 60 days, plus or minus 10 days.  The Sixth Horizon  should be ready for maiden flight on 045-1110 and launch from Lunion/Lunion.  Gevaudan will need to calibrate his Ship Integration cybernetics to the Model/3 onboard computer, run diagnostics and other Scout ship checks.