No, worst-case, Wypoc is a “VUP” mission... “Very Un important Person”... Even if we don’t get to kill Maarg outright, that doesn’t mean we have to care about his level of luxury, or even comfort . The “G-Carrier on Wypoc” problem is like so: The exterior gets pitted due to rain, wind, and general atmosphere Even if you can keep the atmosphere out of the luxurious plushness of the cabin with a pressure differential, you’re tracking those problems in without a decontamination unit in the airlock Wasting time on that is a no-go during a combat situation, which Wypoc inevitably will be Which means the acidic gasses and liquids will be tracked in, eating through the luxurious plushness like candy This would force everyone inside to wear battledress to keep the acidic gasses and liquids out, which would inevitably tear up the luxurious plushness due to general clumsiness So... yeah, it just wouldn’t work, and you’d notice the repair job over time as the acids you didn’t get out before the repaint (because they’re insidious) ruin the fresh paint-job. Better to have a G-Carrier that was never subject to those conditions to begin with.