We've all been there at one point in our life. We'd love to be in a regular campaign or two, but just can't find the time. Or, our work schedule is ever changing and we can't commit to a regular group. That's what PUG Lobby is for: to help set up games on short notice. The idea is for a bunch of people to join the group and join the discord server, then make an announcement when we're ready to run a game within the next hour or two. Hopefully there's enough other people ready to join a short-notice game at the same time. To make it work we need a whole bunch more players. Ideal for one-shots, episodic adventures, organized play (PFS, Adventurers League, etc.), and west-marches style drop-in games. Also great for playtesting new game designs and for playing those great indie games you can't convince your regular group to play. Join  PUG Lobby today!