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Court on Lunion


Edited 1467217633
Ask your character and respond: 1.  What will I wear to Court? 2.  Will I allow myself Officer's melee weapon and disarm all other weapons? 3.  If interviewed or interrogated before Court, how cooperative will I be? 4.  Will I allow myself to be separated from my shipmates as they too might be separated? 5.  Will I claim a status, e.g. Darrian Confederation Envoy? 6.  What is my general, outward attutude and demeanor when I walk into Court, it's Nobles, military Officers, private sector and corporate reps, etc.? 7.  How good is my B.S. meter today? 8.  What are my reactions to the Nobility of the Third Imperium? 9.  Will I lie for Artemis Group?  Omit details?  Be totally honest and forthright?  Fall on my belly and grovel and placate? 10.  Be social with those who want to speak with me before, during and after formalities? 11.  Do I know or know of:  Duke of Lunion, Duchess of Mora, the Viscounts of Lanth, the LSP Rep, the local Naval Admiral, the Imperial Naval Intelligence Officer, the IISS subsector Commodore, etc.? 12.  What is my attitude to the late Col. Robertson? 13.  What is my loyalty to Isis?
Charoux can’t go to court. He has to babysit the damn artifact.
Actually, we should either get rid of the ark before we go to Lunion, or plan on giving it to the nobles. Don't expect to be able to hide it from them. Likewise, don't expect to have the luxury of declining the summons or making excuses. This is a serious matter, and it could have drastic consequences if they feel we're lying or trying to obfuscate the truth.  And there's no reason to lie or be uncooperative. Artemis Group has done nothing to be ashamed in terms of the Colonel's death. As for the ark itself and the events at Bowman, I suggest (again) we give it to the nobles, and reap the rewards. Not the least of which would be a whole lot of brownie points with the nobles. Or we get rid of it, but in a completely untrackable way and/or permanent way. Maybe jettison it in Jump Space? Sebastien is aware that we have the artifact, and despite the fact he hasn't yet mentioned it to the nobles (as far as we know) we shouldn't expect him to lie to his liege about it if asked. I'm assuming that as far as Sebastien knows, we're still planning on fulfilling his Ticket, and trying to take Maarg alive and/or at least make sure that we learn everything we can before he dies. Realize that the nobles will also be expecting that, and it would probably be unwise to tell them otherwise. Even if we really are going to prioritize Isis's Ticket, we should not let on to either Sebastien or his sponsors. We're also going to have to worry about Isis and our psi-sicles. Even if we don't sell off the Ares before we report to Court, keeping the psi-corps officers a secret would be difficult, and I'm not sure why we should bother. If we really decide that they're a secret we really want to keep, that's one more thing we would have to try to keep secret.  I really, really think we should double-down on Sebastien's Ticket and hope that the final result is something that Isis can live with. No matter what happens at Wypoc, Isis is gone. The nobles who rule the Spinward Marches will still be around. I'm thinking we'd bet better off making friends of them, as opposed to failing them or outright acting against their wishes.

Edited 1467396659
1. What will I wear to Court? Way ahead on this one. A fresh Marine dress uniform is already on my Tenalphi shopping list. Smart fabric and polished medals (most of them purple hearts). If a bodyarmoured version of such a uniform is available I'll take it.  2. Will I allow myself Officer's melee weapon and disarm all other weapons? I figured a cutlass is a part of the Marine dress uniform. If he has an option to he will also carry a sidearm (probably stunner or gauss pistol) as a part of his uniform, but will happily give it up at the door.  3. If interviewed or interrogated before Court, how cooperative will I be? Can't think of a reason to be uncooperative  4. Will I allow myself to be separated from my shipmates as they too might be separated? ... Can't imagine myself trying to cling onto them and having to be dragged away ... so yeah. 5. Will I claim a status, e.g. Darrian Confederation Envoy? Just employee status: "Security officer/small craft pilot". 6. What is my general, outward attutude and demeanor when I walk into Court, it's Nobles, military Officers, private sector and corporate reps, etc.? General military swager. Humble yet moraly superior. Professional yet resigned to being expendable.  7. How good is my B.S. meter today? Excellent. Kayleb has bit of Deception skill. Not that he intends on telling any lies... are we lying about stuff? 8. What are my reactions to the Nobility of the Third Imperium? It really depends. Some nobles are born to it. On them Kayleb has pity and mild contempt. Military nobles on the other hand he has more respect for. They've earned their title.   9. Will I lie for Artemis Group? Omit details? Be totally honest and forthright? Fall on my belly and grovel and placate? Kayleb will "honor the company's confidentiality clause and refrain from divulging any information that would incriminate either himself, any employee or shareholder of the company, or any of the company's clients". So no deliberate fabrications, but he will blatantly omit stuff. He will "take the 5th".  10. Be social with those who want to speak with me before, during and after formalities? Yeah why not? Kayleb is reasonably friendly.  11. Do I know or know of: Duke of Lunion, Duchess of Mora, the Viscounts of Lanth, the LSP Rep, the local Naval Admiral, the Imperial Naval Intelligence Officer, the IISS subsector Commodore, etc.? Being a recently discharged officer in the Imperial Marine Corps, Kayleb be familiar with some of the local naval high ups. Among them he may have a reputation for having a near fanatical dedication to imperial military outcomes and almost no regard of his own life or safety. His rank wasn't all that high however. More likely to be a name on a roll. And while Kayleb's attitude was impeccable his social skills are poor and he sometimes shows a bit of cheek.  12. What is my attitude to the late Col. Robertson? Never knew him. Respect for the dead mainly. Not much else.   Folks seem to really like him.  Left the Imperium and shacked up with a Zho however. He lost some points with Kayleb right there.     13. What is my loyalty to Isis? Nill.  Less than nill actually. Kayleb is not convinced that she has any loyalty to the Imperium or the Artimis company. Kayleb thinks she's a mole and has decided to believe she is until she proves otherwise. So far his only interaction with her was when she attempted to hire us on to murder Maarg. When Kayleb raised some of the problems he had with her job her response was simply to dangle 34Mcr in front of him - as if that would make all his problems go away ... which it didn't. His adherence to the company's "confidentiality clause" doesn't extend to her as much.  ((Probably worth noting at this point that if Kayleb was Maarg, and if Maag knows that we have a court date - which he probably does - then this would be a great opportunity to take a swing at us. Out of our ship, unarmed, soft targets. So Kayleb is trying to think of a "Plan B" just in case things hit the fan. ))

Edited 1467247368
Pakkrat said: Ask your character and respond: 1.  What will I wear to Court? Jacob will wear his dress blues, with all of his medals. He'll probably slot in his Advocate wafer. 2.  Will I allow myself Officer's melee weapon and disarm all other weapons? Of course. 3.  If interviewed or interrogated before Court, how cooperative will I be? Cooperative and respectful. He'll follow all of the correct forms of a senior Naval officer at Court. 4.  Will I allow myself to be separated from my shipmates as they too might be separated? Of course. (not like there's going to be a choice.) 5.  Will I claim a status, e.g. Darrian Confederation Envoy? I'll expect to treated with the respect due to my rank. 6.  What is my general, outward attitude and demeanor when I walk into Court, it's Nobles, military Officers, private sector and corporate reps, etc.? Cooperative and respectful. 7.  How good is my B.S. meter today? Jacob expects pomp and posturing when dealing with the aristocracy. As far as he's concerned, this is just an onerous duty to perform, and he'd like to get through it while making the fewest waves as possible. 8.  What are my reactions to the Nobility of the Third Imperium? Jacob has a fairly positive opinion of the nobility in general. He's rubbed elbows with more than his fair share of Imperial nobles, and they've all been pretty decent. He does consider them politicians, of course, so they're not to be taken at face value. But he thinks that they serve an important function in the Imperium and he respects their authority. 9.  Will I lie for Artemis Group?  Omit details?  Be totally honest and forthright?  Fall on my belly and grovel and placate? Jacob intends to answer the questions as they're asked, without offering anything otherwise. He might lie for his shipmates, if it were important enough. He would try to also honor any NDA's that are applicable. A direct order from a Naval Admiral might force him to reveal something else, if he felt it was  in the best interest of the Imperium. 10.  Be social with those who want to speak with me before, during and after formalities? Jacob would be formally social. The way he would as if he were at an officers' ball 11.  Do I know or know of:  Duke of Lunion, Duchess of Mora, the Viscounts of Lanth, the LSP Rep, the local Naval Admiral, the Imperial Naval Intelligence Officer, the IISS subsector Commodore, etc.? Actually, Pakkrat, you should answer this question. Sebastien will be willing to answer questions and generally offer advice to the Group before we present ourselves. 12.  What is my attitude to the late Col. Robertson? Liked the man, and respected him. Would like to see the coward who killed him (and all those other people) brought to just. Preferably before a military tribunal, with a firing squad at the ready. 13.  What is my loyalty to Isis? My own loyalty to a former crewmate. One I never particularly liked or trusted, but a crewmate nevertheless. Beyond that? None.
Jettisoning the abomination in Jump Space would cause a misjump. Bad plan. We need to jump to an empty hex that has some stray rocks in it, and bury it in a way we can find again for disposal. Once this “Noble” nonsense is finished, we’ll have to go back and dig it up. Also, we’ll need an empty hex with plausible deniability about whether we stopped in it on purpose, so that people trying to track us won’t think to look there. We can’t give the Nobles The Psi Corps officers either, for two reasons: 1. It risks the Maarg Mission 2. It risks our ability to dispose of the Artifact

Edited 1467335654
Court on Lunion/Lunion Who: Duke Luis Adorania Jesten of Lunion No Extraterritoriality Zone if Duke of Lunion stands Wants custody of Zenobia Manes, Bobvh Nain and details of their Bowman mission Wants disclosure of the Imperial Naval Intelligence project, the Psi-Corps Wants a roster of the staff and recruits to Psi-Corps Wants all files and documents and targets of the Psi-Corps surveillance, operations, etc. Wants to preserve good relations with the Darrian Confederation Willing to hear just reparations from an Envoy of the Darrian Confederation over the fission event on Darrian, (Admiral Galen). Wants to shut down Psi-Corps but without harming or besmirching Imperial Naval Intelligence Duchess Delphine Adorania Muudashir of Mora, Matriarch of Mora, K.S.C. Wants custody of the Ares Wants custody of any remaining effects of Col. Robertson Wants custody of Prof. Isis Wants justice for the death of Col. Robertson Wants to preserve good relations with the Darrian Confederation Wants disclosure of the Imperial Naval Intelligence project, the Psi-Corps Who leads the Psi-Corps? Wants a roster of the staff and recruits to Psi-Corps Wants all files and documents and targets of the Psi-Corps surveillance, operations, etc. Wants to learn if Psi-Corps (supposedly under the INI) is Admiral Santanocheev’s or Norris’ brainchild project Wants to hear just reparations from an Envoy of the Darrian Confederation over the fission event on Darrian, (Admiral Galen) The Viscounts Equus, Extolay and Treece of Lanth Wants custody of Zenobia Manes, Bobvh Nain to testify about Bowman Incident Wants all recordings pertaining to the Dame’s Wypoc ticket. Wants custody of all trespassers on Wypoc’s Naval Intelligence grounds, ( Artemis that were there) Wants disclosure of the Imperial Naval Intelligence project, the Psi-Corps Wants to shut down Psi-Corps without harming, besmirching INI Wants to preserve good relations with the Darrian Confederation Wants to hear the just reparations from an Envoy of the Darrian Confederation of the fission event on Darrian, (Admiral Galen) Marquis Ansrea of Tenalphi Willing to take custody of Zenobia Manes and Bobvh Nain, at least for their safety from Captain Maarg’s influence and to treat and rehabilitated Bobvh Ling Standard Products, LIC Representative Have a complaint against IISS over Epsilon Moon, Bowman Claim they had a deed to Epsilon and everything on it since Bowman is a Client State Have suffered a loss in stocks, insurance claims, assets and personnel due to the Bowman Incident Complaint against the Darrian Confederation for blockading Epsilon and the Darrian Outpost Expecting to be handed Epsilon Moon once the Darrians police their pre-Maghiz site Adm. Galen, Darrian Confederation Envoy Expected to act as Envoy to the Darrian Confederation and speak on its behalf Should want all relics that left the discovered Darrian Outpost on Epsilon Moon, Bowman returned to the Darrian fleet blockading Epsilon Marquis Sebastien Maddox, Esq. of Lunion Carry out and return the Ducal Warrant One Imperial Count and Exchequer of Lunion Expected to double-check facts against reports, correct them if revision is needed Records the Court proceedings and all in attendance One Imperial Knight and Master of Arms of Lunion Master of Security and expected to keep the peace Commander of the Imperial Guard at Court while Court He is superseded by Duke of Lunion, if the Duke stands up in Court Sufficient Imperial Guard in Combat Armor and Laser Rifles 30+ in number with Master of Arms as event Commander Imperial Navy Wants more assets in District 268, Bowman now that the Bowman Incident clearly merits such Wants details from Marquis Sebastien Maddox, Esq. as to why he commandeered the Ares from the RayEagle Imperial Naval Intelligence Representative for Lunion Subsector Wants Zenobia Manes and Bobvh Nain returned to them instead of Captain Maarg and the Psi-Corps, debriefings, disclosures, treatment and rehabilitation Wants to silence Bobvh’s testimony on grounds of insanity Wants to aquit  Bobvh’s behaviors on the Ares on grounds of insanity Wants to partition Bobvh’s insanity from the mass insanity of the Bowman Incident Wants details on Bowman Incident from Artemis Group , Imperial Navy, the IISS and LSP Imperial Interstellar Scout Service Commodore for Lunion Subsector Complaint against LSP over their find on Epsilon and not allowing IISS time to deal with the find, demanding the IISS clear off Epsilon Complaint against LSP employees converging on Alpha Moon Scout Base, evidence of firefight Wants disclosure of Steve the Station Survivor left at Garrison Starport Wants disclosure of Survivor girl left at Garrison Starport Complaints that some relic finds reported are no longer at the Darrian Outpost Wants all discovered relics returned to the IISS, finder’s spoils Wants the Zhunastu Industries, K-rated Jumpdrive from the Ares as soon as the ship is sold, cleaned and re-packaged with all hardcopy The Artemis Group: Senior Scout Gevaudan Cannagrrh, Captain of the Ares      Male, Equal Vargr of Dzen Aeng Kho (Society of Equals), Gvurrdon Sector      Suspected Pilot and Astrogator      UPP and Artemis crew records only, arrest record on Regina and Aramis (charges dropped)      *Cybernetics detected – TL 16, Imperium and possible Darrian implants* Former Agent Larzamonte Charoux, Artemis Group CEO      Darrian male, former Agent (Ministry unknown), decorated      UPP only, crew records not found Captain Jacob Crow, Ares Chief Engineer, Chief Gunner      Male, Imperium, Solomani-Vilani mix      Former Imperium Navy, Macene Naval Academy, decorated      UPP, service dossier, crew records      *Cybernetics detected – TL 16 Imperium and possible Darrian implants* Faceman-Corsair-Hitchhiker-Crewman Hane Meson, Artemis Group lawyer and majority shareholder      Male Imperium civilian, Rhylanor, freelance law practice      UPP, civilian dossier, Imperium Navy crewman dossier, crew records      Arrest record: 2 arrests, both exonerated in court      *Cybernetics detected – Prosthetic foot* Petty Officer Jeff Scardack, Ares Gunner and Robot Ops       Male Imperium, Solomani phenotype       Former Flammarion Imperium Navy, District 268       UPP, service dossier, crew records       *Cybernetics detected – Sword Worlds implant TL 12* Force Commander Kayleb Groughtk, Ares Engineer, Gunner and Security Officer       Menorb Imperium Vargr, Ground Force Marines - Marines Support, decorated       UPP, service dossier, crew records Izek Mazel, Darrian wanderer       Engineer, Small Craft Pilot       Male, Solomani-phenotype Darrian       UPP only, crew records Dr. Simone [surname unlisted], Ares Chief Medical Officer       Female, Imperium, Vilani-Solomani phenotype mix       UPP unknown, *no files – unknown origin* Ares Long-Term Passengers: “Blooded Fang” Dame Qithka Cannagrrh, G       Female Vargr Equal, Dzen Aeng Kho (Society of Equals), Gvurrdon Sector       Honorary Order of Gvadakoung, *Diplomatic Immunity*       UPP, notoriety as Journalist-Entertainer of Kfan Uzangou magazine       Arrest record on Aramis, charges dropped Uthka Varzeekh       Female Vargr Unequal, Dzen Aeng Kho (Society of Equals), Gvurrdon Sector       UPP only, attaché to Qithka Cannagrrh Witness       TL 14 Kfan Uzangou magazine robot       Chassis model, personal drone       Modifications unknown Professor Isis       Female Zhodani, “ex-pat” Psionics Instructor/Mentor      UPP only      *Psion – psionics detected* Zenobia Manes       Female Imperium, Solomani phenotype       Imperial Naval Intelligence Operative       UPP, service dossier *Classified* Bobvh Nain       Male Imperium, Vilani phenotype       Imperial Naval Intelligence Operative       UPP, service dossier *Classified*       Diagnosed: Altered Mental Status – unfit for duty What: Ares , 800dT Broadsword-class Mercenary Cruiser      Property of Artemis Group      Construction dossier, first-launch date/location      Impound status Why: Ducal Warrant of Summons, co-signed by Lanth Viscounts, Duke Lunion, Duchess Mora        Appear in court, to include Professor Isis        Testimony on fission event on Darrian and death of late Colonel Lloyd Robertson        Adjudication of reparations to Darrian Confederation       Whereabouts and recall of Captain Thaddeus Maarg, Imperium Naval Intelligence *Classified*
Just to be clear, I'm not going to accept that we can't toss something out of the ship during Jump because you just made up some new fundamental law of Jump Travel. Campaign precedent says its doable. If you have a citation from the rules or if Pakkrat rules that it's an issue, I'll believe it.  The fact that handing the psi-corps officers over to the nobles might complicate getting rid of the ark, is just another good reason to get rid of it in a permanent and/or untraceable way before we hand over the psi-corps officers. I'm not OK with continuing to keep them hidden and on ice just because it's convenient for us. Hell, I don't even consider it in convenient, considering the moral, ethical and legal implications. We all realize that those emergency cryo-berths are only supposed to be used a couple of hours at a time, right?
The only way throwing something out into Jump Space doesn’t risk a misjump is if the Jump Calculations don’t factor the ship’s mass into its equations... and they almost certainly do . Also, if we throw it out during Jump-Space, where does it go if it isn’t destroyed ? Charoux isn’t satisfied with potentially making this thing someone else’s problem ... he’s determined to do everything he can to make it no one else’s problem . That means “Black Hole or Bust”. Handing over the Psi Corps officers jeopardizes both destroying the abomination and the Maarg mission. Handing them over is not an option if we want to survive an encounter with Maarg. If they need to be transferred to a more capable stasis pod, that should have been brought up much earlier. Let’s get a more appropriate unit, and transfer them.
Just a few thoughts: I think TT's comment about tossing things out while in jump space may be based on the fact that disrupting the jump bubble while you're going into jump does cause a missjump. That's the big issue with drop tanks and is the reason why you have to be 100 diameters away from things. But that's just when you're going into jump space. While you're in there I guess there is nothing that can really "disrupt" your jump bubble, because on the other side of it is nothing. Like, literally nothing. Not even space or time - you're in your own little universe when your in jump space. So what happens to something that leaves the universe? Whatever happens to it, it's probably not going to create the same problems for us seeing that the jump drive has already done it's thing and we're currently in jump space. And if we've set a precedent with people jumping out the airlock while in Jump space then I guess that pretty much settles it. About the psi-corps officers currently in the ice box. I'm just trying to think a few steps ahead here. First of all, psionics isn't just illegal in the Imperium, it is fundamentally against what it is about. The primary point of contention between the Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate is that one is a society that promotes freedom of thought and the other is a society based on thought control. The fact that the Navy is training up psions is a scandal of pretty epic proportions. Naturally the guys behind it are thinking that it's best to fight fire with fire and are trying to counter Zhodani psionics by researching the subject and training their own psi operatives. But its a black op all the way. I'm surprise Zenobia and Bob exist on paper at all. The fact that they are still on a navy pay roll, are imperial, and are highly trained in the use of psionics is incriminating for them and any chain of command that they are a part of. It's something that their boss people will probably want to keep quiet. VERY quiet. As in we all suddenly get caught up in a "nuclear accident" quiet.  "Here you go, these ice boxes contain a pair of Navy Intel officers." "What!? Why have you taken Imperial personnel as prisoners?" "Well they are both psions. They're either a part of some illegal group within the Imperium or they're Zho spies. One opened an object and almost exterminated the population of an entire system. The other one tried to murder us with a nuclear device. One of the crew wanted to simply execute them, but we thought we'd 'do the right thing' and hand them in somewhere safe - somewhere with a high enough technology to be able to handle them, and with Imperial bureaucracy of a high enough rank to be able to sort them out."  So what happens after that? We know that local nobles are actively trying to undermine Norris and are keen to find dirt like this that could be used to take him down. Zenobia and Bob are perfect dirt - proof that Norris is authorizing psionic research and training. This being the case, who we "hand them over" to makes a big difference. We're either helping the Norris camp keep his secret or we're giving his opponents some powerful ammo against him. 
Actually, I was referring more to the fact that the ship’s mass changes, which should invalidate the jump calculations, which assumed a larger mass.
I think throwing the Orb in to hyperspace has a few issues, 1 will it be destroyed or will it just sit in a part of hyperspace waiting for something to bump into it and sending the odd ship full of pullers back into normal space after a close flyby. Hyperspace is and unknown issue for both us and our characters. we should take a few weeks out and launch it into a sun in the Sword worlds, they have a few close with pop 0, perfect for our needs. As for the weights change of the ship, it would not be uncommon for ships with less than perfect maintenance records to loose small inspection plates or other bits going into, through and out of hyperspace. I can see that i would place great stress on a ship to jump, especially after a long fast burn to the jump point.
I reiterate: If there is a place in the rules that tells us that tossing a little foot-sized object out during Jump causes a misjump, I'll accept that. LIkewise, if the Referee decides that that assertion is true, it's settled.  What I absolutely refuse to accept is when players decide to make up new rules and limitations on the fly. I don't care whether you think your theories should supercede the rules, or how well thought out you think your rationale may be; it's not your place. The Referee interprets the rules, not the players. That's his job. When players do it, it's arrogant and insulting. Instead of constantly trying to find tiny details to nit-pick and forcing everybody else contort our shared game to any one player's extrapolation, can we please just play the game with a consistent set of rules? Please?
Yer that's fair, we do tend to get bogged down slowing the flow of the game. we could always  strap it to a nuke missile and fire it at the pirates that will be coming for their pre Magee computer. and you know that's gunna happen.

Edited 1467280086
Yeah fair point Wolfen. And sorry if any of my banter was getting up anyone's nose.  One of the smartest things that Pakkrat has done in this campaign is make sure we're all on the same page as far as rules go. Once you start drifting off into houserule land things get a little weird. All the sudden folks are experts on things that science hasn't actually discovered yet. Having a "Bible" means we're all actually playing the same game.  Jump space is a plot device, not an actual scientifically solid concept. It's not even a solidly established concept in the game. I guess what we know for certain about jumpspace: Jump travel is the only known means by which a vessel may travel faster than the speed of light. To Jump, a ship creates a bubble of hyperspace by means of injecting high-energy exotic particles into an artificial singularity. The singularity is driven out of our universe, creating a tiny parallel universe which is then blown up like a balloon by injecting hydrogen into it. The Jump bubble is folded around the ship, carrying it into the little pocket universe. This new universe is short-lived, and will eventually collapse, precipitating the ship back into normal space several light-years from its original position. & While in Jump space, the ship is completely and utterly cut off from the universe. It hangs in a shimmering bubble of boiling hydrogen, a pocket dimension from which nothing can escape. It cannot communicate with the normal universe, not even by psionic means. It is utterly alone. (Main Rulebook p141) I can't remember where I saw Jumpspace disintegrating things but i'm pretty sure it's a thing. But in game there's a precedent so I guess that's not really the question. 
The problem is, you guys are relying upon a poorly described Jump-Space phenomenon just as much as I am; who is to say your poorly described Jump-Space phenomenon is any more legitimate than mine ? Sure, people say it disintegrates things, but at what rate of damage reduced by DR ? How quickly does it destroy armor? How long would it take to destroy the entire abomination, and can we then confirm that? Coupled with the fact that the abomination itself is poorly described, I’d rather not count on a guess that Jump-Space phenomenon will destroy it. And if it doesn’t, then we’ve got to go back and get it... from Jump-Space. Assuming it doesn’t merely break open , and start flooding the next system we land in with Puller Waves , albeit in a way we can’t contain again . Leaving business unfinished is what got us in trouble in the first place. We left Maarg with a viable operation on Wypoc when we could have gone back and freed everyone while he was stranded off-world, and destroying his black site while we were at it. Instead , we let that wound fester , and assumed that distance and political borders would be enough to keep him from doing something stupid. But it didn’t. Underestimating the problem is not worth the consequences to Charoux. Better to do everything in our power to get the job done. Here’s what destroying it in a Black Hole looks like: We load it into a missile, armed with a nuke with a proximity warhead; anyone who tries to intercept it gets nuked. We fire it at the Black Hole. We fire some bomb-pumped lasers at the Black Hole so that the missile is absorbed into the Black Hole in finite time; relativistic effects can suck it. Likely outcome, even if the contents of the abomination survive within the singularity with the containment destroyed, the psionic waves will likely be completely contained . If not , they may be so completely distorted as to be nonviable. Worst-case scenario, it’s already a red zone ; now, it’s just a different kind . If necessary, we evacuate the scientists unwilling to stay and investigate any new phenomenon.
1. What will I wear to Court? Gevaudan will choose to wear his Scout(Courier) uniform from the Dzen Aeng Kho, (Society of Equals), that he first appeared at the hangar of Artemis Mercenary Corporation on D'Ganzio back in 1105.  To it he will add his four Darrian medals.  The uniform is a black jacket and trousers ensemble that contrasts with his white pelt.  On his shoulder and lapel are found his Senior Scout rank (Scout/3).  His upper arms feature the red circle field behind two upper canine fangs, the heraldry of the Society.  Buttoned up right, Gevaudan's uniform conceals his Teleportation Suit but betrays his EMP shielding collar.   2. Will I allow myself Officer's melee weapon and disarm all other weapons? Though his service Career didn't present Gevaudan with an Officer's melee weapon, Gev will clip for ease of weight and simplicity the Zhodani Mindsaber to his belt at the small of his back.  Under his jacket it is basically hidden.  He eschews the Vargr Serrated Sword because it is two-handed and smacks of Vargr Corsairs, not nice to sport in Court, yes?  To anyone who sees it and doesn't know what a Zhodani Mindsaber is, it looks like a weird, finned flashlight that Gev forgot to take off his belt after handing over his earpiece Comm at the door. 3. If interviewed or interrogated before Court, how cooperative will I be? Extents Vargr have this racial thing against regional authority, preferring direct Charisma and direct loyalty to a Charismatic leader.  Gevaudan will unfortunately have trouble dealing with interviewing and interrogation, especially if done in Galanglic language which Gev, as we can read and hear, is not fully fluent in speaking.  Thus his cooperation is eroded somewhat. 4. Will I allow myself to be separated from my shipmates as they too might be separated? Gevaudan will not do well being separated from his pack unless logical reasoning can overcome his packmindedness.  The same could be said for the other Extents Vargr on the Ares, though the Dame will have Witness, (viewed as property). 5. Will I claim a status, e.g. Darrian Confederation Envoy? Gevaudan has no special status other than Captain of the Ares. 6. What is my general, outward attitude and demeanor when I walk into Court, it's Nobles, military Officers, private sector and corporate reps, etc.? The outward demeanor of the Senior Scout is that while there are Charismatic humans in the Court, they suffer that quartering effect of their Social Standing.  A human's Social Standing converts down.  With exceptions, Gevaudan is quartering every human's Social Standing.   7. How good is my B.S. meter today? Because Galanglic is not his first language, lacking Deception skill, and being culturally displaced, Gevaudan is not the sort of Vargr to take with you to a party.  His Sister-Dame does better in this arena than Gevaudan. 8. What are my reactions to the Nobility of the Third Imperium? Born into their Social Standing and crystallized there means that they expect respect.  Unless they've done something to merit respect and trust, Gevaudan will again quarter their Social Standing to pseudo-Charisma and act accordingly.  But in his naivete, Gevaudan did want to sell the Ark to the highest Noble he could find at one point.  So, there is some duality in his thinking. 9. Will I lie for Artemis Group? Omit details? Be totally honest and forthright? Fall on my belly and grovel and placate? Will Gevaudan omit details if he can?  Sure.  Will he try to lie?  Not with any skill at all.  That whole Vargr body language gives tells to the trained eye.  Again, lack of Deception Skill works against the Pilot-Astrogator.  Gevaudan is also too high in Charisma and company position as Captain of the Ares to act submissive to anyone outside the company. 10. Be social with those who want to speak with me before, during and after formalities? There's that language barrier.  Gevaudan would rather not speak with anyone he's not been introduced before, met before or those he won't like.  Now, he can be Caroused by the first human to speak Gvegh to him, even if it's inflected or accented.  Gevaudan appreciates those who try on their end to meet with his mind. 11. Do I know or know of: Duke of Lunion, Duchess of Mora, the Viscounts of Lanth, the LSP Rep, the local Naval Admiral, the Imperial Naval Intelligence Officer, the IISS subsector Commodore, etc.? Gevaudan has met the Duchess of Mora on Mora during her post-legislative period soiree.  In the entourage of the late Col. Robertson, Gevaudan was able to be introduced to Her Face, (Her Grace, is it?)  He was even out-danced by the Professor Zi-Ramen on the floor.  So he bowed out in favor of the treats and eats at the bar.  Just as he was about to stuff his face, Uthka Varzeekh hauled him from the party at the sighting of Captain Maarg in the entourage of Duke Norris of Regina. 12. What is my attitude to the late Col. Robertson? It was the Colonel who hired Gevaudan with approval from the other company members.  Gevaudan was loyal to the Colonel and obeyed the former Star Marine's edicts.  Gevaudan would open his mouth at the wrong time to defend the honor of Gentleman Lloyd Robertson.  He'd likely mangle his Galanglic in doing so in the heat of the moment.  But since the man is dead, the Pilot-Astrogator will switch such loyalty to his crew now that he is the Captain of the Ares. 13. What is my loyalty to Isis? Oooh.  The others are not gonna like this.  Gevaudan is less loyal to Isis than the Colonel, but since she and Uthka tested and trained him in psionics sessions of Talents, social environments that involve psionics, deceptive concealment of psionics and other disciplines needed to survive as a Psion; he will try to keep her from harm, (after his Sister-Dame is safe first).  S'why he volunteered to keep Isis out of Artemis' way on Wypoc, though now she's on the Stealth Team and he's on the Assault Team.  But!  Gevaudan will not save her from herself if she falls one whit below her Intelligence UPP score.
Pakkrat, if the Duchess of Mora has shared that Charoux is a former Darrian Agent, then he will admit that. He won’t openly declare it , however. 1. Charoux will wear his fancy dress outfit he got from that recent shipment; very fancy, very modern Darrian attire. He’ll have his spywear on underneath, of course. 2. To the extent that it is appropriate, Charoux will bring his pistols, which bear the insignia of Darrian Agents. If it’s simply not appropriate, in spite of Darrian and Imperial Treaties, he won’t. Page 78 of the Darrian Book specifically mentions that Darrians do not have any tradition of sword fighting... but, because of this, those pistols he mustered out with, which carry the Darrian Agent Insignia, might be considered ceremonial, though. The Imperial & Darrian Treaty probably called for Darrians to be allowed designated pistols, and Imperials to be allowed additional body armor. Appropriate body armor for diplomatic discourse is in the CSC, on 134, but with sufficient technology, they’re probably using a gel-cloth outfit instead. 3. Charoux will be as cooperative as guaranteeing the success of the Maarg Mission and the objective of Destroying the Abomination allow. As an Agent, he has been trained to not let the success of a mission depend on more people than is necessary. Since the success of neither mission particularly depends on any of the Nobles, in general, he doesn’t see the need to share, although he will certainly consider sharing when there is some benefit to the success to the mission to be gained, as opposed to merely lost due to a failure to compartmentalize information. 4. Charoux doesn’t particularly mind being separated from the rest of the group himself , as he is trained for that, and it is par for the course for him; but he will be particularly hesitant to allow anyone else to be separated that way. If they want to talk to Artemis, they talk to Artemis ; they don’t single out our individuals. 5. Charoux will claim to be CEO of Artemis. He will admit to being a former Darrian Agent, if asked. He will allow the mistaken impression , or even imply falsely , to being a current Darrian Agent to the extent that it provides a genuine tangible benefit to Artemis’s ongoing missions. 6. Charoux’s instincts are to be polite but curt to the Nobles and Military Officers, as he considers this a complete hindrance to the ongoing missions, but he will attempt to conceal this and be sociable. A -1 Social Penalty would not be out of the question. There is a clear exception for the Duchess of Mora, who was the Colonel’s intimate friend, and anyone else who convincingly isn’t doing this just for the sake of political advantage. This also doesn’t apply to Private Sector and Corporate Reps; if Charoux has to waste time here, it may as well be to discuss potential future business. 7. Charoux is generally pretty good at Deception, Persuasion, and other social skills, and thinks on his feet very well. Of course, in the Court of a Noble, these abilities may be merely average... 8. The Imperium has their space, and the Darrian Confederation has our space. If the Imperium wants to set itself up for catastrophic failure by not implementing a Meritocracy, that’s their own business. It has nothing to do with us , or anyone else outside the Imperium, regardless of what the Imperials may think about the matter. But if they need a hand in being saved from themselves, we’re willing to accept good pay for that job. 9. Charoux defaults to compartmentalizing information as necessary, being truthful when that compartmentalization isn’t necessary, and lying when it is necessary. The person he is speaking to at the time is irrelevant. Charoux is willing to go to all sorts of antics as part of a cover identity, but he will not disgrace his own identity as a former Agent of the Darrian Confederation. 10. Charoux has too much unfinished business going on to even consider being good company; he’s too emotionally tied down by the current ongoing missions. He’ll do what business he can, and then take his leave. 11. As a player, I am only sure that Charoux knows the Duchess of Mora; the LSP rep may fit into Cheroux’s “Network: Corporate” contacts, or not. He may know something about the Naval Intelligence Officer from his Agent days, or not. They’re probably all in his database. 12. The late Colonel trained Charoux in pistols, which he has depended on as his primary armament ever since. He served Artemis with distinction, and Charoux has considerable loyalty for him. How far he might have gone to avenge him without the Darrian civilian casualties is an open question; but with them, Charoux is determined to see Maarg pay in blood, after Maarg’s life’s work is destroyed before his very eyes. 13. Isis has served Artemis without fail. There is nothing on her record to give Charoux any reason to doubt her former loyalty to Artemis, and her loyalty to the Colonel. But, like any Agent, the facts are what matter, and facts that are brought to light may change that assessment.
Just a side note about cryoberths We all realize that those emergency cryo-berths are only supposed to be used a couple of hours at a time, right Maybe not all. I didn't realize that. I figured they could be used indefinitely until you got your patient to a medical facility. If not then Tech's right - we really should sort out a better way to keep these guys frozen. 
1. What will I wear to Court? I do not believe Jeff has anything nicer than a suit and tie, his Navy Uniform is pretty messed up from all the years in the military. Also I will be wearing my eye patch to cover my cybernetic eye. 2. Will I allow myself Officer's melee weapon and disarm all other weapons? I will only bring a stunner with me, which I won't bring into the actual court room, but will instead have security hold onto it while I'm in the court room. 3. If interviewed or interrogated before Court, how cooperative will I be? Very cooperative to fellow military folk, but hesitant to those who got their power from their parents and didn't earn it. 4. Will I allow myself to be separated from my shipmates as they too might be separated? As long as they're safe I wouldn't mind. 5. Will I claim a status, e.g. Darrian Confederation Envoy? I was only Petty Officer, so I will claim former Navy, but not my full rank. 6. What is my general, outward attitude and demeanor when I walk into Court, it's Nobles, military Officers, private sector and corporate reps, etc.? I will walk with my head held high. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of the Nobility, who didn't earn their title through hard work, I will treat them all with equal respect, except LSP and if the Scouts are there, because of Bowman I have a lot of suspicions towards them, with them I will be more hesitant with my answers.  7. How good is my B.S. meter today? Great.  8. What are my reactions to the Nobility of the Third Imperium? If they've earn it, awesome. If not I guess they're ok. 9. Will I lie for Artemis Group? Omit details? Be totally honest and forthright? Fall on my belly and grovel and placate? I will omit facts such as looking into the Ark, and other things that would cause great suspicion towards me. 10. Be social with those who want to speak with me before, during and after formalities? Of course! 11. Do I know or know of: Duke of Lunion, Duchess of Mora, the Viscounts of Lanth, the LSP Rep, the local Naval Admiral, the Imperial Naval Intelligence Officer, the IISS subsector Commodore, etc.? Do not believe I would know them, but I believe I'd recognize who the Naval Int officer is. 12. What is my attitude to the late Col. Robertson? Didn't know the guy, but he seemed incredibly important to everyone on board. 13. What is my loyalty to Isis? For reasons undisclosed I'd defend Isis with all I have.

Edited 1467398885
Actually, while many of the Imperial aristocracy do inherit titles, many more do not. Like Sebastien, most of them work their way up by service to the Imperium, their subsectors, etc. Titles and portfolios are also frequently awarded to powerful and wealthy individuals and families in order to secure their loyalty to the Imperium. Earned or awarded, noble titles and positions generally come with quite a bit of responsibility and accountability. This is not to say that there aren't "bad" nobles, because there certainly are.  But in order to hold onto their power and authority, if not their titles and holdings, members of the aristocracy have to constantly earn and maintain the respect of both their peers and, to a lesser extent, even of the common people. They have to maintain a positive public image, avoid scandal, be generous and to represent the Imperium, their families/lands/etc. If they don't, they lose face and authority or even their titles and holdings.
Is that the reason why Sebastien has to spend a certain amount of money each month I think it was?
Fair points Wolfen. I've found that military folk generally have a little bit of smug contempt toward all "civies" though. I think Kayleb would probably respect the tile, but not necessarily the person holding it.  That's not to say he would be blatantly disrespectful toward nobles just because they're nobles. I think when you're raised poor you can have a slightly negative attitude toward the rich and people born to privilege. 
I expect the Military folks to be completely disgusted with Charoux being a dyed-in-the-wool spook. :P
Buddah, that's part of it, yeah. Among other responsibilities.
Captain Crow says: "So, I've done a bit of research, as your Chief Engineer and space scientist, just to make sure my stand on tossing the ark out into Jump Space is scientifically feasible. It is. In the entire history of Jump Travel, nothing that was ejected into the void has ever returned or been found. I can guarantee that if we throw it out there it will never be seen again. "It's also commonly accepted that anything tossed out beyond the warp bubble is completely disintegrated, although I'd have to allow that Ancient tech is just too unknowable to guarantee its destruction."
"I'd prefer it if you just said "thank you" and went on your way."
Never be seen again in known space , you mean.

Edited 1467430707
No. According to Pakkrat, it's guaranteed to NEVER BE SEEN AGAIN. It's at least as secure as putting it in a Black Hole, but without the time, expense and risk of your idea. Let it go. It won't kill you to let somebody else be right once in a while.
What if we dropped it overboard while hovering above an ocean so that it sinks to the bottom of a deep sea abyss? Nobody will EVER find it down there ....  ... until the sequel that is.  I was just reading the list of NPC courtroom motivations. So some actually know that we are carrying Zenobia and Bob already? 
Again, that roster is a work in progress.  If Artemis  never declares Zenobia and Bobvh then their involvement is moot.  S'why I kept asking if those two were on the list or not.  If so, then this is a roster of who and their goals to come when we present to Court.

Edited 1467459400
That's cool. I was just wondering if word about them being on board had gotten ahead of us somehow ... not that we'd know about it if it did.  Did we ever come to a conclusion about Zen and Bob? I remember there being to schools of thought on the matter. One was that we deliver them up as soon as possible, because carting them around was "kidnapping". The other was that we use them as tools somehow in our quest to nab Maarg.  If we are going to hand them over it could be important who we actually hand them over to. Maybe it would be good just to let important folks know that we have them safely ( or not so safely? we really need to think of getting a better way to store them ) detained on ice on board our ship. Let the consensus of those gathered decide what should be done with them. 
My opinion of Zenobia and Bobvh would be that we give Bobvh to the Marquis of Tenalphi, after cutting out certain brain cells with memories of the Ark, so we don't have to worry about him or his rehabilitation. But with Zenobia, maybe try seeing if she's willing to join the crew? A highly talented Psion would be amazingly useful in all our missions, and if we treat her as a person and not a thing for our profits, she would probably be glad to join our crew.

Edited 1467469330
Well, what they remember about the ark won't matter so much if we destroy it. They can talk all they want about it once it's gone. So maybe there will be no need for a lobotomy?  As for them joining the crew, I probably don't need to say how much Runt would love that idea. He would probably suggest that the lobotomy idea is a great one - but needs to go all the way. Why stop at just removing memory-of-the-ark parts?  Out of Character - psions are fun and interesting. 
Even though Jeff's moral compass isn't the best, Jeff would only want to cut out the memories of being in Bowman system altogether, but no farther.
For those of you newer players, Gevaudan does have a religion and a codified moral compass. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;for details. &nbsp;At first, making some serious credits selling the Ark to the highest of Nobles was an initial good plan. &nbsp;After hearing arguments and opinions, he's for doing the heroic thing and dumping the crystal some nilwhere nobody can ever find it. &nbsp;Losing it in jumpspace is the easiest idea he can think of. &nbsp;Next is losing it to the deep reaches of interstellar space. &nbsp;Lastly and most difficult is sending the Ark into a black hole. &nbsp;Gev would not vote for a star deposit. &nbsp;It just sounds weird and Star Trigger-y, though he couldn't prove such a reaction would happen. &nbsp;Superstitious. Gevaudan, the Follower of Runetha he is, would vote for the heroic approach to Zenobia and Bobvh. &nbsp;"Look who we rescue from the Bowman Incident! &nbsp;Finestkind, right?" &nbsp;Being forthcoming and surrendering the "Imperium Naval Intelligence" Operatives, ( no, we don't know they're Psi-Corps at all, do we? ) &nbsp;Give the two the debriefing of a lifetime. &nbsp;Don't spill our beans and we won't blow your covers in return. &nbsp;As long as no cats leave their bags, all's fair in love and war. &nbsp;Make a do. &nbsp;Whether we need them for taking down Maarg can come in the form of grilling for all that can be learned about their version of Wypoc. &nbsp;We get intel. &nbsp;Nobles or whomever gets their folk back, Psion or not. It is most likely, to reiterate, that Gev's Sixth Horizon will be ready to sail before the new 1200dT Colonial Cruiser. &nbsp;The efficient thing to do is to get the Dame Ticket underway. &nbsp;Yes, Gev wants a piece of Maarg's hide. &nbsp;The question here is how to run logistics of that while including the Senior Scout. &nbsp;Want him to taxi Artemis to Wypoc in that 200dT Vargr-painted clown car? &nbsp;Thought not. &nbsp;There's only four Staterooms and ten Low Berths and is meant for double-occupancy in terms of Life Support costs. &nbsp;Who'd like to sleep in same coffin as Runt? &nbsp;Thought not. &nbsp; Court on Lunion. &nbsp;Gevaudan wants in on that but anyone can explain to him why he's not an ideal participant other than the fact that he IS summoned by the Warrant as the Captain of the Ares. &nbsp;Can't take you or Runt anywhere, can we? &nbsp; He's already been listed by Sebastien as have all the crew and the long-term passengers. &nbsp;White Vargr can't dance. &nbsp;But this one can &nbsp;Jaunt. Bowman Incident and the RayEagle ? &nbsp;We'll let Sebastien do the talking as the Warrant doesn't cover us answering for that. &nbsp;We're just survivors of that terrible system, am I right? &nbsp; Fission event on Darrian and the death of the Colonel. &nbsp; Artemis Group had nothing to do with it though our beloved, late Colonel fell victim to it after he and Isis made a den together on Sun Point. &nbsp;We were on Zamine, do-gooding for the Darrian Confederation. &nbsp;Nope. &nbsp;No assassinations here. Do we want to take up Sebastien's ticket to hunt down Maarg? &nbsp;Though the bastard deserves it in Gev's eyes and 35MCr does sound nice for popping one guy, the Equal Vargr can be just as happy reneging on both Tickets just to make it home to the Dzen Aeng Kho. &nbsp; &nbsp;But that's not very heroic, is it? &nbsp;So, then Gev has to get the guy on the way home, yes? &nbsp;Count him in though that color scheme on his ship screams Vargr Low-Rider, Jump-4 hoopty. If we really want to make the Dame and her magazine happy, Witness at the very least needs to be with us on one of the two teams invading Wypoc and the INI/Psi-Corps bunker. &nbsp;Gev can mention that because it pings Vargr Charisma. &nbsp;Heroic storming the castle and all that. &nbsp; Artemis has put him on the Assault Team. Leave anything unanswered from Gevaudan Cannagrrh's point of view?
Does Gev believe that Bobvh should have some memories of a certain football sized object removed? Just in case Maarg somehow manages to get him before we destroy it. I know that it won't matter after we destroy it, but we should play it safe because he may have looked into the Ark like me, and knows the stuff I know... Let's just say it's in our best interest for him not to know about the inside of the Ark.
I'm not sure that the technology to surgically remove specific memories from a subject's brain exists in Traveller. Does it? I would imagine that there would be ways to do it through psionics, and maybe thru some kind of high-tech (and probably illegal) brain-washing. Any of these possible procedures, however, are likely to be expensive and time-consuming. Personally, I still say we just get rid of the ark before we go to Lunion and then turn the frozen psions over to the authorities. If they blab then, so be it. It's actually fairly likely that one or both of them won't survive the flawing out process anyway. In terms of Gev's plans and participation, I don't see that his "200dT Vargr-painted clown car" is a liability. It's certainly not &nbsp;what Maarg would expect to see us in. I'm thinking that Gev and whatever advanced recon party we want to send to Wypoc go in the Sixth Horizon , while the Dame and Uthka stay with Sebastien in the luxury of his country estate until it's time for the whole group to go off to the showdown at Wypoc. At that point, we'll need to charter/rent/buy a ship to get the rest of us to Wypoc, preferably one that can then take us all back to Lunion. We may also want to consider finding some new crew before going to Wypoc, as well. We're going to need at least a new Astrogator. Crow could potential take over as Pilot, but then we're even more short-handed in engineering. After we deal with Wypoc, the Dame and Uthka transfer over to Gev's ship and off they go. The rest of us go back to Lunion to start up our new company and christen our new ship.
Wolfen said: No. According to Pakkrat, it's guaranteed to NEVER BE SEEN AGAIN. It's at least as secure as putting it in a Black Hole, but without the time, expense and risk of your idea. Let it go. It won't kill you to let somebody else be right once in a while. What risk ? You orbit around a black hole just like any other star of the same mass . And it’s got a big star right next to it to target your jump with so you don’t miss. It doesn’t matter what Pakkrat says; Charoux has no way to know what he says about it.
The risk of keeping the thing around increases every moment we have it. On top of that, if we try to hide it while we're at the Lunion, we run the risk that somebody finds out. Considering the fact that at least some of those who want the thing are psions who wouldn't hesitate to read our minds, and the fact that keeping it around means we also need to keep the psi-cops under wraps, I'd say that's about as risky as it gets. As far as the science goes, Jacob Crow, your Chief Engineer and space scientist says it. If his professional opinion isn't good enough for you, so be it.&nbsp;
Buddah said: My opinion of Zenobia and Bobvh would be that we give Bobvh to the Marquis of Tenalphi, after cutting out certain brain cells with memories of the Ark, so we don't have to worry about him or his rehabilitation. But with Zenobia, maybe try seeing if she's willing to join the crew? A highly talented Psion would be amazingly useful in all our missions, and if we treat her as a person and not a thing for our profits, she would probably be glad to join our crew. Charoux was definitely mulling over giving her the choice of staying on as Crew, or going to a mutually agreeable prison to stand trial. She can probably do more good with us than by being locked up, or exploited for her abiities.
Wolfen said: The risk of keeping the thing around increases every moment we have it. On top of that, if we try to hide it while we're at the Lunion, we run the risk that somebody finds out. Considering the fact that at least some of those who want the thing are psions who wouldn't hesitate to read our minds, and the fact that keeping it around means we also need to keep the psi-cops under wraps, I'd say that's about as risky as it gets. As far as the science goes, Jacob Crow, your Chief Engineer and space scientist says it. If his professional opinion isn't good enough for you, so be it. That risk is no different than letting anyone else have it. If the Nobles have a problem with us keeping our Psionic hoods on while engaged in an anti-psionic mission, then I say we drop their ticket; because if they don’t see the need to keep information contained, they’re already beyond our help.
Wolfen said: I'm not sure that the technology to surgically remove specific memories from a subject's brain exists in Traveller. Does it? I would imagine that there would be ways to do it through psionics, and maybe thru some kind of high-tech (and probably illegal) brain-washing. Any of these possible procedures, however, are likely to be expensive and time-consuming. Personally, I still say we just get rid of the ark before we go to Lunion and then turn the frozen psions over to the authorities. If they blab then, so be it. It's actually fairly likely that one or both of them won't survive the flawing out process anyway. In terms of Gev's plans and participation, I don't see that his "200dT Vargr-painted clown car" is a liability. It's certainly not &nbsp;what Maarg would expect to see us in. I'm thinking that Gev and whatever advanced recon party we want to send to Wypoc go in the Sixth Horizon , while the Dame and Uthka stay with Sebastien in the luxury of his country estate until it's time for the whole group to go off to the showdown at Wypoc. At that point, we'll need to charter/rent/buy a ship to get the rest of us to Wypoc, preferably one that can then take us all back to Lunion. We may also want to consider finding some new crew before going to Wypoc, as well. We're going to need at least a new Astrogator. Crow could potential take over as Pilot, but then we're even more short-handed in engineering. After we deal with Wypoc, the Dame and Uthka transfer over to Gev's ship and off they go. The rest of us go back to Lunion to start up our new company and christen our new ship. The ability to get rid of certain memories does exist, even in the real world, what you do is have the patient remember what they know and scan what cells get activated when you remember the memory, when you cut out those they lose the memory of the thing.

Edited 1467501832
Buddah said: The ability to get rid of certain memories does exist, even in the real world, what you do is have the patient remember what they know and scan what cells get activated when you remember the memory, when you cut out those they lose the memory of the thing. ***WARNING: Educational diatribe ahead!*** I'm not sure where you got that idea, but it's not true. This is not meant to be a slam, flame, or anything of the sort, and I don't mean to be a know it all, but I really do know quite a bit about memory, neuroscience and cognitive science. I studied it in college, I was a professional cognitive and behavioral analyst for decades, and in the last few years I've suffered from a number of strokes and seizures that have forced me to experience an even more intimate understanding of how the brain works (and doesn't). Memory isn't held discretely in individual cells, or sets of cells. It's an extraordinarily complex interrelation of cells, neurochemicals and input with connections to lots of other cells and regions of the brain. It is true that&nbsp; certain parts of the brain do regulate certain kinds of brains functions , such as linguistic ability or the ability to perceive colors. Neuroscientists believe that the skills or "memories" governed by those parts of the brain are not only hidden away, but completely erased when that region of the brain is damaged. For example, patients with damage to the part of the brain that allows us to connect and integrate two separate concepts together, may be told that a wooden table was made out of trees, they could not even imagine how that could even be possible. It would make no sense to them. Even in cases of complete amnesia due to massive brain damage, the brain's complex storage system allows it to recover parts of memories and whole memories because they are stored in some many ways and in so many places in the brain. This is called&nbsp; neuroplasticity , and it's why people like me, who have suffered a major stroke (or more than one) can often recover part or all of the memories and skills that seemed "lost" when the stroke occurred. Right after my stroke, I literally couldn't speak. I could generally understand what people said to me, but I couldn't connect the thought in my head "I'm thirsty," to the spoken words. I'd have to mime drinking or point to an empty cup. Over time and given therapy, thankfully, I've mostly recovered, but I still have a dead mass of cells in my brain. Through a combination of recovering both function and memory from nearby cells and forging new pathways and connections to other, undamaged cells, most people tell me that they can't tell that I suffer from occasional&nbsp; aphasia . You guys have seen (or heard, anyway) me "lose my words" as I refer to it, when I'm really tired or upset, but overall, my brain has healed itself. So in the real world, there is no way to surgically remove a specific memory from Zenobia's or Bobvh's &nbsp;brains without removing all memory and/or inflicting catastrophic brain damage. Any half measure would take the risk that the memory might come back at any time. Not to mention that, in my opinion, it would more evil than killing them outright. ***Educational diatribe ends.*** In the Traveller Universe, it may be possible, of course, that's why I asked, and I wouldn't be shocked if there was a technique or device in the game. Even if this were the case, however, and it didn't cause significant collateral damage, it would be unethical (which may or may not matter to you) and almost certainly be costly and or time-consuming. Wouldn't it just be easier to get rid of the ark and turn over the psi-cicles, so we can break out of this strangling web a deceit and secrecy?
In exactly that order, yes. But Charoux is not about to leave it to chance that some future generation, or some distant post-Jump-Field civilization, has to go through the same thing. He wants it destroyed, or at least contained, well before he wants it somehow “lost”. With regards to your stroke, you’ve come a long way, Wolfen; I never would have guessed.

Edited 1467505287
Sorry, I mixed up brain theory with stuff that has been tested, although it is true that if your memory storage center is cut off, even if you have incredible restorative processes such as Wolverine or Deadpool, those memories wouldn't come back due to the way memory is stored. (edit) Jeff is willing to risk catastrophic brain damage to Bobvh, under the guise of having to cut out part of his brain or he would've died of stroke if we did not cut a certain portion of his brain, we didn't have the other ways of dealing with strokes (if there are other ways in Traveller) so we had to for the Nobles to be able to question him...

Edited 1467504438
*This is in-character, mostly, from the INT 14 of Gevaudan, so I'll try to emulate such a high intellect. The language is Gvegh and requires a Translator/1 to convert to Galanglic unless the listener is proficient, Language-1 (Gvegh) or better.* Gevaudan had heard logical, emotional, reactive and educational responses to the needs of the Artemis Group . &nbsp;Having had quite enough of the volleying arguments, he chose to speak as eloquently as he could, in his racial language of Gvegh. "There is a third option that might satisfy all parties of this corporation," the white Vargr began. &nbsp;"Aside from the need to appear in Court on Lunion soon, we have no timetable for dealing with Maarg lest one be commanded of us by the Court. &nbsp;Similarly, we are under no compunction to come clean with those sleeping on the Medical Deck right now. &nbsp;We have a viable plan for keeping the honor and service of Dr. SIMOne if 'she' agrees to such deception. &nbsp;I, for one am grateful for her services and tireless devotion to this ship and its crew, individuals and group. &nbsp;This crystal, so-called the Ark or the Heart of the Many by those under its influence, should rest in the hands of no one. &nbsp;Runetha knows it could be kept safe by the responsible. &nbsp;But we are in the mortal condition, all of us. &nbsp;That condition includes the phrase power corrupts.... &nbsp; So, the crystal must be put where no one dare breach and recover it. &nbsp;If excising the Ancients artifact in jumpspace is, after all the back and forth, still not an acceptable solution, then the most dangerous and most extreme solution must be given voice. &nbsp;The artifact should be sent to the depths of a black hole, to remain if it truly is indestructible, until the breaking of all the heavens and firmaments in this galaxy. &nbsp;It is a heroic undertaking. &nbsp;A Quest." The Senior Scout continues with, "I have consulted the Astrogation charts. &nbsp;627-301 is only six jumps in the Sixth Horizon &nbsp;or a similar Jump-4 starship. &nbsp;If Agent and Gentleman Larzamonte Charoux is so thoroughly adamant about the deposit of the artifact into a black hole as the only means of being absolutely sure of himself and his Darrian authority, paranoia, agency and confidence; then the Artemis Group &nbsp;might be served by a single person with a personal Quest to rid our universe of the crystal by detaching from the Group &nbsp;and making for 627-301 as an Agent mission of his very choosing. &nbsp;As an Agent, he is stealthy, good when by himself, capable as a Tech-hunter, and knowledgeable enough to know what must be done to ensure the safety of this galaxy. &nbsp;Let him spirit the Ark to 627-301 as a quiet ghost, a humble Darrian Traveller, a Courier of the most dangerous artifact we have ever encountered. &nbsp;If the gravitational forces of a black hole cannot crack the psionic planes or facets of the crystal, then at least it is the most secure vault every created by the Four Forces. &nbsp;Let the Tech-hunter do the single most important mission of his life while we, the Artemis Group &nbsp;cover his tracks with smoke, mirrors, society, deception, misdirection and a public face to focus upon. &nbsp;While the Nobles of Lunion squabble over their Psions, their Intelligence agency, their Client States and other power plays; one lone Darrian man should be able to fly under the notice of all and rid us of this slow-killing danger once and for all." Gevaudan then sips Atrake, a fruity and alcoholic drink through a Vargr straw, "You all know that I must take my sister, the Dame Qithka Cannagrrh, her attache Uthka Varzeekh and Kfan Uzangou's Witness home to the Society of Equals. &nbsp;That Ticket is the easiest of the three we face so far. &nbsp;This Ticket must be completed before the end of this year of 1110. &nbsp;I can convey the Stealth Team to Wypoc on the way to my home polity. &nbsp;From there, we can gain the intel on the bunker we left standing in 1107. &nbsp;The Sixth Horizon can make it there only four jumps and via wilderness refuelling if so needed. &nbsp;The Stealth team can then infiltrate, scout and set up diversions and other projects to make ready for the Assault team. &nbsp;When the Assault team arrives, the siege can begin and hopefully all goals, both Maarg Tickets upheld, will be attainable. &nbsp;From there, the Artemis Group must part ways and thusly disappear from the public eye long enough for the Fifth Frontier War to end and all Noble eyes turn toward its aftermath, knowing full well that we completed our true mission at 627-301."&nbsp; "It may be with a heavy heart that I might not make a return trip to the Spinward Marches, " Gevaudan concludes. &nbsp;"That I might contribute to quarterly assistance is possible, even from just inside Gvurrdon Sector. &nbsp;It has been an honor to fly all of the ships of the corporation in its three iterations and under each command. &nbsp;I too miss the Gentleman Colonel. &nbsp;Let us heed his repeated and verbose warnings to 'Stay On-Mission', to not get bogged down in the chaos of democracy too much and heed the command structure especially when action over talk is indicated." Gevaudan straightens to his tallest, his vertebrae adjusting a few times, "As your Captain of the Ares, I command that we will ride into Lunion and with pride, set these Nobles straight on paths of our influence. &nbsp;Not theirs. &nbsp;We will show them Charisma. &nbsp;We will display our deeds. &nbsp;These past five years have been the best of my life. &nbsp;No doubt, yours have been touched in various ways as well. &nbsp;They will play our game for once. &nbsp;We will beat them and take our justice - not revenge - upon Captain Thaddeus Maarg, free his conscripts, capture the evidence of ill-operations of the Psi-Corps, preserve the face of the Nobles and the Imperial Navy and tell a good story for little Gvurrdon &nbsp;cubs for generations to come."&nbsp; "Anyone not on board for this Quest, this final mission; feel free to pack up and make Tenalphi your port of call."
To be clear, outside the Event Horizon, which is very small , everything outside a Black Hole is still pretty normal; objects at the same distance orbit no differently; “throwing a rock at it” isn’t going to lead to some unusual dire consequence. Everything works the way it should. Jump Space, in comparison, is much more poorly understood. Safer, for the most part, yes, but not nearly as predictable as, say, orbital physics. Inside the Event Horizon of the Black Hole, it’s a different story, but we’d have to be pretty boneheaded to end up there; it’s kind of like trying to not drive into a lake; if you don’t want to go, you just don’t . All in all, comparing the risk of navigating space that’s perfectly normal except for this one region that’s smaller than a star of the same mass, compared to throwing an object with unknown properties out of the ship into the Jump Bubble which also has unknown properties, the answer, inconvenient though it may be , seems pretty obvious to me.

Edited 1467516427
I'm not sure that the technology to surgically remove specific memories from a subject's brain exists in Traveller. Does it The Classic Traveller "Expedition to Zhodane" includes a "personality overlay machine" that can replace your personality with another one. New memories and skills and everything. I think this suggests that you can remove and replace memories without resorting to surgery. It's more of a drugs, flashing lights, and brainwashing thing. It's used by agents infiltrating Zhodani society as a defense against thought reading and mind probes.&nbsp; In Megatraveller there was a drug that made people forget the last 6 seconds. The cool thing was that you could load it into a weapon like a snub pistol and stagger it with tranquilizers. So you could knock the target out with the bonus that the target would never remember you shooting them. Only six seconds though. &nbsp; In Mongoose there are life events in character generation where you simply don't know what happened to you. A part of your memory is missing. So it seems to be a thing in Traveller that you can mess with and overwrite memories.&nbsp; I would say that it's a big deal though. Probably more complicated than taking to someone's open skull with a scalpel and removing said memories. If you're interested&nbsp; This link is worth checking out. I n character - messing around with people's memories is such a "Zhodani" thing to do that Kayleb is likely to strongly object to it. He'd suggest an easier and more permanent solution, or simply state that it won't matter what either of them say once the crystal is disposed of. His only real concern is whether or not they report to Maarg.&nbsp; EDIT: The primary problem with the black hole plan is the massive detour.&nbsp;627-301 is 9 jump-3 jumps away from from Tenalphi. &nbsp;So three months there, three months back ... that's a detour of about half a year!
Half a year is a small price to pay for the safety of the universe as we know it.