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5th Edition OGL by Roll20 v1.6

Savannah said: Hi! Hope I'm in the right place for this. Is there any function (or any in the works) for visually marking spells on the spell page as rituals or domain spells? Like the "dot" that signifies prepared/unprepared, but to easily show ritual and domain spells? Currently I'm just changing the spell name to have (ritual) or (r), or (T) for Tempest domain, for example, but it would be cool if it could be marked on the sheet somehow. Thanks! You all are doing great work! For ritual spells there is a checkbox in the spell's settings that denotes whether the spell is a ritual or not. You still have to open the spell's information, but it is there. As for the domain spells, your method is probably the easiest and, unless Steve has something planned,there is no way to differentiate between domain spells and other spells, nor multiclass spells for that matter.
That's not exactly what I'm looking for, but thanks Kyle! Hopefully in the future there will be an easy way to differentiate Ritual spells, etc. on the spell list, rather than having to open up every individual spell.
Hi, I'm having an issue with the sheet. It looks like the Spell section always stays blank despite there being information on the box, and neither the Equipment or Spell section consistently output an option in the Attack section. I'm dragging everything from the compendium. Open: . Closed: There is a light crossbow on equipment, but only the dagger appears in Attacks & Spellcasting. The spells don't appear either: I initially could not get the equipment section to change to Compendium-compatible from Simple, but changing the sheet to NPC made it work.. No one else in my group is having problems with the sheet. Everything else like saving throws, initiative, skill checks etc. is working fine.  In  a previous page I saw someone with a similar problem where all his spell names dissapeared. Thanks for all your work, and I'm sorry if this isn't in the appropriate thread.

Edited 1491508507
Hi Santiago G. , this is the perfect thread to troubleshooting sheet issues within. Could you please carefully work through the first three steps of our guide to Solving Technical Issues ? Step 1: Make sure to use the right browser Please check if these issues persist when using both Chrome and Firefox. Step 2: Ensure that there are no extensions/addons interfering with Roll20 Please disable all add-ons/extensions and anti-virus programs. Step 3: Clear your cache If none of the above succeeds, please thoroughly work through Step 4 . (Don't forget the complete Console Log!) Thank you!
Clearing my cache and re-entering everything solved it. I wasn't aware of the roll20 wiki, thanks for linking it and sorry for wasting your time. I'll be more attentive in the future. Thank you.
D&D 5e OGL sheet and API. Has anyone had these issues?  1 - The 3D dice rolls don't match what is in chat? 2 - You add a weapon by dragging it from the Compendium to inventory and it doesn't add to the Attack and Spells section and the item that are in that section don't save changes if you make any. # 2 has happened twice now to 2 different players and to fix it I had to rebuild the characters. # 1 I am not sure. I am keeping an eye on it now but seems to be fix after rebuilding the character. While I am asking question is there a way to change the default encumbrance settings. Settings now are 5*strength and 10*strength and I would like to change it for my campaign. If not maybe something could be added to 1.7? Thanks
Is there an easy way to quickly convert a NPC sheet roll using the npcaction template into a token macro? I can't seem to make it work like I do in other sheets. Here is an example of the problem I am having - Zombies have the "Slam" attack, which activates when you click on the description of that attack in the character sheet. By hitting the up arrow after rolling the attack, I get a macro, and that macro gets pasted into an Ability on the same sheet. The macro runs fine from the button next to the macro I've created, but.... when I check off the "Show as Token Action" box on the sheet and then link up a token to the sheet, clicking on the token action for "Slam" generates the following error: No ability was found for %{Zombie|Slam} Any idea what gives here?
You have to use the repeating npc action stuff and replace it with the row id where it's at.
%{selected|repeating_npcaction_$0_npc_action} will run the first Action listed on the token's character sheet if you're using the OGL and the token is assigned to represent a character sheet. Otherwise you would need to replace selected with the character sheet name and make that a macro. Such as... %{Zombie|repeating_npcaction_$0_npc_action} <-- will activate Slam if slam is the first action listed. You can use $1, $2, etc to get additional actions from the character sheet that way.
Perfect. Thanks, Sky. - Matt
Hello, Is there a way to turn encumbered off in this sheet? Im gonna be running a campaign with a very lax rule on carrying items, and even on start up my team is having issues with there starting off even carrying basic items, its saying encumbered. Thanks
There is a setting on the Settings Page for the Encumbrance ON/OFF.
Are there any thoughts to making it easier to use the NPC  save and ability check roll in token action (Ability) macros? To be more specific there are predefined rolls for all saving throws and ability checks on the npc sheet, for example %{selected|npc_str_save} should work on every NPC, however it doesn't because the npc_str_save attribute does not get created unless the NPC has proficiency/expertise/bonus in the save.   I do realize that there are some macros by Silvyre and others floating about, but sure would be nice if we could use the sheet rolls instead of recreating the logic manually in the macros.
I love that the sheet calculates encumbrance for me, but there is no option for characters who have larger thresholds. Firbolg, Goliaths, and Bear Barbarians all have double the carrying capacity of a normal player character. Are there any plans to allow us to include that as an option?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kevin said: Are there any thoughts to making it easier to use the NPC  save and ability check roll in token action (Ability) macros? To be more specific there are predefined rolls for all saving throws and ability checks on the npc sheet, for example %{selected|npc_str_save} should work on every NPC, however it doesn't because the npc_str_save attribute does not get created unless the NPC has proficiency/expertise/bonus in the save.   Hmm, don't you think we only need default values? Why do you want to get such complicated macros? If you need such a roll, you have a characteristic within the sheet. We only need a '0' by default, which would allow %{selected|npc_str_save} (or anything the same kind) to work. 
fenrhir said: Kevin said: Are there any thoughts to making it easier to use the NPC  save and ability check roll in token action (Ability) macros? To be more specific there are predefined rolls for all saving throws and ability checks on the npc sheet, for example %{selected|npc_str_save} should work on every NPC, however it doesn't because the npc_str_save attribute does not get created unless the NPC has proficiency/expertise/bonus in the save.   Hmm, don't you think we only need default values? Why do you want to get such complicated macros? If you need such a roll, you have a characteristic within the sheet. We only need a '0' by default, which would allow %{selected|npc_str_save} (or anything the same kind) to work.  Fenrhir, I am actually suggesting that we should have default attribute values populated so that the sheet's existing macros work properly without having to make custom macros.  My concern is that to workaround the issue today, we need to recreate these complex macros and try to cover all of the possible configurations that people might want.  

Edited 1491844211
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Fenrhir, I am actually suggesting that we should have default attribute values populated so that the sheet's existing macros work properly without having to make custom macros.  My concern is that to workaround the issue today, we need to recreate these complex macros and try to cover all of the possible configurations that people might want.   You actually just need to fill the value in the characteristics you want to use... Is this such a big issue? Wouldn't you do it for a PC sheet? Wouldn't you do it for Dex or Con or AC? I actually have difficulties to understand your point. You want to use a Strength save without having the Str save filled. Fill it. The sheet can't guess the value you want to use...
fenrhir said: Fenrhir, I am actually suggesting that we should have default attribute values populated so that the sheet's existing macros work properly without having to make custom macros.  My concern is that to workaround the issue today, we need to recreate these complex macros and try to cover all of the possible configurations that people might want.   You actually just need to fill the value in the characteristics you want to use... Is this such a big issue? Wouldn't you do it for a PC sheet? Wouldn't you do it for Dex or Con or AC? I actually have difficulties to understand your point. You want to use a Strength save without having the Str save filled. Fill it. The sheet can't guess the value you want to use... When you have 100's of NPC's it can be rather tedious for something that should work out of the box.

Edited 1491845217
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ed S. said: . When you have 100's of NPC's it can be rather tedious for something that should work out of the box. Hmm, that's why I proposed to fill default values with 0s on the sheet, (as obviously, saves or any other characteristics not already filled in the Compendium have a 0 value), instead of complicated macros. And "something that should work out of the box"... I totally agree with you. Still, when we add a NPC to a game, we often add a token for it, then it should be a good habit, and a very fast move, to add a couple of 0s... Once again, yes, this should be done on each sheet by default. QED. No need for macros.
fenrhir said: Fenrhir, I am actually suggesting that we should have default attribute values populated so that the sheet's existing macros work properly without having to make custom macros.  My concern is that to workaround the issue today, we need to recreate these complex macros and try to cover all of the possible configurations that people might want.   You actually just need to fill the value in the characteristics you want to use... Is this such a big issue? Wouldn't you do it for a PC sheet?  I asked the question with the hopes that if a change were made it would improve the user experience for everyone.  I believe that an NPC dragged in from the SRD/MM/Volo should already have these attributes created and filled, so that you can use the rolls that already exist on the sheet allowing for a common set of macros based on the rolls created by the sheet to be used.  I would prefer not to have to go in and manually fill in details for every single monster I import to be able to get the default sheet rolls to work.  Not to mention that if you have a purchased module you have quite a lot of existing NPC that you will need to do this with.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kevin said: I asked the question with the hopes that if a change were made it would improve the user experience for everyone.  I believe that an NPC dragged in from the SRD/MM/Volo should already have these attributes created and filled, so that you can use the rolls that already exist on the sheet allowing for a common set of macros based on the rolls created by the sheet to be used.  I would prefer not to have to go in and manually fill in details for every single monster I import to be able to get the default sheet rolls to work.  Not to mention that if you have a purchased module you have quite a lot of existing NPC that you will need to do this with. You guys are missing my point. I do agree that we need to be able to roll "unfilled" base characteristics. I'm just saying: they don't need to add macros on the sheet to do this. They need to modify the core HTML to add default values for those couple of text fields. Same result, less complicated way to reach it, and thus really much more chances to see the sheet maintainers do it at the next update ;)
fenrhir said: Ed S. said: . When you have 100's of NPC's it can be rather tedious for something that should work out of the box. Hmm, that's why I proposed to fill default values with 0s on the sheet, (as obviously, saves or any other characteristics not already filled in the Compendium have a 0 value), instead of complicated macros. And "something that should work out of the box"... I totally agree with you. Still, when we add a NPC to a game, we often add a token for it, then it should be a good habit, and a very fast move, to add a couple of 0s... Once again, yes, this should be done on each sheet by default. QED. No need for macros. It is not simple, nor fast to go through and add zeros to every npc skill and saving throw when you are adding a monster on the fly to the campaign.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sky said: It is not simple, nor fast to go through and add zeros to every npc skill and saving throw when you are adding a monster on the fly to the campaign. Dude. Are you trolling me here? I'm just saying "Don't ask the sheet maintainer to add a bunch of complicated macros, ask him to add some zeros inside the sheet's text field so that NPCs automatically have a score of 0 in each skill/save/whatever when they're not filled by the compendium/DM". Is this so hard to understand?
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Craven . said: D&D 5e OGL sheet and API. Has anyone had these issues?  1 - The 3D dice rolls don't match what is in chat? 2 - You add a weapon by dragging it from the Compendium to inventory and it doesn't add to the Attack and Spells section and the item that are in that section don't save changes if you make any. # 2 has happened twice now to 2 different players and to fix it I had to rebuild the characters. # 1 I am not sure. I am keeping an eye on it now but seems to be fix after rebuilding the character. While I am asking question is there a way to change the default encumbrance settings. Settings now are 5*strength and 10*strength and I would like to change it for my campaign. If not maybe something could be added to 1.7? Thanks 3D Dice is a known issue and not related to the 5E sheet specifically. As for the Compendium drag and drop not working, that sounds to me like something interfering in Roll20's JavaScript from executing. Do you have an Adblocker you can white list, same with your anti-virus? What kind of errors are being thrown in your console log?

Edited 1491856284
Stephen Koontz
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Reminding everyone to stay civil, please.  More/Customizable encumbrance options are coming with 1.7 As for NPC saves that aren't set, I'm trying to understand your use case. Why wouldn't use use the Strength roll if it lacks a Strength Save? Is this because you're not actually working off the sheet and have your own custom macros that you're firing off of a token?
Little snippet that can be used for Disciple of Life clerics wanting to automate their domain feature. Adds the right amount of extra healing based on what level the spell is being cast at. Just paste it behind the damage/healing value in the spell. + [[3 + ?{Cast at what level?|Level 1,0|Level 2,1|Level 3,2|Level 4,3|Level 5,4|Level 6,5|Level 7,6|Level 8,7|Level 9,8}]] [Disciple of Life]
Steve K. said: Reminding everyone to stay civil, please.  More/Customizable encumbrance options are coming with 1.7 As for NPC saves that aren't set, I'm trying to understand your use case. Why wouldn't use use the Strength roll if it lacks a Strength Save? Is this because you're not actually working off the sheet and have your own custom macros that you're firing off of a token? Yes, this is my understanding of the issue as well. Custom macros used in order to speed up gameplay and prevent needing to open up npc character sheets during combat must take into account that if an npc does not have proficiency in a skill/saving throw to revert to the individual stat for the skill/save. For example, if the npc does not have a value set in its stealth skill, then when you reference @{charactername|npcd_stealth} it would revert to @{charactername|npcd_dex_mod}
Steve K. said: Reminding everyone to stay civil, please.  More/Customizable encumbrance options are coming with 1.7 As for NPC saves that aren't set, I'm trying to understand your use case. Why wouldn't use use the Strength roll if it lacks a Strength Save? Is this because you're not actually working off the sheet and have your own custom macros that you're firing off of a token? Token actions improve the speed of play for my group tremendously, because as Kyle G. points out, you don't need to open each and every character sheet to make a roll, select the token and roll using the token actions. Essentially you should be able to use token actions or macros that reference sheet rolls easily.  For example if I create the Ability Macro %{selected|npc_str_save}, this roll exists on every npc sheet, but unless the NPC has a bonus to strength saving throws, this roll will fail.  It fails because the Attribute "npc_str_save" doesn't exist (which I am not sure why there is an npcd _str_save and an npc _str_save, but that seems unrelated). This means that I cannot create generic macros (global) that reference the rolls, because I don't know without opening the sheet if a mob has a bonus or not.  I also can't update my token action script to use these sheet based rolls for the same reason.   It is important to use the sheet rolls wherever possible, why?  Because if the rolls change or features get added, if we are referencing the sheet rolls, we get automatic support of the feature.  For example let's say you add configuration options to provide bonuses to the individual saving throws... if I reference the sheet roll, this will then work for me automatically.  If I create my own macros, well then every time a roll or feature is added or created I need to go through and adjust all of my macros on all of my NPC. Because I try not to open the sheets for the encounters (screen space, speed, etc), I can't tell whether or not to use a Check vs. a Save in the case where there is no bonus.  Sure I can try one, see the error then try the other... which is not a good experience.  I can also workaround this by creating my own complex macros... but as noted above, if the sheet adds a feature or changes a roll for any reason, I am redoing work.

Edited 1491859254
Kevin, here is the macro that I use for npc saving throws. It DOES take into account whether the mook has the saving throw set and defaults to the base stat if not set. @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=Saving Throws}}{{Str Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npc_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npcd_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]] }} {{Dex Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npc_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npcd_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]] }} {{Con Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npc_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npcd_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]] }} {{Int Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npc_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npcd_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]] }} {{Wis Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npc_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npcd_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]] }} {{Cha Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npc_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npcd_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]] }}
Kyle G. said: Kevin, here is the macro that I use for npc saving throws. It DOES take into account whether the mook has the saving throw set and defaults to the base stat if not set. @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=Saving Throws}}{{Str Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npc_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npcd_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]] }} {{Dex Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npc_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npcd_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]] }} {{Con Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npc_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npcd_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]] }} {{Int Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npc_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npcd_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]] }} {{Wis Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npc_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npcd_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]] }} {{Cha Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npc_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npcd_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]] }} We shouldn't have to make those kinds of macros in the first place. %{selected|npc_str_save} should simply just work out of the box.
Steve K. said: Craven . said: D&D 5e OGL sheet and API. Has anyone had these issues?  1 - The 3D dice rolls don't match what is in chat? 2 - You add a weapon by dragging it from the Compendium to inventory and it doesn't add to the Attack and Spells section and the item that are in that section don't save changes if you make any. # 2 has happened twice now to 2 different players and to fix it I had to rebuild the characters. # 1 I am not sure. I am keeping an eye on it now but seems to be fix after rebuilding the character. While I am asking question is there a way to change the default encumbrance settings. Settings now are 5*strength and 10*strength and I would like to change it for my campaign. If not maybe something could be added to 1.7? Thanks 3D Dice is a known issue and not related to the 5E sheet specifically. As for the Compendium drag and drop not working, that sounds to me like something interfering in Roll20's JavaScript from executing. Do you have an Adblocker you can white list, same with your anti-virus? What kind of errors are being thrown in your console log? Thanks for the encumbrance changes coming. :) There is no error when i drag a item that should add to the attack area it doesn't add. It adds to inventory but not to the attack spell section. If I delete an item from inventory it doesn't remove it from the attack area. The items that have ammo don't remove ammo anymore. It only been 1 character at a time the other 3 work find. So i don't think its a add-on issue other wise all them should stop working. Next time it happens is there any info i can gather to see if we can track down what it is?  I know deleting  the character and recreating it works. I can also make a small video showing the issue. Everything is working fine right now.  
Here is the macro i use for Saves seems to work for both PC and NPC. Will show you the bonus in chat. one button and all the saves. &{template:simple} {{always=1}} ?{Ability| Strength Save, {{rname=Strength Save}} {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|strength_save_bonus}]] [Stength Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} {{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|strength_save_bonus}]] [Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|strength_save_bonus}]] [Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} | Dexterity Save, {{rname=Dexterity Save}} {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|dexterity_save_bonus}]] [Dexterity Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}}{{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|dexterity_save_bonus}]] [Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|dexterity_save_bonus}]] [Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} |  Constitution Save, {{rname=Constitution Save}} {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|constitution_save_bonus}]] [Constitution Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} {{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|constitution_save_bonus}]] [Constitution Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|constitution_save_bonus}]] [Constitution Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} | Intelligence Save, {{rname=Intelligence Save}} {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|intelligence_save_bonus}]] [Intelligence Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} {{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|intelligence_save_bonus}]] [Intelligence Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|intelligence_save_bonus}]] [Intelligence Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} | Wisdom Save, {{rname=Wisdom Save}} {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|wisdom_save_bonus}]] [Wisdom Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} {{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|wisdom_save_bonus}]] [Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|wisdom_save_bonus}]] [Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} | Charisma Save, {{rname=Charisma Save}} {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|charisma_save_bonus}]] [Charisma Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} {{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|charisma_save_bonus}]] [Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}} {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|charisma_save_bonus}]] [Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]}}} @{selected|charname_output} Hope it helps if not I tried.
I am having an issue in my game where the skills rolled from the character sheet don't include ability modifiers (only proficiency). This is a problem for all my players in the game. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Forum Champion
Treialle said  here : I just stumbled across the fact that a 5e character sheet defaults (e.g. Encumbrance on or off) can be changed. I updated those settings but it appears to have somehow purged my existing player pool in the game. Those character sheets that were assigned lost the player details and until they log back into the game, they don't even appear as a viable option for assignment. Not a major issue, but I thought I should raise a flag about it.

Edited 1491966583
Sylux said: I am having an issue in my game where the skills rolled from the character sheet don't include ability modifiers (only proficiency). This is a problem for all my players in the game. Does anyone know how to fix this? Do the numbers in front of the ability look correct? They do for my toon and its rolling them example Athletics +6  (+4 str mod and 2 for prof) Can you post examples?  
Craven . said: Sylux said: I am having an issue in my game where the skills rolled from the character sheet don't include ability modifiers (only proficiency). This is a problem for all my players in the game. Does anyone know how to fix this? Do the numbers in front of the ability look correct? They do for my toon and its rolling them example Athletics +6 (+4 str mod and 2 for prof)   The numbers look correct on the character sheet. Here is an example of what it looks like on the character sheet compared to what is rolled:

Edited 1491994337
Sylux said: Craven . said: Sylux said: I am having an issue in my game where the skills rolled from the character sheet don't include ability modifiers (only proficiency). This is a problem for all my players in the game. Does anyone know how to fix this? Do the numbers in front of the ability look correct? They do for my toon and its rolling them example Athletics +6 (+4 str mod and 2 for prof)   The numbers look correct on the character sheet. Here is an example of what it looks like on the character sheet compared to what is rolled: What sheet are you using that doesn't look like the standard template. This is what the macro looks like from the sheet for character Senune. You can look at the macro you use by making a roll, click on the chat as if you were going to type and then press the up arrow on the keyboard. @{Senune|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=^{perception-u}}} {{mod=[[[[@{Senune|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} {{r1=[[1d20@{Senune|halflingluck}+[[@{Senune|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Senune|rtype}@{Senune|halflingluck}+[[@{Senune|perception_bonus}]][PER]]]}} @{Senune|charname_output}
Stephen Koontz
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Compendium Curator
Sylux said: I am having an issue in my game where the skills rolled from the character sheet don't include ability modifiers (only proficiency). This is a problem for all my players in the game. Does anyone know how to fix this? Did you transfer from another sheet? Like the community or shaped sheets? If so, you may need to go through and unstick the _bonus attributes by deleted them from the attributes and abilities tab.

Edited 1492015031
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Franky H. said: Treialle said  here : I just stumbled across the fact that a 5e character sheet defaults (e.g. Encumbrance on or off) can be changed. I updated those settings but it appears to have somehow purged my existing player pool in the game. Those character sheets that were assigned lost the player details and until they log back into the game, they don't even appear as a viable option for assignment. Not a major issue, but I thought I should raise a flag about it. Can you provide more information on what you did that caused this problem and what the problem is? Steps to replicate this issue? Is this from the default settings page and you applies default settings from the experimental features option?

Edited 1492049093
Steve K. said: Sylux said: I am having an issue in my game where the skills rolled from the character sheet don't include ability modifiers (only proficiency). This is a problem for all my players in the game. Does anyone know how to fix this? Did you transfer from another sheet? Like the community or shaped sheets? If so, you may need to go through and unstick the _bonus attributes by deleted them from the attributes and abilities tab. That did the trick. I found ability attributes in the attributes and abilities tab that ended with _mod. Deleting those fixed my problem. Thanks! The game did use another type of character sheet before (shaped), but then a tpk happened and I changed the character sheets to the OGL version because it has less performance issues. I am pretty sure I changed the sheet type before I made the new character sheets. Which, if true, makes me wonder why the incorrect attributes were there. Edit: Made a new character sheet and it does not have the _mod attributes. I must have made the bugged sheets before I switched over to OGL. Craven . said: What sheet are you using that doesn't look like the standard template. This is what the macro looks like from the sheet for character Senune. The OGL sheet has an option to add a design to the rolls in its game settings.
Sky said: Kyle G. said: Kevin, here is the macro that I use for npc saving throws. It DOES take into account whether the mook has the saving throw set and defaults to the base stat if not set. @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=Saving Throws}}{{Str Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npc_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npcd_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]] }} {{Dex Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npc_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npcd_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]] }} {{Con Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npc_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npcd_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]] }} {{Int Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npc_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npcd_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]] }} {{Wis Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npc_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npcd_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]] }} {{Cha Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npc_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npcd_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]] }} We shouldn't have to make those kinds of macros in the first place. %{selected|npc_str_save} should simply just work out of the box. Kyle G., thank you for the macro. It works great. Developers, I came here today to post exactly what Kevin already posted. Luckily, I read the last couple of pages since I last posted in this thread and found Kevin's question and Kyle's response. I would like to echo Sky's comment, that it would be nice if %{selected|npc_str_save} or some other reference to the sheet could roll saves taking into account both the ability modifier and if the creature has proficiency in the save. Thank you. Andy
Andres D. said: Sky said: Kyle G. said: Kevin, here is the macro that I use for npc saving throws. It DOES take into account whether the mook has the saving throw set and defaults to the base stat if not set. @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=Saving Throws}}{{Str Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npc_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npcd_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]] }} {{Dex Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npc_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npcd_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]] }} {{Con Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npc_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npcd_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]] }} {{Int Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npc_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npcd_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]] }} {{Wis Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npc_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npcd_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]] }} {{Cha Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npc_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npcd_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]] }} We shouldn't have to make those kinds of macros in the first place. %{selected|npc_str_save} should simply just work out of the box. Kyle G., thank you for the macro. It works great. Developers, I came here today to post exactly what Kevin already posted. Luckily, I read the last couple of pages since I last posted in this thread and found Kevin's question and Kyle's response. I would like to echo Sky's comment, that it would be nice if %{selected|npc_str_save} or some other reference to the sheet could roll saves taking into account both the ability modifier and if the creature has proficiency in the save. Thank you. Andy Working for me. As you can is the Orc War Chief has a +6 Str Save and I rolled a 20.
Is there a reason I can't get the Global AC Modifier to work? I'm trying to make it easy to keep track of companion AC for the new Revised Ranger by just putting the proficiency bonus in this field and using Custom AC to calculate base and I'm unable to get it to work.

Edited 1492457181
Unfortunately you cannot put an attribute in those fields, only flat values. Also, the global AC modifier does not work if you are using the custom AC calculation. What I do for the companion, is create an item for it and put the "ac +X" in the mods field of the item. Unfortunately, I also have to update this when the profiency bonus increase as this method can only accept flat values as well.
Kyle G. said: Unfortunately you cannot put an attribute in those fields, only flat values. Also, the global AC modifier does not work if you are using the custom AC calculation. What I do for the companion, is create an item for it and put the "ac +X" in the mods field of the item. Unfortunately, I also have to update this when the profiency bonus increase as this method can only accept flat values as well. I've tried it in all manner of ways. I've disabled Custom AC and put a flat value in the Global AC Modifier field and it had no effect on the AC field on the main sheet.

Edited 1492460832
Jyro X, try deleting the ac attribute, closing the sheet, and starting over (not with a new sheet, just reopen the sheet and that should reset the ac attribute). I have had problems with it in the past and doing that helped.
Craven . said: Andres D. said: Sky said: Kyle G. said: Kevin, here is the macro that I use for npc saving throws. It DOES take into account whether the mook has the saving throw set and defaults to the base stat if not set. @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=Saving Throws}}{{Str Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npc_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npcd_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]] }} {{Dex Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npc_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npcd_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]] }} {{Con Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npc_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npcd_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]] }} {{Int Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npc_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npcd_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]] }} {{Wis Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npc_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npcd_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]] }} {{Cha Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npc_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npcd_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]] }} We shouldn't have to make those kinds of macros in the first place. %{selected|npc_str_save} should simply just work out of the box. Kyle G., thank you for the macro. It works great. Developers, I came here today to post exactly what Kevin already posted. Luckily, I read the last couple of pages since I last posted in this thread and found Kevin's question and Kyle's response. I would like to echo Sky's comment, that it would be nice if %{selected|npc_str_save} or some other reference to the sheet could roll saves taking into account both the ability modifier and if the creature has proficiency in the save. Thank you. Andy Working for me. As you can is the Orc War Chief has a +6 Str Save and I rolled a 20. How can I use it in a token/macro bar? If I just paste it as a macro and select a token it says "TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined". If I paste it as an ability it works okay, but I'd rather have a generic macro than copy it for each npc sheet. I tried to use "selected|" after each @{ but it won't work. As you can see, I'm not very smart about macro editing!
Hey Brenoxx. I have the macro saved on each NPC character sheet in my games as an  ability . That way I can move the character sheets over to other games and not have to worry if the macros will still work or not. However if you want a global macro: @{selected|wtype} &{template:default}{{name=Saving Throws}}{{Str Save =[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_str_mod}*{1@{selected|npc_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_str_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_str_mod}*{1@{selected|npcd_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_str_save}]]]] }} {{Dex Save =[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{selected|npc_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_dex_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{selected|npcd_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_dex_save}]]]] }} {{Con Save =[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_con_mod}*{1@{selected|npc_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_con_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_con_mod}*{1@{selected|npcd_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_con_save}]]]] }} {{Int Save =[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_int_mod}*{1@{selected|npc_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_int_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_int_mod}*{1@{selected|npcd_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_int_save}]]]] }} {{Wis Save =[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{selected|npc_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_wis_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{selected|npcd_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_wis_save}]]]] }} {{Cha Save =[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{selected|npc_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_cha_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{selected|npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{selected|npcd_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{selected|npcd_cha_save}]]]] }}

Edited 1492484399
Brenoxx said: Craven . said: Andres D. said: Sky said: Kyle G. said: Kevin, here is the macro that I use for npc saving throws. It DOES take into account whether the mook has the saving throw set and defaults to the base stat if not set. @{wtype} &{template:default}{{name=Saving Throws}}{{Str Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npc_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_str_mod}*{1@{npcd_str_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_str_save}]]]] }} {{Dex Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npc_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_dex_mod}*{1@{npcd_dex_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_dex_save}]]]] }} {{Con Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npc_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_con_mod}*{1@{npcd_con_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_con_save}]]]] }} {{Int Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npc_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_int_mod}*{1@{npcd_int_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_int_save}]]]] }} {{Wis Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npc_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_wis_mod}*{1@{npcd_wis_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_wis_save}]]]] }} {{Cha Save =[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npc_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]]|[[1d20+[[@{npcd_cha_mod}*{1@{npcd_cha_save}0,0}=10+0@{npcd_cha_save}]]]] }} We shouldn't have to make those kinds of macros in the first place. %{selected|npc_str_save} should simply just work out of the box. Kyle G., thank you for the macro. It works great. Developers, I came here today to post exactly what Kevin already posted. Luckily, I read the last couple of pages since I last posted in this thread and found Kevin's question and Kyle's response. I would like to echo Sky's comment, that it would be nice if %{selected|npc_str_save} or some other reference to the sheet could roll saves taking into account both the ability modifier and if the creature has proficiency in the save. Thank you. Andy Working for me. As you can is the Orc War Chief has a +6 Str Save and I rolled a 20. How can I use it in a token/macro bar? If I just paste it as a macro and select a token it says "TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined". If I paste it as an ability it works okay, but I'd rather have a generic macro than copy it for each npc sheet. I tried to use "selected|" after each @{ but it won't work. As you can see, I'm not very smart about macro editing! %{selected|npc_str_save} is the only thing you need in the macro and this only works for NPC not the PC sheet. You could make macros called NPCStr NPCDex NPC... then make a nested macro to call the right macro. The save Macro i use works for both NPC and PC so I only have 1 and I set it to show as token and all players so everyone uses it. You can create a second one and add /w GM for your use so player don't see the roll but in my game I let them see most rolls but not all. Remove the spaces in all the & # 125 ; I had to add them so the chat didn't remove them &{template:simple} {{always=1& # 125 ;& # 125 ; ?{Ability| Strength Save, {{rname=Strength Save& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|strength_save_bonus}]] [Stength Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|strength_save_bonus}]] [Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|strength_save_bonus}]] [Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; | Dexterity Save, {{rname=Dexterity Save& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|dexterity_save_bonus}]] [Dexterity Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ;{{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|dexterity_save_bonus}]] [Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|dexterity_save_bonus}]] [Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; |  Constitution Save, {{rname=Constitution Save& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|constitution_save_bonus}]] [Constitution Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|constitution_save_bonus}]] [Constitution Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|constitution_save_bonus}]] [Constitution Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; | Intelligence Save, {{rname=Intelligence Save& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|intelligence_save_bonus}]] [Intelligence Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|intelligence_save_bonus}]] [Intelligence Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|intelligence_save_bonus}]] [Intelligence Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; | Wisdom Save, {{rname=Wisdom Save& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|wisdom_save_bonus}]] [Wisdom Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|wisdom_save_bonus}]] [Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|wisdom_save_bonus}]] [Wisdom Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; | Charisma Save, {{rname=Charisma Save& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{mod=[[ [[@{selected|charisma_save_bonus}]] [Charisma Modifier + Proficency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{r1=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|charisma_save_bonus}]] [Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ; {{r2=[[ 1d20@{selected|halflingluck} + [[@{selected|charisma_save_bonus}]] [Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus]@{selected|globalsavingthrowbonus} ]]& # 125 ;& # 125 ;} @{selected|charname_output}  
Hey guys probably a stupid question but is there a way to mess with the weight limit ? For example if i was using a draft animal etc or gave a player a magic item that increased their carry capacity by x amount ?