System: The Void: Core (Free on Drivethrurpg) Char Gen: Free Form (Non-Wardens) Page 76 Core (Careful what you do and don't read if you don't want to host this system, the ordering of the PDF puts some of the premade content that is generally "GM eyes Only" all over...) The speaker starts off civil enough at first as the darkness of your meager hold greets you. Rubbing your exhausted eyes you can already feel the headache forming as the gentle alarm soon grows to insistent beeps, your still slumbering conscious wading through the hazy fog still plaguing it. The blaring grew more steady on your ears as you reached to the bedside speaker, slapping angrily to silence the fury calling you to start your day. The blaring alarm continues, groggy routine slowly replaced by confusion. Fingers find the alarm shut-off again in the black husk of your bunk and still the beeping goes on. Somewhere in the recesses of your memory it clicks. Your eyes finally pick up the dull flash of crimson, a warning light. Shaking your head to clear the last few vestiges of sleep free your ears pick up words over the migraine inducing alarm. Attention, Attention. Please remain calm. The captain has requested all crew bzzt Attenti- bzzt remain- There is a moment, this feeling as though a lost child coming over you. Rolling from the bunk you fumble for your clothes, trying for the light only to find your panic rising as it flickers on before a small hiss uses up the small amount of energy that it had stored. A low hum fills the air as, at last, the alarm chimes no more. The intercom no longer repeats the broken message. Relief. A drill perhaps? Giving the door a test, it stutters a moment before opening. You guess it would make sense if the ship was still returning to primary power as the hall's emergency lights still flicker. Up and down the hall you find you've the first to step out. And that's when you hear the screams. -- Characters are either ship crew or miners upon the cargo ship Yertan, a Forge-Class Mining Barge. Returning from a short stop at the Saturn moon of Titan. Recently dropping out of burn the Red Planet looms ahead. This is intended to be a learning campaign so new players are of course welcome. As noted above, the PDF can be found on drivethrurpg as a pay-what-you-want (It is worth a few bucks if you find the setting/system enjoyable) As far as the "when", it will likely during the day on my time period (Central Standard Time) when players are available. Looking to fill 4 seats minimum. I run Voice only via TeamSpeak, sorry text-players (Though I have a text game looking for life! pm for details).