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Be Encouraged!

Howdy all, I know this is not really a "looking for group" request but I just wanted to encourage everyone to keep on gaming and if you can't find a group, create one yourself!  Almost a year ago I tried to find a group and couldn't based on my schedule and me being new to table top rpgs.  So I decided to start my own campaign and it has been a blast.  I never thought I would love DnD as much as I do and I'm still learning the game.  So don't get discouraged if you can't find a group right away, keep looking and when in doubt, try your hand at DMing.  You might find that you enjoy it more than being a player yourself!
Veteran D&D player here, I've both played and DMed plenty and I can totally confirm that DMing is an incredibly rewarding experience. It's a blast seeing the reactions of the players when they find out the answer to the secret they've been trying to figure out, or when they take down the giant monster! I have a number of friends who prefer DMing to playing as well, so it's not as outlandish as it might seem. Keep on gaming, nerds!
Way back when chainmail was released I took a turn as GM, it is still my turn almost 40 years later. I actually prefer GMing to playing.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
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