Looking for 1-2 more players to round out a group to play weekly, Fridays @ 7:00 PM (GMT +1) / 1:00 PM (Central US) and go for about 3 hours. Ruleset is 1st ed AD&D (core books) plus house rules, World of Greyhawk campaign setting. I do not use video chat, it takes up too much bandwidth and screen real estate. However, voice capability is required, we will use Ventrilo and not Roll20's chat client. I first began playing D&D in 1980 and have a lot of experience behind the DM screen. Although I live in the Central US time zone, this campaign is scheduled to accommodate UK / Western European players. But anyone is welcome to apply if you're available for the posted times. This will be a long-term campaign and I plan to provide a good balance of Town/Wilderness/Underground adventuring. There will be combat of course but good role playing is also encouraged. I run a fairly casual game and I am likely to just make an on-the-spot ruling if I cannot recall a particular rule. The are currently two UK players but we could use 1 or 2 more people to round out the adventuring party. If you are interested in coming onboard please send a PM, thanks!