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D&D Adventurers League mod file import

Hi there. Hope you've seen that is beginning to offer Fantasy Grounds mod files (zipped image and xml files) for Adventurers League modules. What is Roll20 doing to provide a similar, ready-to-run environment for AL adventures? Is there an import facility or conversion script so that Roll20 can run Adventurers League modules? Players and DMs are already making the switch, and these products are shipping yesterday. Can Roll20 please provide an importer for mod files so that maps, keyed adventure text, links and monster stats are automatically populated like they are elsewhere?  Is this already possible?
There are a few hurdles that would cause issue with this. Dms guild is licensed to sell Wizard property. R20 would need to get a license if they wish to provide said modules for use in games, for every game and version they wish to provide for. Secondly, how broad a scope are we talking? There are a lot of "proprietary" formats for resources that are not interchangable with roll20, like HeroLab. So R20 either needs to write code compatible with every resource (fantasy grounds, herolab, pcgen) or create a mass import structure of their own. In the case of the latter, you'd still need to reformat the Adventure League files to suit R20's code. And most people can't decompile exe files, so you'd also have to lobby for R20 support at Dmsguild.
Thanks for your reply Keiss. I think you misunderstood me.  I was not suggesting that Roll20 provide the Adventurers League modules, I was asking Roll20 (or the highly skilled Roll20 scripting community) to consider importing the PDF and/or FG mod file material that we have already purchased from for use with Roll20. The FG .mod files are zip archives containing image files and plaintext xml files.  Yes, information would need to be extracted from said files, but why isn't there already a way to do this?  Why, for example, can't I easily have links from my tabletop's GM layer that open up keyed location handouts?  Why are we still waiting for such basic functionality in a product I've been paying for for several years now?  And yes, why isn't Roll20 creating a mass import structure from an xml file for example?  A lot of the work has already been done. Why would I need to lobby for support for Roll20?  Why isn't Roll20 already doing this on my behalf (and that of all the other people running D&D 5e?) Who can I talk to in Roll20 about this, as a member of the AL Online Quest of the Week team and paying Roll20 subscriber?
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