Regarding # 1 - Oversight of starship construction requires Trade (space construction). Yes, I know that there is a High Guard Skill for such, but I haven't included it in the available skills; just as I have not included Engineering (cybernetics) and Engineering (psi technology) and Ironmongering. Engineering can however make sure that certain systems are seated and connected properly, conduct calibrations and test-fire and such. But the overall ship requires Trade (space construction) in Pakkrat's Traveller Universe. This is one of the reasons, that Gevaudan took the time on the way to the Darrian Confederation to study that skill, so he could be a starship architect himself. #2 Pre-Maghiz technology is researchable. Being hindered by a precursor dialect of the Darrian language imposes a -DM penalty, even with Izek's help unless Izek has the Language or Linquistics Skill. Translator software can help a little as well. The system we will use is cumulative Effect of rolls added up over time of research and trial and error. A roll requires a week of dedicated work to attempt headway towards more Effect. Though the first piece has been identified, there is more work in applying the Hyperspace Map to more subsectors than just Darrian subsector and its surrounding subsectors. Gerald is indeed a valuable asset to an Engineering crew. With that Education trait, he will be the assurance we need to avoid misjumps or inaccurate jumps, especially if he is patient and takes one or two time bands with his rolls. As a Referee, I'm more worried about the future Astrogator and the Pilot. Gev was unique in that he could do both and almost simultaneously with his Ship Systems Integration, Piloting Heightener cybernetics assisted by his 'Gator laptop. Remember that we have had to sell the Ares , the Sword of Ares and Spear of Ares Cutters, thus the three major components to this Pre-Maghiz technology are sitting in an unused barn at Argentill Vineyards until we can move them to the Athena upon completion, unless we take some time to research them there on the estate of Marquis Sebastien Maddox. Then there's security of the modules to think about.