Obsolete: go here => https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/652987/script-automatic-facing/#post-652987
This script will automatically change the direction tokens are facing when moved around. So they will always have their back from whence they came and their eyes locked forward in the direction you moved them. You can rotate them independently afterwards of course, it only triggers on moving the character.
Only affects objects on the object layer. Also, objects named "NR" (no rotation) will not be affected by this script.
This script will automatically change the direction tokens are facing when moved around. So they will always have their back from whence they came and their eyes locked forward in the direction you moved them. You can rotate them independently afterwards of course, it only triggers on moving the character.
Only affects objects on the object layer. Also, objects named "NR" (no rotation) will not be affected by this script.