Cheers everyone, I haven't GMed much but there's one thing I somewhat dislike and am not exactly good at in games: XP management. In games like Pathfinder or DnD etc. you have those given XP values (Which I know I can change.) which I can't really manage just right to keep the progression how I want it even if I have full control over it. I don't want to be the GM that goes "Well that goblin gives 50 XP instead of 100 XP which it gave out last time because I said so." I do like games like the stuff that's powered by the apocalypse which is highly dependant on how the user rolls, not how many bad guys they kill etc. and also Shadowrun seems to handle it much better since you give what you see as fair and they can exchange the value of nuyen/karma they get to what they want so they have better control over if they "level up" or just buy better gear. I just feel safer with those. So I'd like to ask you guys if you actually know of any working substitute for an XP system like that and possibly recommend fantasy/shadowrun-like games that don't have an XP system which I might want to try. -Saboteur