I have been trying to get a Persona Campaign off the ground for a while now, The problem biggest problem is the system, See below <a href="https://img.4plebs.org/boards/tg/image/1411/66/141" rel="nofollow">https://img.4plebs.org/boards/tg/image/1411/66/141</a>... I have a number of issues with it, but my biggest one is the Character Creation System, in that there isn't one. Stats, Arcane, and Skills I am fine with, it is the background and character stuff I have a problem with, it is too restricting. I prefer giving my players a world, while they provide the characters, and we both work on building the story together. In this system, players pick characters not build them. (I know that there a some players who prefer it that way, and I usually provide them with options before the game gets underway, but I think all players should have the choice to build there own character) I am currently reading this, <a href="http://web.mit.edu/turzaak/Public/tabletop/Persona" rel="nofollow">http://web.mit.edu/turzaak/Public/tabletop/Persona</a>... But does anyone have any better systems?