Hello! Post a message here telling me a little bit about your background in roleplaying games in-general, and about AD&D including any computer games that used AD&D like Baldur's Gate if you played them. Describe your interest in this Player opening. Have you been looking for a game? What kind of D&D game would interest you? New players are welcome, old-school AD&D players are also welcome. I'll invite a few of the applicants who reply, into the game where you can check out the full description and game style, and see our world map. We will meet each other then, and talk about Character options available for this. Game: Advanced D&D 2nd Edition with some special expansions and adjustments. Start Time: Afternoon USA (around 2PM Central Time), this is around 8PM UK times. The time of the game is NOW (at the time of this message posting). Days: Play on either Tuesday or Thursday. We use VOICE but not video. Character Level will be starting somewhere between 4th-7th. We have some long-term players who can't play for the summer due to travel and other reasons. I'm looking for 2-3 new PC's to join and bolster the party starting right away. Introductory description of the game style Description may change as we go along. DM Gold. High concept. High Magic. High Fantasy. Has potential to become epic saga on global scale in the long run. Low mechanics. Reduced rules. Simplified combat. Some elements may be considered gonzo gaming, psychedelic, supernatural, or unexplained. Parts of the gameplay will be theater of the mind, using imagination. Parts of the game will be story-game, narrative, description, parts will be active role-playing. We may incorporate media, writing, music & illustrations. Characters start small and gradually achieve heroic levels. Flaws and weaknesses are part of the RP. Alignment is downplayed but player-characters are meant to be played good or neutral non-evil, while some of the possible NPC opponents are evil. Includes some classic adventure modules along with homebrewed adventures & open exploration General goals for Players and Party Our goal together is to create an epic storyline and saga of the player-characters in the world, with some character development, personality, motives. Your goal is to fight evil, save the people, defeat monsters and win treasure, gather as much gold as you can possibly carry, spend it on upgrades and good deeds, level up and go back for more. Characters should start "small" with weaknesses and flaws, but a big heart and spirit. Over time the character should power-up in-game, perhaps in ways you didn't expect. This is not a character "build" that you can foresee. Your character should have a gradual evolution that we discover together, collaborating in-game to develop the story of your unique characters in my unique setting. Gameplay consisting of 1/3 Combat + Tactics + Strategy. Emphasis on player ideas NOT splat-crunch-rules. 1/3 Role-Playing + Character Development + General Banter (Have fun, express your character, make new friends), 1/3 Story, Plot, Mystery, Travel, Exploration. (Full size globe overland map with untold dungeons). If this sounds good to you, please reply with your response and interest.