I've been fiddling with ways to avoid opening the character sheet during a game, and I've been looking at ways to roll a large number of skills simultaneously with a single button click. I tried macros, but they didn't quite do what I wanted, so now I've written a script which does just what I want.
Script: https://github.com/samuelpenn/rpg/blob/master/roll...
An example macro:
!skills Social-Skills @{selected|token_id} [[d20]] %Charisma,Bluff,Diplomacy,Handle-Animal,Intimidate,Sense-Motive,Perform*
This gives a title of "Social Skills", passes the result of a d20 roll (which is applied to every skill), and shows the results for a Charisma attribute check, and the skills Bluff, Diplomacy etc. It also outputs all the Perform skills the character knows.
If you pass [[10]] or [[20]] instead of [[d20]], then you can simulate a Take 10/Take 20 check. Or you can have the player select at run time:
!skills Social-Skills @{selected|token_id} [[?{Roll|d20,d20|Take 10,10|Take 20,20}]] %Charisma,Bluff,Diplomacy,Handle-Animal,Intimidate,Sense-Motive,Perform*
Any skill starting with '%' is treated as an attribute, and any ending in '*' will be treated as a repeating skill. If a skill has zero ranks in it, then it'll be hidden if the Requires Training flag is enabled on that skill.
For my game, I've set up a number of macros which group together attributes, knowledge skills, movement skills, rogue skills, social skills and expert skills, so I have a small number of macros which can roll everything.
There's probably a better way of doing some of this. Notably, I don't like the way the roll itself is passed in (I could use randomInteger, but this way makes use of the Quantum Roll server). It's had no QA (or even code review), but if anyone wants to use it, or has comments on how to improve it, then feel free.
Script: https://github.com/samuelpenn/rpg/blob/master/roll...
- Takes a list of skills, and rolls each of them at once.
- Uses a single d20 roll for all the skills. Generally I'm only actually interested in one skill, and I don't want distractions because the Bluff check rolled a natural 20, and the Diplomacy check rolled a natural 1. If you rolled well, you rolled well on all of them.
- Skills that require training which the character has no ranks in aren't displayed.
- Specialised skills such as Craft, Perform, Lore etc can be specified in a generic way.
- Attributes can be rolled as well.
- Handles 'Take 10' and 'Take 20'.
- Does a whisper if the GM is rolling, or a public chat message if a player is.
An example macro:
!skills Social-Skills @{selected|token_id} [[d20]] %Charisma,Bluff,Diplomacy,Handle-Animal,Intimidate,Sense-Motive,Perform*
This gives a title of "Social Skills", passes the result of a d20 roll (which is applied to every skill), and shows the results for a Charisma attribute check, and the skills Bluff, Diplomacy etc. It also outputs all the Perform skills the character knows.
If you pass [[10]] or [[20]] instead of [[d20]], then you can simulate a Take 10/Take 20 check. Or you can have the player select at run time:
!skills Social-Skills @{selected|token_id} [[?{Roll|d20,d20|Take 10,10|Take 20,20}]] %Charisma,Bluff,Diplomacy,Handle-Animal,Intimidate,Sense-Motive,Perform*
Any skill starting with '%' is treated as an attribute, and any ending in '*' will be treated as a repeating skill. If a skill has zero ranks in it, then it'll be hidden if the Requires Training flag is enabled on that skill.
For my game, I've set up a number of macros which group together attributes, knowledge skills, movement skills, rogue skills, social skills and expert skills, so I have a small number of macros which can roll everything.
There's probably a better way of doing some of this. Notably, I don't like the way the roll itself is passed in (I could use randomInteger, but this way makes use of the Quantum Roll server). It's had no QA (or even code review), but if anyone wants to use it, or has comments on how to improve it, then feel free.