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[5e Shaped] 6.1.0+

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API Scripter
Shaped is on the latest version (6.1.1) if you have it selected from the list of character sheets.
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Thanks for that updates section btw Vanakoji. I should really expand class features to have things like rage toggle on/off advantage on strength checks and saving throws and add damage to melee weapons. Same with life cleric's bonus and a few others.
Vanakoji said: I have seen that the battlemaster/life cleric questions on setup coming up all the time so I went now that I have more freetime again and started the section that I have put off for a bit in the documentation. At the end there is a new section (WIP) for Example Macro Setups with examples on how to set up some commonly asked things for different classes. Currently it covers barbarian, life cleric, and battlemaster with more coming in the next few days (late here atm). So hopefully this can be a section found/pointed to for those who are wondering how to set these things up so anyone that wants to add/make things clearer feel free to on the documentation or give a suggestion in one of these threads. I may not be active in posting but I do read the shaped sheets threads. For those who want a quick link to the new section <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Very good addition. Thanks, Vanakoji. H
Vanakoji said: For those who want a quick link to the new section <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Cheers, @vanakoji. For life cleric healing bonus, I wish there was a better method than @{higher_level_query_1} so it didn't default to 1st level, but for now this seems like the best solution to affect all healing spells.
On 6.1.1 we still have a problem parsing a weapon attack. If I paste in: Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) bludgeoning damage. Which should be right, it will parse attack, but not damage, range, or type. It WILL get reach on a melee weapon.
That's on a fresh character.

Edited 1472662502
Sheet Author
API Scripter
"range d X/X ft." in not the proper format. It must be "range X/Xft." without the d. See Goblin for example. For damage there should be spaces. It should be "4 (1d4 + 2)". Though I think it'll parse without spaces..
Thanks. SL Comic Con starts tomorrow. I'll test when I can.
Okay, it looks like that was it. The spaces on the damage. Type still doesn't fill out. If it's not HARD, I'd suggest making it work with or without spaces. If it IS hard, we can just be careful, but I suspect that's a typo a lot of people will make.
TheWebCoder said: Cheers, @vanakoji. For life cleric healing bonus, I wish there was a better method than @{higher_level_query_1} so it didn't default to 1st level, but for now this seems like the best solution to affect all healing spells. Ya that is why I included that method and mention its downside of 1st level default as well as the method I use to use that requires more work but doesn't default to 1st level. Kryx said: Thanks for that updates section btw Vanakoji. I should really expand class features to have things like rage toggle on/off advantage on strength checks and saving throws and add damage to melee weapons.&nbsp;Same with life cleric's bonus and a few others. Those would be some nice features to have as QoL improvements, I think the life cleric is the most commonly asked one though. Just a few things I noticed while looking at the sheet doing these sections - Monk's stunning strike does not get the save enabled by default, it only shows text. (New character, set monk level 5, click stunning strike, text only no save) A change in ability score after level 5 will update it to show but will also enable a damage field for it. In general stunning strike seems iffy with how it behaves - The higher level query can get stuck on. Reproduce New character, caster level 3 (used cleric) Add new spell, just enable name and select attack and first damage sections Enable higher level section Roll the spell disable higher level section Higher level query remains on the spell Nice to have - A text_big_center options to have centered text the size of big text The documentation for the macros now has barb rage reminder life cleric heal battlemaster monk stunning strike paladin divine smite ranger colossus slayer rogue sneak attack And spells like booming blade and green-flame blade and how to set them up Hopefully that will cover some of the most commonly asked setup questions for characters
@ Vanakoji , killin' it with the documentation. Very cool
@Kryx, I'm getting a little error that's been here for the last couple of updates. My player's barbarian character is showing 0 spell slots for 1st and 2nd level, but doesn't have any spellcasting classes or spellcasting ability checked on their character page. I tried turning on 1/3rd casting, and the 0 second level spells stayed. When I turned off the 1/3rd casting, the first level spells went back to 0. No one else (Eldritch Knight, Wizard, Bard) in the party is showing higher level spells that they don't have.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Your Barbarian has 0 spell slots and that's a problem? I'm not understanding the issue. Perhaps include a screenshot and explain why a barbarian needs spell slots - are you multiclassed? Or do you want slots for an item? Them go in edit mode and show all to add them manually.
I mean rather than it having no spell slots, it has lines for spell slots. But only for levels 1 and 2. If I give the character eldritch knight casting, they keep the spell slots. Is it because I put the character's totem barbarian rituals on their spells page?
Joss G. said: I mean rather than it having no spell slots, it has lines for spell slots. But only for levels 1 and 2. If I give the character eldritch knight casting, they keep the spell slots. Is it because I put the character's totem barbarian rituals on their spells page? Click on the Edit pencil, set Spellcasting to something else, then back to blank, and then in the Spell Slots box, click the "Spell slots" button to hide them on the Barbarian's sheet and click the Edit pencil again. That should fix it
Liam said: Joss G. said: I mean rather than it having no spell slots, it has lines for spell slots. But only for levels 1 and 2. If I give the character eldritch knight casting, they keep the spell slots. Is it because I put the character's totem barbarian rituals on their spells page? Click on the Edit pencil, set Spellcasting to something else, then back to blank, and then in the Spell Slots box, click the "Spell slots" button to hide them on the Barbarian's sheet and click the Edit pencil again. That should fix it Thanks, that got rid of them. They were bugging me for no good reason.
Bet those slots were there for Totem Barbarians- they cast beast sense and speak with animals as rituals.&nbsp;
The issue with 6.0.4 onwards with all the attacks etc becoming toggled off when you updated to them. Was there a quick scriptee fix around having to reset them all manually? Rather not go through 100+ npcs again
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That issue comes from 6.0.1 If someone can help me identify the difference between what it was and what it is now I can put in a conversion. There is a conversion there, but it seems to have failed. I just don't have the time to debug it currently. Currently I'm checking for "vs_saving_throw" in the "roll_toggle" fields of the repeating attack and if that exists then set the "roll_toggle" to the new formula: {{vs_ac=1}} @{roll_info} {{roll1=[[@{shaped_d20}cs&gt;@{crit_range} + @{attack_formula}]]}} @{roll_setting}cs&gt;@{crit_range} + @{attack_formula}]]}} {{targetAC=@{attacks_vs_target_ac}}} {{targetName=@{attacks_vs_target_name}}} Sheet formula which should match: {{vs_ac=1}} @{roll_info} {{roll1=[[@{shaped_d20}cs&gt;@{crit_range} + @{attack_formula}]]}} @{roll_setting}cs&gt;@{crit_range} + @{attack_formula}]]}} {{targetAC=@{attacks_vs_target_ac}}} {{targetName=@{attacks_vs_target_name}}}
This may have already been answered, but we are having an issue with exhaustion levels not clearing the disadvantage on a character's attack rolls. &nbsp;The player's exhaustion level is 0, but the sheet rolls each attack as if disadvantage is marked even when it is not. &nbsp;Is there something we can do to fix? &nbsp;(Hopefully a screen shot is below...)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Changing Exhaustion does not impact other parts of the sheet - that is up to you to change as well. Your situation looks strange - you have roll2 and roll with disadvantage turned on. Try changing to normal and then back to roll2.
Thanks for responding, Kryx! &nbsp;I just had the player follow your advice and it is fixed. &nbsp;Yaay!
I'm having the weirdest trouble with Advantage and Disadvantage. Occasionally the red or green dot appears even though and yet rolls only 1d20 ( screenshot ). Furthermore, fairly frequently we also find it ignores the Normal, Advantage, Disadvantage toggle in the sheet and keeps into one method of rolling. There seems to be no fix for it outside of waiting a few hours and it clears itself up.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yup, I've experienced similar issues, but have no means of solving them. I don't know if it's Roll20 or what causes it, but it fixes itself after a time. Perhaps try having everyone control+refresh and that may solve the issue.
Wanted to share another small (ability) macro I put together for myself. Maybe it will be useful for others, maybe not. I like that I can click on it (or better yet, use a keyboard shortcut) and it leads to what my character can do on his turn during a battle. It is a cheat sheet to be sure. This macro is a simple list of actions that can be taken on a turn. Then goes into a detailed list of my character's actions with links to the attacks macro, specific attacks or traits. I can see this being very customized for each character. You can link to your list of attacks, your list of spells, specific traits, etc. One always forgets that you can grapple or shove an enemy and I link to the STR check needed for those.&nbsp; I am pasting in my full, unedited version for my character and the results. This includes the specific IDs of certain attacks or magic items that he has, i.e. circlet of blasting, (jump)&nbsp;boots of striding and springing.&nbsp; Hope you like it or it proves useful to someone. /w Lander &{template:5e-shaped} {{character_name=@{Lander Calben|character_name}}} @{Lander Calben|show_character_name} {{title=Actions}} {{text_center=**Actions** attack dash disengage dodge (attacks have disadv) help hide ready--&gt;reaction search use an object [circlet of blasting](~Lander Calben|repeating_attack_-KIymwUFwBnK-j24z9E6_attack) **Melee Attacks** [attack (twice)](~Lander Calben|shaped_attacks) [grapple (one attack)](~Lander Calben|repeating_skill_-KIy1azgGZpRYsLpfr3z_skill) [shove (one attack)](~Lander Calben|repeating_skill_-KIy1azgGZpRYsLpfr3z_skill) **Bonus Actions** [rally (bonus)](~Lander Calben|repeating_trait_-KQW5Few1wvsp33IEhIA_trait) [tartan of ages (bonus)](~Lander Calben|repeating_trait_-KQW67pDndbF7MYlrw92_trait) **Other** [action surge](~Lander Calben|repeating_trait_-KIyV9gBphG1cLmhYXMz_trait) [second wind](~Lander Calben|repeating_trait_-KIyV7mmnhIOc3Hr4HfK_trait)&nbsp; [jump](~Lander Calben|repeating_trait_-KIzN2Zm6QSzLQe5CAmO_trait)}} H
Wow. I just looked at the bestiary in Storm King. How's that sheet conversion coming. :)
Help please- strangest "bug?" ever. Nothing is being displayed to the chat log correctly- dice rolls from chat, macros, nothing. Instead I get a blank gm notice with the wrong time stamp. There seems to be a consistent 11 yellow GM entries for every response... When I switch to another campaign using a different sheet the computer is working fine.&nbsp;
Whatever it was clearing the cache cleared it.&nbsp;

Edited 1473198489
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: 6.1.0 (2016-08-07) Features OGL Conversion for NPCs is near complete. This is&nbsp;useful for new modules like Lost Mine of Phandelver. You just have to switch to the Shaped sheet and once you open a sheet it'll do the conversion (only once). 95% of cases will likely work. I'm unsure if I'll be able to fix all the minor issues before I go on vacation. Likely a few issues. Here are those I am aware of: weapons like "3 (1d6-1) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage" aren't converting both damage PC&nbsp;Conversion: convert "attacks" to repeating attacks convert "repeating_inventory" to equipment. "itemcount" to "qty", "itemname", "itemweight", "equipped" convert "repeating_spell-cantrip", "repeating_spell-1" etc to "repeating_spells". "spellname_base", "spellprepared", "spellschool", "spellritual", "spellcastingtime", "spellrange", "spelltarget" to "target", "spellcomp_v" and "spellcomp_s" and "spellcomp_m" and "spellcomp_materials", "spellconcentration", "spellduration", "spelloutput", "spelldescription", "spellathigherlevels" convert ac to some armor Conversion is in the same state as above, Robert. Everything but the listed items above should work. Let me know if you encounter any issues. I'm gone the next 2 weekends so will likely only get to the bug fixes in the immediate future (which could fix that "3 (1d6-1)" issue.
Cool. So if I'm reading that correctly, the only thing I worry about with monsters is dual damage types for a single attack. That should be easy enough to fix if I need to spot grab some monsters.
Kryx said: Yup, I've experienced similar issues, but have no means of solving them. I don't know if it's Roll20 or what causes it, but it fixes itself after a time. Perhaps try having everyone control+refresh and that may solve the issue. That's one solution, or if you need a quick fix, switch to "Roll2" and ignore the dots

Edited 1473384225
Is there a way to tell what version of the character sheet the campaign uses?&nbsp; And if it's an older version, should I just start a new game and import people over?
Would it be possible to add a flag for whether someone was affected by the spells Guidance or Bless (or Bane, etc...), or is the best way to do that to just roll 1d4 separately and apply it as appropriate?

Edited 1473435321
Jared H. said: Is there a way to tell what version of the character sheet the campaign uses?&nbsp; And if it's an older version, should I just start a new game and import people over? The version of the sheet is at the top left. It will automatically update when a new version is available for the public (it goes through some beta testing by volunteers.) Jared H. said: Would it be possible to add a flag for whether someone was affected by the spells Guidance or Bless (or Bane, etc...), or is the best way to do that to just roll 1d4 separately and apply it as appropriate? You can add Guidance or Bless by going to the settings (gear) tab and adding d4cs0cf0 in the appropriate global bonus. In fact, if you hover over the question mark at the bottom of the Bonuses and Penalties box on that tab, it explains this very thing. Otherwise, the 'condition' of being blessed or guided is left manual. Hope this helps H
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API Scripter
Forgive me if this has been asked before, but is there a place to put an overall bonus to AC, like you can for Saving Throws? This would be useful for a Ring of Protection.
keithcurtis said: Forgive me if this has been asked before, but is there a place to put an overall bonus to AC, like you can for Saving Throws? This would be useful for a Ring of Protection. For things like that you can enter is as a armor so it adds together. Then you just enable what you are wearing at a time and it adds together.
HLazar said: You can add Guidance or Bless by going to the settings (gear) tab and adding d4cs0cf0 in the appropriate global bonus. In fact, if you hover over the question mark at the bottom of the Bonuses and Penalties box on that tab, it explains this very thing. Otherwise, the 'condition' of being blessed or guided is left manual. Hope this helps H Very much so, thanks!
You can add Guidance or Bless by going to the settings (gear) tab and adding d4cs0cf0 in the appropriate global bonus. In fact, if you hover over the question mark at the bottom of the Bonuses and Penalties box on that tab, it explains this very thing. Otherwise, the 'condition' of being blessed or guided is left manual. Hope this helps H Out of curiosity, what does "d4cs0cf0" mean?
TheWebCoder said: Out of curiosity, what does "d4cs0cf0" mean? Roll 1d4 only highlighting a critical success (cs, green box around the number) on a roll of 0 and only highlighting a critical failure (cf, red box around the number) on a roll of 0. &nbsp;Rolling a 0 is not possible on 1d4, therefore if you roll a 1 or a 4 it won't highlight the roll. &nbsp; If you leave off the cs0cf0 you may roll a 10 on the d20 and a 4 on the d4 and the result will have the green box around it giving the impression that it is a critical success, when in fact it is not.

Edited 1473555228
TheWebCoder said: Out of curiosity, what does "d4cs0cf0" mean? Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that just sets it so the d4 doesn't add to&nbsp; c rit s uccess or c rit f ail. &nbsp;Not sure why it is mandatory though. I'm not a coder. EDIT: OK, neato. I didn't know that and knowing is half the battle.
The problem with damage needing spaces between the dice, the plus and the bonus? That's rearing it's head on converting Storm King monsters too. Their damage isn't coming over. Just FYI.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
New thread:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... see that thread for that issue robert - it should be fixed.