Kryx said: 6.1.0 (2016-08-07) Features OGL Conversion for NPCs is near complete. This is useful for new modules like Lost Mine of Phandelver. You just have to switch to the Shaped sheet and once you open a sheet it'll do the conversion (only once). 95% of cases will likely work. I'm unsure if I'll be able to fix all the minor issues before I go on vacation. Likely a few issues. Here are those I am aware of: weapons like "3 (1d6-1) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage" aren't converting both damage PC Conversion: convert "attacks" to repeating attacks convert "repeating_inventory" to equipment. "itemcount" to "qty", "itemname", "itemweight", "equipped" convert "repeating_spell-cantrip", "repeating_spell-1" etc to "repeating_spells". "spellname_base", "spellprepared", "spellschool", "spellritual", "spellcastingtime", "spellrange", "spelltarget" to "target", "spellcomp_v" and "spellcomp_s" and "spellcomp_m" and "spellcomp_materials", "spellconcentration", "spellduration", "spelloutput", "spelldescription", "spellathigherlevels" convert ac to some armor Conversion is in the same state as above, Robert. Everything but the listed items above should work. Let me know if you encounter any issues. I'm gone the next 2 weekends so will likely only get to the bug fixes in the immediate future (which could fix that "3 (1d6-1)" issue.