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I have the most ridiculous character builds. Debate me.

You call.  Jogging monk circus mage  Piano Bard
Oh and the most infamous, The Mimic P.C.
These are all concept characters, but all have outrageously hilarious combat styles.
Pick one and I will explain their absurd build and ridiculous combat styles.
all of their builds are ready by level 8 except for jogging monk who is ridiculous at lvl 14 end tier. 
If you wAnt to break the norm, these four are great examples. Jogging monk is actually my Fiance's Frankenstein.
Meh no takers I guess. Back to maps for me.
and for the record, jogging monk sprints at 272.61 mph just checked the math on it. Legitimately.
You guys need to pick one, I'm not handing out all of my awesome secrets just some....I kinda want to see what other players would do with them.
And piano bard sounds harmless, that is until you explain to the dm how you hit his creature with a 800 lb piano. Turns out mend is a cantrip.

Edited 1471825474
The most broken OP lolzy fun-noodles of them (only use with DMs you hate or ones you are able to be nice to) is circus mage.
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