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Boxcars and snakeyes

I'm looking for a way to use critical success and critical failure to mark boxcars and snakeyes results on 2d6. I want a result of 2 on 2d6 to show red inline and a result of 12 to show green inline, and no other result to show anything. Is this possible without API? For simplicity I've been testing with 2d2 inline: result of 2 to give red; result of 4 to give blue; result of 3 to be unmarked. Haven't found a way yet. Possible?
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
I think the only way you could do this is with a rollable table, short of the API.  You'd set up a table with the values 2-12 and  weight them appropriately .  Then you should be able to roll it like this (table is named my2d6 in the example): [[ 1t[ my2d6 ]]cf2cs12 ]] I'm not 100% positive this will work for the highlighting, but I think there's a good chance it will work.
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Well, just doing 2d6 will use the default critical success/failure. That'll give you red on two when both rolls are 1's and green when both are 6's. If it's a mix, it'll be blue.
No, doesn't work (after taking out the extra bracket). Adding cf and/or cs to the rollable table makes it ignore everything after the 1 and just return 1. Oh well!
Scott, if you get, say, a 1 [critical failure] and a 4 [nothing special], it still outlines in red. You only get blue if one of the dice is a 6 and the other is a 1.
Forum Champion
[[ 2d6cs>2cf<5 ]] will highlight red on a sum of 2 and highlight green on a sum of 12. Otherwise, it will highlight blue.
Ooh, very nice, Silvyre! Thanks, that's what I want.

Edited 1472141831
The Aaron
API Scripter
 Bummer about the table. Nice work Silvyre!
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
very nice