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New member Sydney Australia, is there a clever way to do a Morale Check?

Hi all Just found this 2e group and looks like a great resource and plenty of fun to be had for older style AD&D in the Roll 20 environment. My main question is whether there is a good way to implement something like: Roll 2d10, add them together, if the result is less than or equal to your Morale attribute, then say "Success". I know you can just roll 2d10 then manually compare it, but it seems like something that *should* be possible, so I thought I would chase it up. One of my big criticisms of 3e was it basically abandoned the morale mechanic. We just ran the ToEE module (over a number of years) and dicing for morale was great fun... - it was a fair (and fun) way to decide when the mooks would give up, not just "DM it", so the dice could seed the story - it could trigger the end of combat quickly, and not force players to kill every last gnat (and therefore speed up combat) - many times failed morale would result in getting key info, or even get lower level faction guys into the service of the party for a time. We actually play in Mystara, so I just borrow from Greyhawk / FR / or really any modules and port them to a location in The Known World. We are currently doing Red Arrow Black Shield. Great concept, poor implementation as written, but not too hard to re-work into a compelling adventure. I say "adventure", but really it's more of a campaign backdrop with a lot of mini-adventures along the way (I might even to do full on modules along the way, depending on how things pan out). Thanks for reading! Michael.
Generally monsters, not player characters, have morale scores. That said, a simple macro, with tge morale attribute used, will give you the simple check you are looking for. Setting up a macro seems easy for me and many others, but without knowing your knowledge of roll20 sheets and functions, I won't go into detail. Shorter answer: yes, you are correct. More technical answer on how the macro math works can be found  here .
/w gm &{template:default}{{name= @{target|token_name} ROLLS FOR MORALE}}{{MORALE CHECK PASSES IF [[2d10]]=IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO [[@{target|morale}]]}}
Ok understood. I read the roll template wiki and custom templates can give really good results. For some reason I got hung up on the idea of using a compare point, and it seemed like it should be possible but just out of reach. The morale checks I will mostly do open, and as we are running Red Arrow Black Shield, we have some Battlesystem implementations in which the players own units need to dice for morale. Thanks for the reply, and it does help me understand the best way to achieve what I would like in the system.

Edited 1472231030
Glad I could help. Hey it would help me bunches if you could publish your AD&D 2e Battlesystem&trade; macros here&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I sure would appreciatecha.
Sure thing...we have a lot of homebrew, but I think any "rules as written" things would be useful in that forum. What a great resource! I'm still coming to terms with "best practice" for these sorts of things in games. For instance, if I'm helping players out by drafting the macros in advance, is it best to say copy them into journals, and then train the players on how to copy/paste them into suitably named macros for themselves? Or maybe send a big text file around / share it? Or should I be focussing on building a customised character sheet with various things implemented as abilities?

Edited 1472336117
&nbsp;I personally do a custom ability character sheet. &nbsp;Each character sheet has a copy of three of my macros : &nbsp; The skill check macro , the ability check macro, and the initiative macro.
Michael M. said: Sure thing...we have a lot of homebrew, but I think any "rules as written" things would be useful in that forum. What a great resource! I'm still coming to terms with "best practice" for these sorts of things in games. For instance, if I'm helping players out by drafting the macros in advance, is it best to say copy them into journals, and then train the players on how to copy/paste them into suitably named macros for themselves? Or maybe send a big text file around / share it? Or should I be focussing on building a customised character sheet with various things implemented as abilities? you could always put a handout in-game, the players can copy/paste what they want/like and you can edit it as needed