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Circle Character/NPC tokens

August 28 (8 years ago)
I am trying to find a token set/pack that has the same style of circle tokens that are included in the D&D 5e module Lost Mine of Phandelver. I am slowly losing my mind trying to create them or find them on the Marketplace or elsewhere onlline, I have to imagine there is a database the folks at Roll20 use when they are building the modules, so where can I buy them?
August 29 (8 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
If I had to guess, I'd say that they received them as part of the licensing agreement with wizards of the coast and could provide them in the module form they did.

Have you looked at Brass Badger's work? She does a lot of Pog style sets.
August 29 (8 years ago)
Marketplace Creator

There's my effort.

August 29 (8 years ago)
Forum Champion
Here are some Marketplace sets that are in the style used (face or bust portrait cropped inside a circle POG token border).

Most of these artists have additional sets, varying elves, humans, halfings, ruffians, villagers, and so on. If you like the example art in the set that's linked, click on the Artist name in Roll20.

August 29 (8 years ago)
Loren the GM
Marketplace Creator
If you go down the route of wanting to make your own round tokens, there is a great tool that makes it very easy:

Just drag and drop into the interface, choose your border style, and resize your images.
August 30 (8 years ago)
Thanks for the info everybody!