Pakkrat sent me the details for the initial offers for the two potential Tickets that are on the table at the moment. I'll copy/paste what he sent, but I haven't had the time to lay it out all pretty for you guys yet. If you want to pull up Mercenary, you should be able to figure it all out. Otherwise, I'll try to translate and go through our options as as I get chance. Missions: The Aslan Assessment Service Type: Security - Escort, Base Compensation Grade: B or C, +Dream, Recon, Base Compensation Grade: D. Short Mission upon arrival at Dentus 2d6 days. Obscure Exposure. Neutral Target (s) of potential value: Alien (Vargr). Ticket Risk - assumed Easy. Pre-Ticket Transport (Aslan Courier) and Post-Ticket Transport (Aslan Clan Transport). Medical Care on Dentus Scout Base available. Thoengling Interception Striker, Elimination, Dream or Unlawful Acquisition. C or D. Short Mission 1d6 weeks + hard deadline. Hidden Exposure. Target: Item - 18tons of TL10 ACR and ammo (Trade Goods), Commercial. Ticket Risk: Too Easy. Special Requirements: Secret Mission, Items must not make it to Anti-Rukh Coalition.