In your situation (little time because of college, and just starting to learn D&D 5E), I would advise that you look for "one shot" games of D&D 5E in the Looking For Group system, that specifically say they are welcoming new players, as a way to keep learning with other people and actually try playing it. If it says one-shot or short campaign, that way it won't be a long term commitment on your schedule. Keep reading your player's handbook too of course, because it shows a good effort to get prepared. Getting into a game will let you ask questions directly to a Game Master. Here is an initial search for D&D 5E games that are looking for players currently, and welcomes new players: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Also, there are recorded and broadcasted games to watch other people playing if you like, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>