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1 click any roll macro

this macro for the most part works, the boxes work, most of the time the 3d dice work but nothing ever shows up in chat. this is part of a code that dose the same thing but gives you a normal/advantage/disadvantage roll and i was trying to take that out because this game doesn't have advantage/disadvantage /w gm &{template:simple}{{rname=?{Rolling for what}}} {{?{#dice|1}d?{die|20}+?{mod}}} here is the original macro /w gm &{template:simple} {{rname=?{Rolling for what}}} {{mod=?{mod|0}}} {{r1=[[?{#dice|1}d?{die|20}+?{mod}[MOD]]]}} {{?{(dis)advantage|normal|advantage|disadvantage|always}=1}} {{r2=[[?{#dice|1}d?{die|20}+?{mod}[MOD]]]}}

Edited 1473801850
Try this: /w gm &{template:simple} {{rname=?{Rolling for what}}} {{r1=[[ ?{#dice|1}d?{die|20} + ?{mod|0} ]]}} {{normal=1}}
still shows up blank in the chat
Is your game using the  5th Edition OGL by Roll20 Character Sheet?
no its a 2e game

Edited 1473802961
Okay. Try this, then: /w gm &{template: default } {{name=?{Rolling for what}}} {{[[ ?{#dice|1}d?{die|20} + ?{mod|0} ]]}} <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Thank you