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Vet player looking for a regular game

This is my second posting, I tried to start back in may but due to RL I was unable to start playing. Now that it's settled down, here I am. I have been playing AD&D since first edition. It's been about 10 years since I last played, since I live in a small town and my group I played with for over a decade all moved to different parts of the country.  I have played 1st ed, 2nd ed, third, 3.5 and have watched a lot of 5th ed. I DM'd most of the time for 20+ years, so it would be nice to be a player. Right now I'd like to try a 5th ed game, although I'd be willing to try the other editions. (except 4, its crap). My schedule is open right now, and I am on west coast time. Id like to jump in as soon as possible, and I generally prefer clerics or casters generally, although rogues are also something I have delved into over the years.
Bump. I am still looking for a game. Im quite experienced, know my stuff, and love building characters.
Hi, This may be of interest depending on your availability... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Forum Champion
hi shawn, I'll send you a PM about 2-3 games I know all based on AD&D 2nd Edition, that are looking for a good player if you want to revisit 2E. They're at different times and days, any of which might fit your open schedule.