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Set grid size to over 1000x1000 units. Game won't load.

Hi, all.  As the subject line suggests, my grid size is too big and now my game won't load. Can I fix this myself?  Could you point me in the right direction?  If you need to look, it's my Serpent's Skull campaign. Thanks very much.  Quest on!
I'm running Google Chrome on Windows 10 Professional 64-bit.  I've got 32gb RAM, and a 3.94 ghz "eight core" AMD processor, if that helps. To replicate the problem, simply set a hex grid to something over 1000x1000 units.  That seems to do it. I'm pretty freaked out, because I can't get to my campaign at all, and I'm one of those people who has uploaded tons and tons of stuff to make it all just right. Ironically, today was the day I was going to upgrade to a pro subscription, too. Any help would be so great.
Forum Champion
Hi Robert, I believe this issue is one that a member of the Dev Team can fix for you. I'll help make sure your thread is seen so that Devs can address it.
That would be so much appreciated.  I'm one of those perfectionist spaz people.  I've been staring at the screen for like eight hours.
In the meanwhile, here are some things to try out: Try accessing the game through both Chrome and Firefox. If an "unresponsive script" prompt pops up, try letting things sit for several minutes. If the game still fails to load, answer the prompt such that the "unresponsive script" stops. If the Player Ribbon is on a different Page, you should be able to solve this by promoting a player to GM. Afterwards, that player should be able to access the Page Settings.
Thanks, guys.  I was able to get in with Firefox as you suggested, Silvyre. Which is a great thing, since my Players all seem to feel real life is more important than these matters (for some reason) and cannot therefore be counted on to so much as level up their own characters, much less meta in any manner.  LOL.  Seriously, it could take weeks trying to get one of them to help fix something. Maybe one of you guys has some suggestion on the best way to handle a large outdoor map?  I've gone to square grid for now - still trying to push the grid size to something like, let's see . . .  1245x1905 units. We'll see if that works.  I don't mind the squares at all.  Preferable, really, since it's PF.   This Serpent's Skull thing has an island - it's not all that huge, but it's big, about a mile across.  I'd like to go ahead and do the typical PF five foot squares, if it's possible, then just use the poster map, as big as I can make it.  Green pixel blurs will be jungle, tan will be sand . . . That way, I'm thinking I can avoid making ten or so "zone maps" so to speak.  You know - a road map, a jungle map, a jungle clearing map, a beach map . . . etc.  If I have to, I can use one token to represent the party's movement 500 feet at a time, or something, and then cut to such zone maps for up close combat - but man, it would be so much better to let them move around on the island and reveal areas . . . What do you pros do for this sort of thing? Thanks so much again.

Edited 1475536591
Forum Champion
For mapping area as large as a square-mile at 5-foot scale, I would chop that down into at least 16 pages. (4 maps across, 4 maps North to South). Each page would cover as much as 250x250 units, and experimentally push up from there. You mentioned just green and tan colors, are you planning to use map background images (more MB, more resources), or just page background color + drawing tool shape colors? &nbsp;Do you plan to add objects like, say, trees, buildings, rooftops, firepits, and of course there would be tokens of PC's, NPC and monsters. &nbsp;Do you plan to use dynamic lighting at all on this? &nbsp;These kinds of factors can stack up, especially on larger pages. It isn't a hard limit but you'll see slowdowns if you start to get 100's of objects on the page, or many megabytes of graphics. Wiki docs, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Thanks for that feedback, Gold.&nbsp; I was wondering how about how map pages would be normal for an area that size. I don't think I'll be using anything more than maybe a token or two for tents or rubble.&nbsp; The rest will be PC's, NPC's, and monsters.&nbsp; I don't think I'll be doing anything with dynamic lighting on the outdoor maps, either.&nbsp; If it's night, I'll just say it's night, and I'll just eyeball it on the distances perception checks to spot monsters are done at.&nbsp; Same thing with boulders or jungle trees - just stating that they're there. I don't know about the impact of macros - I do have several of those.&nbsp; Also, many, many handouts, character sheets, etc. Right now, I've switched it to a grid of squares and believe it or not, it seems to be working at 1,000+ squares.&nbsp; Almost 2,000 for the height.&nbsp; The map is something like 175,000 pixels wide.&nbsp; It looks pretty good.&nbsp; I have high hopes it can work like this - as you say, if I don't add anything fancy.&nbsp; It's really cool to zoom out and see those tiny tokens way down there on that beach.&nbsp; Gives a sense of the enormity of their predicament, hopefully. If it hangs up again, I think I'll know I'm really pushing it too far, and I'll have to switch to some quadrant maps or something.&nbsp; This machine I'm using is for graphic design, so it's got 32gb of RAM.&nbsp; It may well turn out that the Players' PCs can't handle this, though. I appreciate you guys' help a lot.&nbsp; Thanks.&nbsp; And happy questing!
Forum Champion
Keep me posted, I'm always interested to find results from people experimenting with page size, map scale, and graphics optimization. I don't think macros would add very much bulk. &nbsp;If the character sheet you're using has a lot of attributes like some of the larger sheets, this can add loading bulk when you have a large number of characters.