Hi Axel! I'm currently in the middle of setting up a Dungeon World game during Mondays on a European friendly time, which is honestly quite the coincidence. I haven't nailed down the exact time, but I'm looking at a 19:00 CEST timeslot. The plan is to use The Cold Ruins of Lastlife, from Magpie Games/DriveThruRPG, as a setting basis and go from there for a darker, bleaker campaign much in the vein of Dark Souls which has directly inspired Lastlife. Don't have any concrete pages or anything yet since I'm still setting them up. I'll likely have them very soon, perhaps even by the time you read this. I'm also quite new to Roll20 (though not online tabletops) and how things work here especially on the GM side, so having an experienced hand ready would be immensely helpful, if you're willing to show me a few tips at times (though I'm confident I can figure out at least most of it on my own!).