Getting excited yet? I know I am! Let's try to get all of the prep done ahead of time so we can hit the ground rolling on Sunday. The Athena will be done on 055-1111, and our plan is to spend about two weeks after that moving in, settling the crew in, setting up security and network protocols, shopping for provisions, etc.. Thanks to Izek, the Launch on 70-1111 will be an Event, with fireworks, good food and drink, music, celebrities, and more. The climax of the celebration, of course, will be the christening and launch of the Athena on her maiden voyage, towards Regina and the mystery of the "Colonel 2.0." A few details about the ship and small craft to be settled before we go, as well as recording exactly what gear and other purchases we've picked up (or still need to pick up) for the company. GEAR Vic or I will be transferring the general gear that we've purchased so far from the "Inventory" tab in the Company Documents to the "Ship's Locker." Sebastien will need receipts from those who have or are planning on purchasing gear on the Company's tab. This includes the items that would have been on Crow's shopping list on Rhylanor and the stuff that the Mora Delegation picked up there. Kayleb is going to be our Quartermaster as well as our Security Chief, so he will be overseeing the Ship's Locker moving forward, and weeding out the surplus loots and other junk. Players should look at the "Ship's Locker" tab and the Wypoc Loots and communicate with him. Likewise, future requests for gear issued from or purchased for the Q-Store should go through him, and he will vet the requests and send them to Sebastien if needed. Crew Chiefs should have a standard equipment list for their staff and present it here or give it to Chief Groughtk ASAP. Drex and Taroon in particular, please give some thought to any special special medical or scientific gear that we need for the labs, workshops and med bay. Shopping and gearing-up should be done when we start on Sunday. So please post here or get in touch with either Kayleb or Sebastien before then if you need or want anything! TRAINING In the run up to taking possession of our new ship, we are spending four weeks running a “Boot Camp” for company employees new and old. The idea is to make sure every crew person on the Athena has some basic skills. Player characters don’t have to participate in the boot camp, but are strongly urged to do so- either to train the new crew or to train beside them. We have listed the following skills as general crew skills to be taught at the boot camp: Athletics Gun Combat Gunner or Heavy Weapons (For Security Personnel) Medic Vacc Suit Zero-G Training Any participant can gain as many as 4 of these skills at level 0, one for each week of training. Player characters can select for themselves, of course, and Crew Chiefs will select for their subordinates. Bridge Crew (First Officer Larzamonte/Second Officer Mazel) Janie Grownes, Claire Hardy, Seani Zyge (*Be sure to coordinate with the other Crew Chiefs on cross-training crew from other departments) Engineering (Chief Rothschild) Jana Vantent, Athen Flarker, Gilder de Brown (*Be sure to coordinate with the other Crew Chiefs on cross-training crew from other departments) Medical/Science (Doctor Vortarg/Doctor Hegey) Frank Stevelin, Darius Arturo Doyle, Thom Hobbs (*Be sure to coordinate with the other Crew Chiefs on cross-training crew from other departments) Security (Chief Groughtk) Bill Langdon, Tebor Trglet, George Crester, Diego Harris, Ashter Billet, Diana Jackson, Benjoe Garcia, Nisa Gonzal, Nancy Andrews, Yalley Osmond, Race Camden, Jerey Ugotiga, Sterling Uzbek, Carson Tanaka, Adrian Goddard This training period will be assumed to be done when we pick up Sunday, so please please post your training choices here.