Guys, sorry I missed last Wednesday's session and I might miss this Sunday as well but I do intend to stay with the group. I'll give you the short version, my wife was diagnosed with Stage Four Cancer about two months ago. For a few weeks she has been noticing her left arm growing weaker and they've been using radiation to try and stop the progression. Monday she started seeing the same issue with her right arm and a MRI showed significant damage to her spine, the worst being that the Cancer had caused a burst fracture of her C5 vertebrae which was causing a misalignment of the cord which caused her arm issues. They've operated and reconstructed her spine and she's been recovering from the operation, as you can imagine it's quite painful and she's going to have to remain in the Hospital for a week or two. I'm spending most of my time with her and trying to keep up on all that she's been doing around the house, it's a bit daunting and at the same time I'm amazed at how she was able to do all that she does so all the married guys give your wives a hug and just thank them for all that they do. I'll do my best to attend as much as I can. Feel free to use Taroon during my absence so that you have the the medical angle covered but I hope there won't many times you'll have to do that.