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Opinions on Multi DM/Player Campaigns

Im curious has anyone been in a game where there is a second group roaming around either via same dm or another dm. I don't mean at the same time as things  can get tricky but in the same world and players may hear about the events of the other group.

Edited 1476521491
I'm not sure where you're going with this. Yes, this happens, yes with some frequency.... but this is hardly a specific use question? Perhaps your question would be better off in the "general on-topic" thread? Was there something specific about that you wanted to know?

Edited 1476524910
Oh sorry I thought I was in the "general chat" area. Can a mod move this? 
My two D&D games happen in the same world and there have been joint games with players from both games present for major battles, they often hear about what the other group is up to. It is actually easier to have one world with groups in different areas. I use Earth in the late 9th century and incorporate actual events in the campaign.
It's both doable and very fun. Try it! :)
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
From the Roll20 Community Code of Conduct : The Roll20 Forums exist to discuss topics directly related to the use of the Roll20 program. Anything that more fittingly could be discussed on another website SHOULD be discussed there. So, do you have technical questions about how to facilitate running multiple groups through the same campaign space, or shall I move this to the off-topic locker? :)
You may move it.