I am not sure if this exist or not... I would like to assign a tooltip to the status indicator overlays. Sadly, I often forget why I picked one and assigned it to a token.. A tooltip would be nice... Maybe a campaign setting page where I can see all the status overlay indicators and I can enter a bit of text next to it... This could be for each game or perhaps for all my games. Although if I am running different systems I might want different tooltips.. D&D 5E tooltips, Star Wars Tooltips and etc... Then when I am running a game I can mouse over a status indicator on a token and it will display my tooltip. EXAMPLE TOOLTIP EDIT SCREEN. The page should have a duration setting to allow me to set how long it is displayed or until I click on the tooltip it stays up.. I prefer duration. Icon --- textbox you enter description - Example Tooltip while running game <a href="https://wiki.roll20.net/images/d/da/OverlayIcons.jpg" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.roll20.net/images/d/da/OverlayIcons.jpg</a>