Steps to reproduce Create a new game with the 5e Shaped Sheet as the character sheet Create a new character and open the character sheet Verify that all the ability scores are preset to 10 Switch the sheet to "display mode" by clicking the little pencil icon at the top Close and re-open the sheet to ensure that attributes display is fully populated Open the web console Switch to the attributes and abilities tab Find the Dexterity attribute and change it to 15 Switch back to the character sheet and examine the displayed attributes Expected behaviour You should see 15 displayed for dexterity and a +2 modifier. You should also see a bunch of sheet workers firing and some logging from within the sheetworkers themselves in the web console. Actual behaviour No sheetworkers fire, the display value for dexterity (which is actual a derivative of the primary dexterity attribute) remains at 10 and the modifier is still +0. Now obviously I understand that the sheetworkers are intended to support the character sheet itself, and direct editing of attributes is slightly separate from this, BUT: (1) the web console shows that the code does seem to be doing some of the preliminary work of firing sheetworkers without actually triggering the ones it should do for some reason and (2) allowing the attributes tab to "short-circuit" the sheetworkers makes this tab worse than useless when sheetworkers are present, since it leaves the character attributes in an inconsistent state which can potentially break the logic of a character sheet. If the attributes tab is still going to be displayed rather than hidden away as an "advanced debugging tool" when a character sheet is enabled, I think it should act consistently with editing the attribute values from elsewhere.