Just a post to flesh out Grobble's character. ((work in progress. Will finish soon)) (a photo of young Grobble taken while serving in the IISS (cipher). This is the image that was attached to his job resume.) TERM 1 QUALIFY: Scout (Courier-Ciphers) 9 SKILL: BASIC TRAINING Pilot-0 Astrogation-0 Sensors-0 Navigation-0 Zero G-0 Comms-1 (Cipher rank 1) Streetwise-1 (skill roll) SURVIVE: 9 EVENT: 65 You are involved in a secret black project that must be buried. You are given an extra benefit roll as compensation, but must leave the Scouts. ADVANCE: 10 Rank 2 Messenger 1st Class Linguistics-1 TERM 2 QUALIFY: Navy (Planetary-Crewman) 5 SKILL: BASIC TRAINING Gun-0 Pilot-1 SURVIVE: 9 EVENT: 45 Naval Event > Life Event > Contact ADVANCE: 4 fail. TERM 3 Navy Pilot (shuttle) SKILL: 6 +1 END SURVIVE: 9 EVENT: 56 The people of one world beg for assistance from naval military forces, but you are ordered not to intervene. The peoples’ cause is just, and you can unofficially’ aid them by secretly supporting them with weaponry or intelligence. If you do so, roll Deception 8+. Succeed, and gain an Ally. Fail, and suffer a -4DM to your next Advancement roll. (Failed) ADVANCE: 8-4 fail. TERM 4 Navy Pilot (shuttle) SKILL: 5 Mechanical SURVIVE: 6+1 EVENT: 64 You gain a reputation of going after the easy kill for your own glory, rather than for completing the mission successfully. You may gain one of Gunner or Pilot , but will automatically fail your next Advancement check. ADVANCE: 3 (Quit) TERM 5 Merchant (Free Trader) Trap Pilot SKILL: BASIC TRAINING Persuade-0 Astrogation-1 SURVIVE: 8 EVENT: Life Event > 12 Something Weird > 5 Gov? ADVANCE: 9 Rank 1 "Tramp Hand" Space Science TERM 6 Merchant (Free Trader) Trap Pilot SKILL: 5 Pilot SURVIVE: 11 EVENT: 43 You hear something you were not supposed to after hours on deck. If you keep quiet, gain +1 DM to your next Advancement roll. (Kept it quiet) ADVANCE: 6+1 Rank 2 Comms TERM 7 Merchant (Free Trader) Trap Pilot SKILL: Advocate-1 SURVIVE: 4 Fail. Engineer mistake ruins 2d6x1000 worth of cargo. Pay this and continue in career. EVENT: You are put in temporary charge of the paperwork for the crew. Gain Admin 1, Broker 1 or Computers 1 . (computers) ADVANCE: 6 fail. AGE ROLL: 8 TERM 8 Merchant (Free Trader) Trap Pilot SKILL: Comms SURVIVE: 8 EVENT: 16 Life Event . 9 Travel. +2 to next qualification. ADVANCE: 4 fail. TERM 9 Merchant (Free Trader) Trap Pilot SKILL: Space Science SURVIVE: 8 EVENT: 23 Good word. +1 Social or influence ADVANCE: 6 no. AGE ROLL 8 TERM 10 Merchant (Free Trader) Trap Pilot SKILL: 3 Comms SURVIVE: 3 fail. Your ship is caught carrying illegal cargo. Dump it and gain an Ally in law enforcement, deliver it and gain an Ally in a smuggler’s ring . (smuggler) TERM 11 Smuggler (Blockade Runner) QUALIFY: 6 -3 +2 +1 SKILL: Basic Training Deception-0. Pilot SURVIVE: 8 EVENT: Your ship suffers a systems failure as a key component breaks down. Lose any Benefit rolls from this term but gain the smuggler–friendly engineer who repairs it as a Contact. You may also gain Mechanic 1, Engineering (any) 1 , Broker or Computers from his tutelage (Eng) ADVANCE: 7 Engineer AGE 12 TERM 12 Smuggler SKILL: Engineer SURVIVE: 8 EVENT: 54 You smuggle anagathics in for a local noble. Gain him as a Contact . ADVANCE: Rank 2 (+1 benefit) Mechanic (A more recent image of Grobble.)