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[5e Shaped] 6.11.3+

Kryx , me and my friend found a solution for those who want to change from whisper a roll to a open roll without the need to change in settings all the time (Dont know if i'm being redundant here, but its a good thing to put as an option in sheets configuration) You could insert a settings option for " output_option " attribute to be instead of only 2 options " Public for all to see " (that leaves ' output_option ' attribute blank) and " Whisper to the GM " (that put ' /w GM ' in ' output_option ' in attributes), an 3rd option to ' Choose when you Roll ' (much like the Roll20's OGL sheet). And its easy to make it by yourself (i'm not a pro, so i cant edit it), just go to Attributes & Abilities and insert a third option inside the "output_option" attribute to be this macro (stolen from Roll20's OGL sheet):  ?{Whisper?|Public Roll,|Whisper Roll,/w gm }     I really hope this could be an adition in a upgrade soon! Thx for all the excelent work!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Shaped used to have that third option, but it was removed. I can't quite remember why now... If anyone remembers let me know. Otherwise I can try to add it back.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: Shaped used to have that third option, but it was removed. I can't quite remember why now... If anyone remembers let me know. Otherwise I can try to add it back. Don't quote on me on it, but I think  that back then the output_option variable had a different format that wasn't just /w GM or empty. I don't think it should be an issue anymore.
Howdy Kryx, Just noticed, but it seems that on the latest version the V, S, and M filters are broken on the spells tab. They do nothing. Additionally, Cantrips filter is removing ALL spells, including cantrips. As a continuation, I second the idea to remove the "Target" spot on the spells, it's never autofilled by the SRD, and a lot of spells don't have a simply defined target anyways.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Target only works for spells imported via the script or manually typed. I'll check the other issues.
Kryx said: Shaped used to have that third option, but it was removed. I can't quite remember why now... If anyone remembers let me know. Otherwise I can try to add it back. Please do! its a excelent option for players to hide rolls when they want!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jakob said: EDIT: More importantly, something seems to reset spell slots to full? Reproduction path: create a new character sheet, set wizard level to 1, set spell slots to 1/2, close character sheet and reopen it, spell slots are now 2/2. Kryx said: That slots issue could be a result of the forced upgrade. I'll check into that. Another thing about the forced upgrade: with the current version, EVERY time you open a character sheet (for the first time), it recalculates the spell list from scratch. That can take a LONG time. Subsequent openings of a char sheet with lots of spells are faster, but are still noticably slower to load than they are in 6.5.x (+spell slot refilling as above).

Edited 1478351901
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I've removed the forced upgrade if you grab the latest from github. It still upgrades if needed, but doesn't upgrade on every sheet opening.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: I've removed the forced upgrade if you grab the latest from github. It still upgrades if needed, but doesn't upgrade on every sheet opening. Works just fine, thanks!
Minor thing I noticed on live that happens in the test campaign as well. - Adding a new skill, the macro output has (STR) in the title even though no stat is selected for the skill when added. Then if you select a stat and switch the skill back to "-" the output for the skill is a red "[0]" in the title in place of the stat.
I'm back from vacation and doing a few NPCs from storm king a day. Haven't done much with Volo's. I have it, but I'm assuming it's the same. So far things are better, so mostly I'll put individual notes here and see if you see any trends, because I'm not seeing any broad ones besides spells in the last two days. v6.11.6. Love the new spell layout. Duke Zalto still had some blank lines after his siege monster ability. Duvessa Shane Didn't import her parry ability, just the title. Also added a period after the word "Parry". Felgolos imported all his attacks. He should have had the former attack bug, right?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Anyone else experience essentially a hanging browser when importing spellcasting NPCs (via !shaped-monster or !shaped-import-statblock)? When I click the Import button, it starts working, but then the whole tab hangs and never comes back. The character is left in some kind of half-processed state after that, with many things not calculated. The spells are there, but the "display" spell list (if you know what I mean) isn't populated at all. On closer inspection, importing spells via API command seems to be broken in general when importing many spells at once, which is probably what leads to the above error. You can click 'Import' just fine, and the spells are successfully put into the repeating sections, but then the sheet (and the whole tab) hangs while calculating something in the background . After closing it and re-entering the game, you end up with massively duplicated entries in the 'display' spell list, as reported earlier(some race condition?). Also, the spells haven't been imported 100%: all spells with 'at higher levels' data are broken at this point (damage spells just do not display the query, healing spells don't work at all).
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes, importing spells will lag the sheet like hell currently due to the way the spell list is setup. I've tried to understand how the roll20 devs expect these situations to work, but haven't received much in response.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...

Edited 1478801323
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I finally have free time and I'm working on a solution now. Solution idea: Now that we can remove repeating sections via sheetworkers I'm going to split up spells into different repeating sections. When a spell level changes it'll be removed from one repeating section and added to another. This method has a number of advantages such a only updating certain parts of the chat macro or for sorting purposes or no longer having to keep 2 sections in sync which will cause lag. Gone will be the 2 separate lists. Condensed view will be the current inline "Spell list" view and any uncondensed view will have the spell levels as titles on the line above those spells. The change will be automated so no need to worry about any of the details. It'll take me a few days to get it all to work though.

Edited 1478880911
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Spells revamp (it'll be version 7.0.0) is making good progress. If you want to see it check the test campaign or use the code from this branch:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Short changelog that will be included in the official release: Spells revamped to one repeating section for each level. The old repeating section for all spells and a repeating section of a small list for each level will be removed and converted to the new system. The condensed view will function as the spell list. The uncondensed view will function as the spell book view with level titles. Added a toggle named&nbsp;"Prepared matters" which will show and hide prepared toggles and information for spells. It'll automatically be toggled for the appropriate classes Spells will automatically be prepared when they are added now. The "Target" field for spells has been removed The setting to "hide unprepared spells" for the spells macro has been removed - it actually hasn't worked for a few versions now and no one has noticed :P Still todo: Make the level titles bigger in the uncondensed view. Convert&nbsp;old spells to the repeating sections sorted by level prepared has a new value of "Yes" and is toggled by default Move spell from one repeating section to another when level is changed. automatically toggle the new "Prepared matters" on the settings page for Wizard, Paladin, etc Align the repeating section controls better Check that psionics works in the new system. It's likely half implemented I'd like to make the spells macro default to normal size, we'll see what I can do. I may convert old sheets or some other solution. Changes to the spells section like adding a spell or removing a spell should generate the chat macro much quicker now (as it's only doing the level that is adjusted) which should reduce the lag. The sheet will also no longer try to keep multiple repeating sections in sync which should significantly reduce the lag. There are still lots of bugs I'm sure so please don't make a list of them until I make a release - I need to do more testing. I'm just informing people of the upcoming change. :)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Took a look at the new layout. Slick. Very nice.&nbsp;
I like the new layout a lot too. Really looks like it's coming along. Will there be a way to disable psionics from the homepage, but keep spells enabled?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Psionics is manually turned on independently from spells.
Couple of small things I noticed with the current test version (again I know WIP, so ignore if you have already fixed it), tested using a new character: Drag Scimitar from Compendium - Attack Checkbox is not checked by default, but finesse property is set when you check it. &nbsp;Damage attribute is set to strength, rather than finesse Drag Longbow from Compendium - Attack Checkbox is not checked by default, once checked, no stat is selected. &nbsp;Range is not automatically set. Create 3rd Level Wizard, spellbook shows correct spells and spell levels, however Cantrips do not appear by default. &nbsp;If you drag a cantrip from the Compendium into a 1st level slot it does add the Cantrip repeating section, which from that point you can properly add additional cantrips. This is probably a compendium issue and not a sheet issue, but figured I should confirm it prior to opening issue with Roll20. &nbsp;After dragging Fire Bolt in from Compendium, output includes unexpected line breaks as shown below:
Sheet Author
API Scripter
New thread:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>