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Dynamic lighting / Fog of War

Does anyone know a good solution to the following: player A has a torch, and player B has a torch. Player C has no light source. A and B both go into different rooms. What i have noticed is that players A, B and C can now see both rooms because they have an active light source. it seems that any light source that is set to allow players to see is on no matter where the players are. I assume you can use a combination of Fog of war with Dynamic lighting, but the Fog tool is tough to use because you have to manually show and hide as the tokens move. Is there a way to set a Fog of war aura around the player tokens so they can only see an active light source if they are in range of it? Thanks in advance Chuck G
Forum Champion
Remove the 'players can see' checkmark and assign that player control over the light bearing token. That way only that player can see that lightsource. The drawback is that you will have to checkmark the 'players can see' box whenever they are in the same room. Otherwise, no, dynamic lighting is not based on can the token in question see that lightsource. It is based on how far that lightsource reaches. - Gauss